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Imperial Coal Syndicate, Capleston.—An old mine situated on Coghlan's leasehold was reopened by this party in May and the extraction of pillars carried out to the end of the year. The seam operated was the Reafton No. 4, the coal being of a very soft nature and varying in height from 5 ft. to 15 ft. Nicholls' Mine, Capleston.—This mine is situated on the Capleston side of Williams' coal lease, and operations commenced in July in a coal-seam which outcropped at the surface. Two main levels were driven from the outcrop a distance of 3 chains, but this work was abandoned owing to thin coal and intrusions of stone. Development to the rise was proceeding at the end of the year. A storage bin with a capacity of 30 tons, and a light single wire-rope aerial system 12 chains in length, were installed at the surface. The coal is of a hard but friable nature with an average thickness of 4 ft. White Hose Mine, Merrijigs.—This mine was abandoned and the coal lease surrendered during the year. Bullek District. Mitchell's Mine, Charleston.—Opencast operations were carried out intermittently in the upper 8 ft. of the coal-seam during the year. Wane's Mine, Charleston; Bowater and Bryan's Mine, Charleston; Poioell's Mine, Charleston; and Price's Freehold, Brighton..—These mines did not operate during the year. Brighton Coal-mines, Ltd., Brighton.—This company ceased to operate and went into liquidation during the year. A small quantity of coal to meet local requirements was produced by the leaseholder. Glencrag Mine (Forsyth and Bateson), Buller Gorge.—The output was won partly from development work in the main level and from the extraction of coal near the northern fault. Coal Creek Mine (McGwire and Party), Seddonville. —During the year the output was secured from the splitting and "robbing" of pillars in the old Lawrence section, of the Mokihinui Mine. Cardiff Coal Co., Ltd., Mokihinui- The larger portion of the output was won from development work in the area to the south-west of the mine entrance. A small quantity of coal was won from pillarextraction along the fault on, the northern boundary of the mine. Hydro Coal-mines, Ltd., SeddonviUe. —The output from this mine was won entirely from pillarextraction in the lower west flection and the top section. Charming Creek-Westport Coal Co., Ltd., Ngajcaiwau.—The output for the year was won from pillarextraction in No. 1 south section and development work in No. 2 south-east section, which is advancing towards a new area of proved coal located to the south of the existing workings. Development of No. 1 section was completed in October and two headings were advanced in a northerly direction in order to obtain re-entry to the main, north heading. During the year a new dip drive was commenced for the purpose of providing an additional access road to the mine and was driven a distance of 6 chains at a uniform grade of 1 in 9. A further 2 chains of driving will connect with the workings. W estport-Cascade Mine, Cascade Creek. —Production was continued throughout the year in the following areas: — Durkin's South Section: Development work was continued and the main upthrow fault located at the upper end of the section. Moynihan's Section: Extraction of pillars to a point 7 chains from the surface constituted the work performed in. this area. O'Brien's Opencast, Area: Opencast work was carried out for the greater part of the year on the line of outcrop, 10 chains in length, in coal 24 ft. high. Westport Coal Co., Ltd., Denniston Mines.—lronbridge Mine: This mine is now nearing the end of its useful life, the number of coal-hewers having been reduced to seven pairs. The whole of th(e output was won from pillar-extraction. Coalbrookdale Mine: The output was won from pillar-extraction in, the Wliareatea and Whareatea extended sections, and pillar-extraction and development work in Forsyth's sections. During the year Cascade section was not operated,, and in this section, which had only a short life, the endless-rope haulage system was replaced by a direct haulage system. The section is again ready for coal-winning, and this will be resumed early in 1943. The proportion of pillar coal to solid from development was approximately 9 to 1. Boring was completed in lease No. 1107 and is proceeding in the Ironbridge and Cook's lease areas. Westport Coal Co., Ltd., Millerton Mine. —The output was won from splitting and "robbing" of pillars in the following areas: — Old Dip Area: Operations consisted of partial pillar-extraction and, where possible, total extraction. The area is divided into small panels to facilitate control of (ire or spontaneous heating. The pane's are enclosed by lines of concrete stoppings, thereby forming artificial barriers. Mangatini Area: Operations consisted of total pillar-extraction, three pairs of miners being employed steadily throughout the year. Mine Creek Area: Partial extraction of pillars, in conjunction with the working of bottom coal, provided the output from this area. Three outbreaks of fire occurred, two of which were sealed by closing the stoppings, and thte third, which occurred in (lie Mine Creek airway, was isolated by sealing off a portion of the main return airway. West port-,Stockton Coal Co., Ltd., Ngahawcm.—During the year operations were confined chiefly to development in the east McCabe's jig area and in the south beyond the south fault in, good coal with a thickness of 10 ft. Exceptionally wet conditions were experienced in both areas. In the west dip section extraction has been completed and preparations made to commence a stone drive from the end of the haulage road to a new seam 140 ft. above. In old No. 2 section, adjacent to the loco, road, a fault was penetrated and two main headings have advanced 3 chains, in fairly good coal. Considerable difficulty was experienced in dealing with inrushes of surface water during heavy rains. By widening the south branch of the Ngakawau River 15 ft. for about, (i chains, this trouble has been substantially removed. On 29tli December a fire broke out in the east straight jig area. It received attention, and the flame had been extinguished by the end of the year. Watson's ilime, Karamea. —No coal was produced from this mine during the year. A stone drive 70 ft. in length and north of the old mine has been completed and reached 5 ft. 6 in. thick. Comet Mining Party, Inangaihua.—Operations were confined to the development of the coal-seam situated on the northern side of Flaxbush Creek. The main level has been advanced a total distance of 7 chains from the mine entrance. At this point a fault was struck and development was continued towards the outcrop 2J chains to the east. The height of coal averages 9 ft. and, in the vicinity of the fault, the seam is vertical. On account of the extensively-faulted ground, operations in the southern, area were suspended, but an attempt to locate workable coal will be carried out later. Nelson District. Puponga Mine, Puponga. —The output from, this mine was won entirely from pillar-extraction in the horse level and the old dip areas situated to the north. "The former area was exhausted in, October, and preparations for opening an area of thin coal in the outbye tunnel were proceeding towards the end of the year. Mount Burnett Mine, Collingwood; North Cape Syndicate's Mine, Onekalca; and Abbotsford Mine, Takolca. —These mines did not, operate during the year, Owen Colliery, Owen River, Murchison. —Development work was completed at this mine in May, and the output thereafter was won from the extraction of barriers and pillars in No. 3 main dip and the main level. O'RourJce's Mine, Murchison. —No coal was produced from this mine, and the lease was surrendered. Six-mile Mine, Murchison (J. Gillespie and Party).—Two main levels were driven for a distance of 5J chains in the northern section,, but the coal thinned to 18 in. Driving was discontinued and pillarextraction commenced in October. On the southern side of the creek the coal-seam was tapped by a drive .1 chain in length. The drive was destroyed by floods and slips, and the work on this side abandoned.

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