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STATEMENT showing the ISSUES from ACCOUNTS OUTSIDE THE PUBLIC ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1939, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1938— continued.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 8-1 93 9.

B.—l [Pt. I].

B. C. Ash win, Examined and found correct. Secretary to the Treasury. n♦ J ' EE n ,A-E- F - Mackay, M.Com. (N.Z.), Ph.D. (Loud.), Controller and Auditor-General. Accountant to the Treasury. 6th July, 1939. The Treasury, Wellington, sth July, 1939.


(Under Section 86 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.J (2; Amount Voted. Credits-in-Aid „ g Account and Vote. expenditure Amount issued in Credits-in-aid Received I Annual vote. Ce To T t~ I Total voted. " EXCESS - estimated.. ™ EECEI ™" 63 Dairv TnrW?J lNDDSTBT Aoco ™ t - £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 63 l)airy Industry .. .. .. o2,494 0 0 1,300 0 0 53,794 0 0 52,614 7 11 1,179 12 1 .. 1 300 0 0 744 18 4 .. Services not provided for .. £3,816 12 11 ' Less amounts recovered or 2,828 12 0 transferred to vote .. _ _ 988 0 11 Totals '• •• 52,494 0 0 1,300 0 0 53,794 0 0 53,602 8 10 1,179 12 1 .. 1,300 0 0 744 18 4 7 Internal Marketing Account. ~~ 64 Internal Marketing 54,085 0 0 556 1 0 54,641 1 0 47,112 18 4 7,528 2 8 .. 600 0 0 43 19 0 .. Services not provided for .. £2,788 5 0 ' wu " " •• iv v Less amounts recovered or 1,377 9 0 transferred to vote .. _ jg 0 Totals '• •• •• 54,085 0 0 556 1 0 54,641 1 0 48,523 14 4 7,528 2 8 .. 600 0 0 .. 43 19 0 Broadcasting Account. 65 Broadcasting .. .. .. 234,903 0 0 250 0 0 235,153 0 0 189,627 17 7 45,525 2 5 .. 250 0 0 78 14 9 | .. Services not provided for .. £121 18 0 v v " Less amounts recovered or 50 4 8 1 transferred to vote .. # # 71 13 4 .. Commercial Broadcasting .. .. .. 151,588 0 0 2,900 0 0 154,488 0 0 152,313 17 11 2,174 2 1 " 2 900 0 0 392 1 6 Services not provided for .. .. .. .. _ @25 0 0 — : 11 11 H i 11 H H Totals •• •• •• 386,491 0 0 3,150 0 0 389,641 0 0 342,638 8 10 47,699 4 6 .. 3,150 0 0 470 16 3 Iron and Steel Industry Account. 66 Iron and Steel Industry 42,111 0 0 .. 42,111 0 0 29,709 11 4 12,401 8 8 .. . 21 12 0 services not provided for .. .. .. .. jgg jg 10 TotaIs •• '• •• 42,111 0 0 .. , 42,111 0 0 29,869 10 2 12,401 8 8 .. .. 21 12 0 except T maeA r L t provTs'i™s tl 'of Motion 51,'™bsecMon h fsf' ofth/puMc Revenue^ Ac tj wle!"" 1 V ° te<1 0nly 40 th ® 6Xtent t0 Wh ' Ch th6y arC actually reoeived - t These credits have not been appropriated, and are not available for expenditure