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B.—l [PT. I].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 939-1 940.

Year ended 31st March, 1940, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1939—continued.


PROMOTION FUND. Year ! Year ended 31st March, ENDED 31ST MAEOn, 1940. 1939. EXPENDITURE. Ne '- Gross. Credits. Net. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 299,985 0 0 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 5,404,458 19 4 Grants and Payments .. .. .. .. .. 192,349 16 2 .. 192,349 16 2 65,407 5 2 Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,584 14 2 .. 8,584 14 2 703,957 1 10 Allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,609 10 3 .. 6,609 10 3 6,473,808 6 4 207,544 0 7 .. 207,544 0 7 Balances at end of Year, — 32,123 2 4 Cash* 420 18 3 Imprests outstanding 32,544 0 7 Investment Account— 175,000 0 0 Securities held £6,681,352 6 11 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £207,544 0 7 ACCOUNT. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 193,217 18 4 Vote—Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. 178,232 15 10 24 2 6 178,208 13 4 I 447,430 9 9 Interest and other Charges on Loans and Capital Liability .. .. .. 536,521 14 8 Expenditure charged on proceeds of Sales of Lands,— 13,038 8 0 Crown Lands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,682 6 4 9 16 8 National Endowment Lands 13,048 4 8 .... 9,682 6 4 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 6, — Transfer of receipts from Hutt Valley Settlement Lands as a credit to Sales and Capital Receipts, Land Act, 1924, Section 20, in satisfaction of value of Crown Lands declared to be subject to the Hutt Valley Settlement Act, 1925 .. . . .. 1,450 0 0 Amortization of Debt, — Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,206 0 0 Balances at end of Year, — 182,831 9 4 Cash* .. .. .. .. .. .. 378,548 9 2 5 19 5 Imprests outstanding .. . . .. .. 228 8 1 378,776 17 3 182,837 8 9 Investment Account — 722,945 0 0 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. 594,385 15 9 £1,559,479 1 6 Totals .. .. .. .. £1,702,231 7 4 * This includes Public Account Cash Balance Investments which it is not possible to allocate to the individual accounts.