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TABLE No. 5— continued. ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.— STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1940-continued. General Balance-sheet— continued. at 31st March, 1940, as compared with Position at 31st March, 1939— continued.


J. W. SCOTT, A.R.A.N.Z., Chief Accountant, Public Works Department. r / h f re , by f ertif y the General Balance-sheet has been duly compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon.— Cyril G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


Liabilities. 1939—40. | 1938-39. 1 A.-,ets. 1939-40. i 1938-39. - _ - — Brought forward ' 14,562,024 3 9 14,340,659 li % Brought forward .. .. & * jig,833 19 0 17,322,861 15 U U \nrtl'rfd r8 "i no Balance in Electric Supply Account at the North Island scheme .. .. 123,739 19 2 100,632 17 2 end of year— l™tnd ™i e " • 46,8 1,o 0 36,102 10 8 Cash in Public Account .. .. 50,887 1 2 7,000 5 9 ' " ,,0.586 13 11 - , - ... . . «•«« ' » 136,735 7 10 ' 13,926 10 11 t-> • i- ,, Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 7on d Q Depreciation Reserve — ' • 4 North Island scheme .. .. 1,081,075 9 4 1,042,932 14 2 South Island Scheme .. .. 755,025 16 10 637,799 5 1 — 1,836,101 6 2 „. , . , 1,680,731 19 3 Sinking Fund — Amount utilized for redemption of Joans 1,079,347 18 3 496,364 8 4 Stocks-Surveys and General .. ..i .. 130 0 0 70 0 0 Available for further redemptions .. 498,076 19 11 595,513 18 8 1,577,424 18 2 „ , 1,091,878 7 0 .Reserve Fund — • North Island scheme .. .. 181,248 2 9 South Island scheme .. .. 87,199 6 0 87,199 6 0 Sundry Debtors-Surveys and General .. i .. 5 0 0 — 268,447 8 9 i \ „ , .. . . 87,199 6 0 Sundry credit balances — I __ North Island scheme .. .. 781 7 2 I 9 8 11 South Island scheme .. .. 1,508 12 1 j 1,744 11 7 j 2,289 19 3 1,754 0 6 Interest paid in advance .. .. .. 18 9 10 Total ■ • • • • • • ■ £18,416,874 10 0 £17,338,958 11 7 j Contingent Liability. T ° tal " j£18,416,874 10 0 11 7 Arrears of appropriation to Sinking Fund 252,670 11 5 I j j ] Note. —No charge for cost of exchange on interest payments made in London is included.