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NATIONAL PROVIDENT FUND. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1941. Amount of Fund at beginning of year (Ist January, £ National Provident Fund Act, 1926— £ 1941) •• •• •• 6,023,933 Maternity claims (section 19) .. .. .. 49 National Provident Fund Act, 1926— Maternity claims (section 43) .. .. .. 259 Contributions .. • • • • • • 328,884 Refund of contributions on lapse, reduction, and Interest " •• •• •• 238,225 withdrawal (sections 11, 12, and 13) .. .. 94,548 Fines (section ff (4) ) •• •• 321 Refund of contributions in lieu of annuity (section 14) 10,856 Government contribution under Act (sections 52 Incapacity allowances (sections 17 and 18), including and 74 (2) ) .. •• •• •• 80,324 contributions waived on incapacity (£1,369) .. 8,267 Refund of maternity claims by the State (sec- Death : Refund of contributions (sections 15 (5) tions 42 (2) and 70) 308 and 16) .. .. .. •• .. 31,762 Contributions overpaid on exit 57 Death : Allowances on account of widows and childBenefits refunded on exit (sections 11 to 16 and 28) 13,321 ren (section 15) " " i 2 'i®? Miscellaneous receipts 8 Annuities (sections 13 and 48) .. .. 97,781 Refunds unclaimed 365 Refund of contributions overpaid on exit .. . . 57 Premium on conversion .. .. •• •• 5,751 Public Trustee: Charges . . .. Amount of Fund at end of year (31st December, 1941). . 6,432,859 £6,691,497 £6,691,497

Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1941. Liabilities. £ Assets, it Fund as per Revenue Account .. ..6,432,859 In hands of Public Trustee— National Provident Fund Act, 1926— Invested 6,358,976 Claims due and in course of payment*- Uninvested 2,620 Maternity (sections 19 and 43) 212 Disbursement Account 895 Death : Refunds (section 1.6) 2,394 Post Office 12,020 Death: Refunds (section 15 (5) ) .. .. 1,567 Balances m transit •• 20 • 421 Death : Allowances (section 15) .. . • 160 National Provident Fund Act, 1926— Annuities (sections 13 and 48) .. .. ■ ■ 845 Contributions outstanding or in course of transAllowances (section 17) .. . ■ ( > 9 > m A SS 'i n -tr~l- i i t f i ij_ nr-4 Refunds of contributions in lieu of annuity (a) Contributions due but not overdue . . .. If >063 (section 14) • •• •• 233 (b) Contributions overdue .. .. .. 1,796 Public Trustee : Charges* " 1.041 Government subsidy due under Act* (sections 52 and Refunds in Suspense .. •• •• u \ ■ " *■ t + 't i • '* i f Suspense Account 730 Refund due m respect of matermty claims* (sections Contributions prepaid .. .. •• •• 1?'??? 42 (2) and (70)) •• ■■ Investment Fluctuation Reserve .. .. •• 71,-o5 lines due (section 11 (4) ) .. .. .. 114 Interest due* .. .. .. .. .. 5,969 Interest accrued but not due* .. .. .. 78,636 £6,5817079 £6,581,079 * Included in Revenue Account. R. M. Porteous, Deputy Superintendent. Wellington, -31st August, 1942. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.