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TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY— continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1917-18 to 1938-39— continued.



Expenditure. Tota j Set Description of Services. ] j j . , : = ; ; ; 1928-29. 1929-30. j 1930-31. j 1931-32. 1932-33. j 1933-34. 1934-35. 1936-36. 1936-37 1937-38. 1938-39. March, 1939. £ £ £ £ £ £££££££ Immigration .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,266 41,756 33,544 5,265 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,312,661 Cr. 283 \ Cr. 210 j Cr. 583 Cr. 532 I Cr. 370 Cr. 362 Cr. 146 Cr. 144 Cr. 108 Public Works. Departmental .. .. .. .. 142,252 132,783 131,816 151,377 1 104,904 98,703 76,486 99,384 137,769 188,040 216,091 3,596,455 Cr.88,499 Gr.51,671 Cr. 16,381 Or.33,947 Cr.52,639 Cr.33,872 Cr.31,154 Cr.28,178 }Cr. 17,709 Cr 19,489 Cr. 177 Irrigation and Water-supply* .. .. .. .. 55,198 69,657 62,614 37,749 53,290 66,838 91,241 85,414 11,062 71,659 164,481 1,550,349 Cr. 8 ' Cr. 96 ! Cr. 32 Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,216,277 1,812,521 1,987,196 952,388 160,853 132,111 125,600 258,011 1,019,094 2,412,990 3,798,083 63,661,339 Cr. 2,595 Cr. 1,296 Cr. 792 Cr.20,568 Cr. 9,056 Cr. 20 Cr.134,696 Cr. 461 Cr. 700 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. 150,000 Roads: — Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. .. .. 780,990 1,005,330 1,379,810 1,078,270 396,559 359,671 371,573 444,377 913,720 1,126,757 1,290,838 24,625,494 Cr. 330 Cr. 415 Cr. 472 Cr. 564 Cr. 1,171 Cr. 445 Cr. 471 Cr. 250 Cr. 172 Cr. 253 Cr. 68 Roads to give access to Outlying Districts .. .. 51,582 53,693 91,126 3,940 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 233,983 Roads on Goldfields .. .. .. .. .. 1,005 1,885 4,586 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,140,099 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,023 Lands Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300,930 Total, Roads .. .. .. j 833,247 1,060,493 1,475,050 1,081,646 395,388 359,226 371,102 444,127 913,548 1,126,504 |l,290, 770 26,317, 129 Development of Mining .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ] .. .. .. .. .. j .. 879,714 Cr. 260 Cr. 260 Cr. 260 Cr. 50 Cr. 143 Cr. 17 Cr. 1,141 Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 7,123 .. .. .. .. .. 1,562,044 Native Lands Purchase Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 491,980 Total, Land Purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 7,123 .. .. .. .. .. 2,054,024 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 118,723 172,109 222,309 151,345 92,016 310,665 344,684 1,411,851 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. .. 624,414 594,383 419,756 249,978 99,999 144,160 135,933 195,380 232,513 312,260 575,944 12,876,634 Cr. 32 * Includes £6,727 previously included under Lands Improvement class.