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13.—1 [FT. IV]

NATIONAL BROADCASTING SERVICE Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1943 Expenditure ' £ _ Income r-LQ^wu Expcnditujp on programmes, including salaries of pro- License fees .. .. •• ..'. 'f."',. gramme staff .. .. 89,345 Receipts from New Zealand Listener.. .. ■■ 30,3bb Maintenance of plant, including salaries of engineering Interest .. .. •. ■■ 14,270 and operating staffs .. .. • . 47,044 Rent .. .. •• . ''m t, •' 1 ' General administrative and running expenses, including National Commercial Broadcasting Service: lecnnical salaries of administrative and clerical staffs.. .. 37,271 services .. .. .. •• •• 10,331 Expenditure on New Zealand Listener .. .. 25,060 Subsidies to " B " stations . . .. .. 210 Payments to stations operating under contract .. 1,002 Broadcasting units with the N.Z.E.F. overseas .. 2,296 Troop entertainment in New Zealand . . . . 1,259 Contributions to Public Service Superannuation Fund.. 666 Contribution to Radio Research Committee .. .. 503 Depreciation of assets .. •• •• 26,391 Balance, transferred to Accumulated Fund .. .. 374,361 £605,408 £605,408 The receipts from license fees show an increase through a change in the method of collection. Fees are now collected a year in advance instead of for six months or a lesser period. The amount of yearly receipts will adjust itself in succeeding years. Ihe above Revenue Account includes the total fees actually received during the period. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1943 Liabilities Assets Accumulated Fund— £ £ Land and buildings .. .. •• •• J 1 „ Balance as at Ist April, 1942 .. ..1,080,267 Machinery and plant ->,7. J Transfer from Revenue Account .. 374,361 Office and studio equipment 21,492 1,454,628 Newsprint and stocks .. .. .. •• J, lot License fees in hands of Post and Telegraph Department 92,499 "B " station purchases .. •• •• •; 1,000 Sundry creditors .. . • •• ■■ 18,125 Works in progress, and stocks of technical equipment lroon and valves .. •• •• •• ■■ Io,JBU Sundry debtors and prepayments .. .. . • 114,331 Temporary investments .. .. 1,180,000 Accrued interest thereon .. .. 4,873 1,184,873 Cash in bank — Broadcasting Account .. .. 24,192 Broadcasting Imprest Account .. 1,332 —: 25,524 £1,565,252 £1,565,252 James Shelley, Director of Broadcasting. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.