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Laid on the Table of both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave

A report on the activities of the Canteen Board, together with Trading and Profit Accounts and Balance-sheet, is submitted horeunder. The following are at present members of the Canteen Board, which was established under the Defence Canteen Emergency Eegulations ] 939 : — Hon. F. Jones (Chairman). Air Commodore F. E. T. Hewlett, D.8.O., O.B.E. Colonel C. W. Salmon, D.C.M. Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander H. R. Sleeman, M.B.E. B. C. Ashwin, Esquire. R. P. Fraser, Esquire. Mr. J. H. Slater is Secretary of the Board. Canteen services for the New Zealand Armed Forces in this country and all areas of the Pacific are controlled by the Board. Small units which have not been brought within the scope of the Board's retail organization have the facility of purchasing from bulk stores operated by the Board. Thus all members are assured of having access to available lines. All calls for service have been met, although this has in many cases necessitated unprecedented organization to meet varying needs. The Secretary of the Canteen Board is responsible for giving effect to the Board's policy, including staffing, purchasing, supply, and accounting. These functions are performed by a section of the New Zealand Government Public Service of which the Secretary is the Officer in Charge. The low percentage of administrative expenses to revenue (0-40) assures those concerned that an efficient organization is provided at a cost which will bear any investigation. It is the policy of the Board to stock only those lines for which there is a demand, and articles are not stocked in the hope of creating a demand or on a sale or return basis. Arrangements are immediately made to procure lines which are demanded but which are not in stock. Supply arrangements are made through the Ministry of Supply or direct with manufacturers or New Zealand distributors at wholesale prices. Chain-store selling-prices apply generally, and prices fixed for certain proprietary lines are observed. Special low prices are arranged for a number of essential and popular lines. Official price-lists are published from time to time for the information of canteen patrons. Contact with the Government supply authorities ensures that a proper balance is preserved between civilian and Service requirements outside the scope of the equipment and ration issues. The male staff, which provides the actual selling service in New Zealand, is comprised of returned soldiers or men ineligible for service overseas, while members of the W.A.A.C. and W.A.A.F. are employed wherever practicable. Apart from the rent of buildings, which are provided by the Services concerned, out of revenue the Board meets all expenses of operation, including staff salaries, cost of rations and quarters, sea freight, railages, &c. The Board provides motion-picture services at sixteen locations, where modern projection and sound equipment ensures that the programmes procured are screened to best advantage. The conduct of servicemen in wet canteens is closely watched, and effective picketing ensures that there is no abuse of this privilege. A high, standard of cleanliness, combined with regular inspection, ensures that a most hygienic and well-conducted service is rendered. The Profit and Loss Appropriation Balance which appears below is arrived at as under :—

Year ended Net Profit. Distributed. £ s. d. £ s. d. 31st March, 1940 .. .. .. 11,607 15 5 2,330 0 0 31st March, 1941 .. .. .. 51,060 8 5 16,838 14 1 31st March, 1942 .. .. .. 87,739 5L0 28,50112 9 31st March, 1943 .. .. .. 278,514 10 5 49,761 7 5 428,928 0 1 97,431 14 3 Undistributed, 31st March, 1943 ■■ 331,496 5 10 ..