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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives

ORDERS OF REFERENCE Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives Wednesday, the 18th Day op July, 1945 Ordered " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting, by leave, of seventeen members, to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Maori race which may be referred to it, and from time to time to report thereon to this House : the Committee to consist of Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Cottcrill, Mr. Cullen, Mr. Langstone, Mr. Lowry, Mr. Massey, Mr. Murdoch, Mr. Omana, Mr. Paikea, Mr. Ratana' Mr. Sim, Mr. Smith, Mr. W. Sullivan, Mr. Thorn, the Hon. Mr. Tirikatene, Mr. Williams, and the Mover." (Hon! Mr. Mason.) Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1944 be again referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said session.—(Hon. Mr. Nash.) Friday, the 10th Day of August, 1945 Ordered, "That the petition of Heta- Lewis and others be referred direct to the Maori Affairs Committee." (Mr. Paikea.) Monday, the 3bd Day op December, 1945 Ordered, " That the Native Purposes Bill be referred to the Maori Affairs Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Mason.) Tuesday, the 4th Day of December, 1945 Ordered, " That the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Bill be referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (Hon. Mr. Mason.) Memoranda for the Chairman, Maori Affairs Committee :— " Pursuant to section 40 of the Native Purposes Act, 1931, Paper No. 174 (Balance-sheet and Statements of Accounts of the East Coast Native Trust Lands for Year ended 30th June, 1945) stands referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (26th October, 1945.) " Pursuant to section 40 of the Native Purposes Act, 1931, Paper No. 175 (Balance-sheet and Statements of Accounts of the East Coast Native Trust Lands : Mangatu, Nos. 1, 3, and 4 Blocks) stands referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (26th October, 1945.) " Pursuant to section 19 of the Native Purposes Act, 1943, Paper No. 192 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 308 of 1936, of Mutu Karaitiana, concerning the boundaries between the Poupuotahi and Matatuowhiro Blocks and the Te Aute College Endowment Reserve) stands referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (Bth November 1945.) " Pursuant to section 18 of the Native Purposes Act, 1941, Paper No. 185 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 56 of 1939, of Dick Stirling, praying for relief in respect of the Otaimina Block) stands referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (Bth November, 1945.) " Pursuant to section 23 of the Native Purposes Act, 1938, Paper No. 231 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 49 of 1937, of Teoti Timoti Karetai and others, praying for an investigation of the Native reserve in Princes Street, Dunedin) stands referred to the Maori Affairs Committee." (6th December, 1945.)