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HOUSING ACCOUNT— continued' Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946 Liabilities £ Assets £ £ Loan liability .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,813,033 Principal owing under agreements for sale and Sundry creditors— £ purchase .. .. .. .. 98,407 Tenancy deposits .. .. .. ' . . 20,425 Advances under— Rent paid in advance .. .. .. .. 17,215 Part 111, Housing Act, 1919 (loans to employers) 4,807 Departmental .. .. .. .. 97,096 Part V, Housing Act, 1919 (local authorities: Miscellaneous .. .. . . 35,059 Urban housing) .. .. . . 590, 226 169,795 Rural Housing Act, 1939 .. .. 140,283 Insurance Reserve .. .. . . . . .. 452,560 Reserves: Rented properties (new), (rates, maintenance, bad 833,723 debts, and vacant tenancies) .. .. .. .. 1,352, 394 Instalments of principal overdue .. .. 4,179 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 52,786 Interest receivableOverdue .. .. .. .. 2,664 Accrued . . .. .. . . 3,662 Recoverable expenditure . .. .. 80 844,308 Less amount in hand unallocated .. 4,656 839,652 Rented properties (old) .. .. .. 721,254 Less Depreciation Reserve .. . . 114,006 607,248 Rented properties (new) .. . . . . 28,469,019 Less Depreciation Reserve .. .. 1,117,502 27,351,517 Rent receivable— Overdue .. .. . . . . 25,662 Postponed .. .. .. .. 327 Accrued .. .. .. .. 14,791 40,780 Sundry debtors.. .. .. .. .. 381 Writings-off Suspense .. .. .. .. 990 £28,840,568 £28,840,568 Note.—Dwellings under construction and vacant land are under the control of the Public Works Pepartment, and all expenditure in connection therewith is included in the accounts of that Department,