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Buildings and Works Little new construction work has been undertaken during the year, the chief activities of the Fortifications and Works Branch being in connection with the completion of coast defence works already in hand and the salvage of vacated camps in conjunction with the Buildings Section of the War Assets Realization Board.

Pay Accounts and: Base Records The total staff employed at Base Records as at 31st March, 1944, was 579, including 432 women. 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force casualties reported up to 31st March, 1944, were as follows: —

Conclusion The heavy reductions in the Home Army and Pacific garrisons have destroyed almost overnight many units and training establishments which had been built up to a lngh state of efficiency under emergency conditions by the zeal and hard work of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men concerned.. This sacrifice of the results of their labours was a sore disappointment to them and makes the efficient co-operation they displayed in carrying out the reductions all the more praiseworthy. The Home Guard has now passed into Reserve after service of the greatest value, both to the Army and the people of New Zealand over a lengthy period. The keenness and self-sacrifice' of this large body of officers and men. in their preparations to defend their country were remarkable and an example to their fellow-citizens. To the women of the Army—the Army Nursing Service and the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps—the Army and the public owe a debt of gratitude for their devotion to duty, keenness, and quiet efficiency. The co-operation of the sister Services, Government Departments, and civil organizations has continued on the same high level as lief ore. I must once more place on record my high appreciation of the efficiency, hard work, and devotion to duty displayed by the staff of all ranks at Army and other Headquarters throughout the year. E. Puttick, Lieutenant-General, Commanding New Zealand Military Forces.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (629 copies), £!) 10s.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1944.

Price 6d.]


Theatre of War. " Middle East. United Kingdom. Pacific. Total. t» M M S3 Detail. 3 " 1 3 A M ■/«■/* * e £ 8 a | •§ f S . ■§ § £ | Killed in action .. 228 2,782 3,010 . . 2 2 8 84 92 236 2,868 3,104 Died of wounds .. 88 1,297 1.385 ..116 15 21 94 1,. 13 1,407 Deaths due to accident .. 3 174 177 .. 10 10 6 30 35 8 214 222 Died of sickness .. 8 185 193 .. 8 8 5 25 30 13 218 231 Prisoners of war .. 383 6,439 6,822 4 4 383 6,443 6,826 Missing .. •• 17 525 542 1 17 18 18 542 560 Wounded 843 12,015 12,858 .. 3 3 20 202 222 863 12,220 13,083 Totals .. . 1,570 23,417 24,987 .. 24 24 45 377 422 1,615 23,818 25,433