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B. —7 [Pt. I]




la) Now included in Public Accounts as " Other Roceipts—Audit Office." . . (6) Now included in Public Accounts as " Other Receipts—Dept. of Island Territories.' _ (c) Includes provision for votes ''Public Works Departmental" and "Ministry of Works previously included in Public Works Account.


Page 1944-45. Summary of Services chargeable on 1945-46. the Consolidated Fund Voted. Expended. Credits-in- w , Tnt „ 1a Credits-in- N . Tnt .„ lH Credits-in- N , CONSOLIDATED FUND aid. Net i0tals- aid. JNet lotalH ' aid. Wet lHtals ' ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT £ 1 E Permanent Appropriations : — 8 Civil List 35,160 .. 31,790 .. 31,349 Debt Services, — 9 Interest .. 18,252,976 .. 17,552,149 .. 17,323,346 9 Repayment of Public Debt .. 3,914,184 .. 3,677,896 .. 3,585,147 9 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 182,546 9 Administration and Management . • .. 230,000 .. 173,000 .. 296,606 9 Payments on Guaranteed Loans .. .. • • ■ • • • • ■ Cr. 3,948 22,422,160 .. 21,413,045 .. 21,383,697 Under Special Acts of the Legislature,— 10 Highways .. •• •• 2,126,000 .. 1,671,000 .. 1,916,948 10 Other Special Acts 412,503 4,417,015 4,656,400 2,538,503 .. 6,088,015 .. 6,573,348 24,995,823 .. 27,532,850 .. 27,988,394 Annual Appropriations :— =====. . = = 12 Vote, Legislative .. .. •• 2,484 125,081 3,032 116,795 2,187 121,506 19 >( Prime Minister's Department .. 250 36,487 300 36,510 299 35,628 20 „ External Affairs .. .. 19,910 207,987 16,500 177,741 16,104 177,023 Fiti&tiCG 24 Vote Treasury .. .. •• 76,041 72,400 268,900 82,810 170,773 94,837 27 Customs .. 22,507 188,350 21,026 161,713 19,081 156,842 30 " Land and Income Tax .. 134,200 363,383 122,200 231,080 129,116 211,112 32 Stamp Duties .. •• 800 164,372 875 135,107 1,102 136,407 34 ', Audit .. •• •• (®) 90,191 35,000 43,598 33,569 43,896 233,548 878,696 448,001 654,308 353,64-1 643,094 General Administration, — — __7~ 35 Vote, Public Service Commissioner's 1,600 28,475 I,o00 19,22o l,3ol 20,o74 36 Internal Affairs .. .. 158,404 613,833 141,876 595,094 144,610 585,815 4.4. Island Territories .. .. (b) 388,177 43,200 284,292 42,724 286,706 47 Printing and Stationery .. .. 413,469 .. 434,379 .. 409,035 4S " Marine . .. 25,120 206,378 12,995 202,028 19,042 183,851 « " Labour .. 1,775 261,781 1,875 265,167 3,352 239,143 59 " Native " .. 34,000 351,936 22,000 365,415 9,753 330,586 62 " Valuation " .. .. 10,130 69,842 12,355 45,796 10,333 48,491 64 " Electoral 25 25,393 100 16,582 229 11,225 66 Census and Statistics .. 5,500 131,500 3,000 34,000 592 32,988 68 National Service .. .. 401,778 .. 357,100 .. 364,28o 70 ;; Rehabilitation .. .. 75 218,459 50 164,606 76 142,080 638,407 2,709,243 596,051 2,416,584 596,327 2,290,494 72 Vote, Justieo and Prisons .. .. 112,035 289,390 112,300 259,565 111,969 267,261 79 Crown Law 250 10,087 250 8,766 124 8,476 81 " Police 9,250 875,675 10,600 789,557 11,921 759,193 121,535 1,175,152 123,150 1,057,888 124,014 1,034,930 84 Vote, Maintenance of Public Works 1,928,137 (c)2,066,000 2,119,555 696,000 2,483,264 881,715 and Services