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8.—7 [PT. ll]




Salaries. Other Charges. Total. VOTE—JUSTICE AND PRISONS— £ £ £ Subdivision I. —Justice .. .. .. .. .. 3,250 800 4 050 II—Prisons .. .. .. .. .. 625 ' 625 GROSS Total .. .. . . .. .. .. 3,250 1,425 4,675 Credits-in-aid .. .. 300 Dr. 5,000 Dr. 4,700 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,950 6,425 9,375 ofPersons. For Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund — £ £ continued 1945-46 1944-45 ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—continued VOTE—JUSTICE AND PRISONS Subdivision No. I. —Justice Patent Office Other Charges for and incidental to — Office fittings and requisites (additional) .. .. (a) 400 Supreme, Magistrates', and Warden's Courts Salaries— Other Salaries •• i 10 (£180 to £380), (additional).. .. .. ■ ■ (b) 2,700 Unclassified 1 1 Stipendiary Magistrate at £1,100 (6 months) .. .. (c) 550 H •• 3,250 Other Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate allowances to widows of deceased officers (additional) .. .. .. .. .. (rf) 400 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote): — £ Salary of Magistrate acting as Revision Authority 300 3,650 Total—Subdivision No. I .. .. .. 4,050 Subdivision No. II.—Prisons Other Charges for and incidental to— Prisons and institutional upkeep— Clothing, bedding, furniture, &c. (additional) .. .. (e) 175 Compassionate grants to widows of deceased officers (additional) .. .. .. .. (J) 450 General prison industries, farms, works, &c. : Materials, equipment, rents, royalties, and other expenses in connection with— Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — Amount provided in main estimates not now £ recoverable: Quarries and gravel-pits (g) Dr. 5,000 Total—Subdivision No. 11 .. .. .. (525 Gross Total.. .. .. .. .. 4,675 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. j) r _ NET TOTAL _ <^375 (a) £5 provided on main estimates. New fittings for Patent Office records. (b) £87,830 provided on main estimates. Provision made for officers returning from military service. (0) Appointment to complete complement. (d) £100 provided on main estimates. (e) £2,000 provided on main estimates. Part renewal of beds at Invercargill Borstal. (/) £50 provided on main estimates. (g) £16,000 provided on main estimates. Shortage of staff is expected to reduce the output from the Auckland quarry.