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R.—7 [PT. ll]



(a) £305,000 provided on main estimates. Additional appointments of office staff, field staff, and farm managers due to increased work in connection with settlement of servicemen on the land and administration of the Servicemen s Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, and return to duty of staff from the Armed Forces. (b) £7,000 provided on main estimates. Appointment of additional field inspectors and surveyors in connection with 'settlement of servicemen necessitates the purchase of additional vehicles, replacement of worn-out vehicles, and supplying Government vehicles where previously private cars were used on a mileage allowance. Also, expenditure incurred in 1944-45 not brought to charge until 1945-46. (r) £3,500 provided on main estimates. Additional provision required for expansion of offices to accommodate increased staff and storage space for topographical maps and aerial photographs. (<I) £2,000 provided on main estimates. Additional provision due mainly to preparatory work and mapping in connection with the census.


Salaries. | Other Charges. Total. VOTE—LANDS AND SURVEY— £ £ £ Subdivision I.—Administration.. .. .. 11,000 9,500 20,500 II.—Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. .. 11,786 11,786 jjj—Scenery Preservation, Bird Sanctuaries, National Parks, Recreation Grounds, and Domains .. .. 50,180 50,180 GROSS Total .. .. •• 11,000 71,466 82,466 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. •• 3,000 675 3,675 NET TOTAL .. .. • • 8,000 70,791 78,791 Number £ £ £ * j? or S erv ; ces chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — 1945-46j 1944-45 continued ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUN T—continued VOTE—LANDS AND SURVEY Subdivision No. I. —Administration I Salaries — Professional Division Director of Land Development: Allowance at £100 per annum (part year) .. .. .. • • 25 Other Salaries 73 .. 73 (£100 to £840), (additional).. .. .. .. (o)10,975 11,000 Other Charges for and incidental to — Motor-vehicles : Purchase (additional) .. .. .. (6) 4,500 Office furniture and fittings : Purchase (additional) .. (c) 3,000 Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. .. (d) 2,000 9,500 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Managers' salaries : Development of blocks 3,000 Total—Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 20,500 '