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B.—l 'PT. I].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the Civil List Act, 1920, Parts I, II, and V, for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1939.


(Presented in terms of Section 65 of the Constitution Act, 1852.) Permanent Appropriations under Special Acts of £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. the Legislature. CIVIL LIST. PART I. His Excllenoy the Governor-General - Right Hon. Viscount Galway, P.C., G.C.M.G., D.b.O., April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. .. •• 5,000 0 0 Allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. ■■ ' 7,500 0 0 PART II. Establishment of the General Government : Prime Minister, Minister of External Affairs, Native Minister, Minister for Cook Islands, and Minister in Charge of Native Trust, Legislative, Electoral, Audit, and High Commissioner's Departments, - Right Hon. M. J. Savage, P.C.— i ann 0 0 Salary, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. .. U u Minister of Education, Minister of Health, Minister of Marine, and Minister in Charge of Mental Hospitals, Police, and Inspection of Machinery Departments, Hon. P. Fraser — _ _ , „ Salarv 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. 1,170 0 0 House'allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 j 200 0 0 q Minister of Finance, Minister of Customs, Minister of Stamp Duties, and Minister in Charge of State Advances, Land and Income Tax, Public Service Superannuation, Public Trust, Government Life Insurance, State Eire Insurance, and Census and Statistics Department, Hon. . Nash i n fi Salary, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. M™ 0 « House allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 200 0 0 j 370 0 0 Minister of Industries and Commerce, Minister of Railways, and Minister in Charge of Scientific and Industrial Research Department, — H TaW; G lsfA™ri938, to 31st March, 1939 .. 1,170 0 0 House allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 200 0 0 | j 37Q 0 0 Attorney-General, Minister of Justice, and Minister in Charge of Prisons and Registrar-General's Departments, and Patents, Designs, Trade-marks, and Copyright Offices, — Hon. H. G. R. Mason— n A Salary, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 ° ® House allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 186 0 5 l > 356 Q g Minister of Labour, Minister of Immigration, and Minister of Employment, — Hon. H. T. Armstrong —• , „ n Salary, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 Minister of Public Works, Minister in Charge of Roads and Buildings, and Minister of Transport,— 1938, to 31st March, 1939 ■■ 1,170 0 0 House'allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 200 0 0 Q Minister of Internal Affairs, and Minister in Charge of Pensions, Museums, and Advertising Departments, — Hon. W. E. Parry — , ,. A Salarv 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 .. 1,170 0 0 House'allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 200 0 0 Q Q ' Minister of Mines and Minister in Charge of Printing and Stationery Department, — Hon. P. C. Webb — ! . n Salary, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 •• ° ° House allowance, 1st April, 1938, to 31st March, 1939 200 0 0 1 370 Q Q „ . , .. 12,546 0 5 7,500 0 0 Carried forward .. .. • • • • | ~ * See also £5,055 2|. Od. under " Other Special Acts, Miscellaneous," Appropriation Act, 1920, section 15. B.-l [Pt. II],