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TABLE No 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY— continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1917-18 to 1938-39— continued.


| Total Net J Expenditure. Description of Services. i ! 7 7 — j — — T~ ~~ r 1 J— j— .—- , I ' j 1 .—- March, 1917. j 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1021-22. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1024-20. 1925-26. 1926-27. 1927-28. Public Buildings £ £ £ £!£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ General (including Miscellaneous) .. . .. 383,681 11,640 43,168 64,207 39,504 87,057 113,553 8,160 30,791 29,369 119,864 42,553 Cr. 15,067 I Cr. 35 Cr. 345 Cr. 429 Cr. 1,065 Parliamentary .. .. . .. .. 447,097 37,233 .. .. fCourthouses .. .. .. .. |l 21 868 1,400 4,358 2,018 2,448 5.363 7,209 1,261 7,531 j [ Gr. 13 Cr. 19 Cr. 13 Prisons .. .. .. 924,403 13,195 16,299 20,981 30,038 41,740 23,113 26,484 25,279 24,197 22,812 22,358 I I Cr. 800 Cr. 2,568 Cr. 86 Cr. 908 Cr. 524 (^Police-stations .. .. .. .. J 18,814 6,157 24,944 36,843! 22,544 6,298 12,838 18,553 16,594 7,411 5,561 Cr. 102 Gr. 13 Cr. 970 Post and Telegraph .. .. .. .. .. 1,242,750 33,525 26,072 66.543 93,364 112,906 77,211 108,395 65,917 89,865 86,052 77,194 Cr. 560 I Cr. 675 Cr. 69 Cr. 210 Gr. 453 Gr. 1,114 Cr. 834 Customs .. .. ,. .. .. .. 49,441 Quarantine Stations .. .. .. . . .. 6,255 .. .. 35.490 15,529 4,581 154 171 284 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. .. 832,107 26,502 14,640 18,277 27,368 41,838 13,852 26,541 68,438 77,835 68,635 51,119 Cr. 283 Cr. 3,600 Public Health .. .. .. .. 32,754 .. .. Health and Hospital Institutions .. .. .. 148,879 4,080 2,332 8,484 4,099 26,131 20,981 7,420 27,951 31,177 15,840 14,361 Cr. 1,399 Cr. 300 Gr. 310 School Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 2,488,585 63,0S2 115,656 195,500 244,722 2,469 Cr. 9,255 Cr. 368 Cr. 1,090 Cr. 905 Gr. 1,050 Cr. 7,953 Agricultural .. .. .. .. .. 54,282 5,685 4,229 7,227 9,345 1,115 514 282 3,242 7,932 4,164 2,863 Gr. 27 Cr. 171 Cr. 686 Cr. 865 Cr. 310 Workers' Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 270,446 15,505 7,293 26,674 .. .. Total, Public Buildings .. .. .. 6,880,680 2i4,221 235,846 469,195 , 500,852 334,809 255,818 188,910 243,877 280,780 315,299 216,237 Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Harbour-defences ••— 5,690 5,758 7 979 Lighthouses.. .. .. .. .. .. 205,369 561 1,663 253 758 16,350 3,260 4,473 2,850 Gr. 750 Harbour-works .. .. .. .. .. 388,703 2,359 3,729 3,245 4,080 2,424 6,524 6,334 423 3,717 13,263 15,891 Gr. 131 Cr. 204 Cr. 165 Harbour-defences .. .. .. .. .. 546,003 56 Cr. 1,235 Cr. 16 Total, Lighthouses, &c. .. .. ... 1,140,075 2,976 5,392 3,498 4,838 18,774 8,549 10,791 3,273 8,526 18,817 23,705 Rates on Native Lands .. .. .. .. 68,672 .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. ! [Continued on page 5.