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C.— 5.

1939. NE W ZEAL A N D.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 109 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925.

The Land Purchase Controller to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist August, 1939. I have the honour to submit a report on land-purchase operations for the year ended 31st March, 1939. Numerous offers to dispose of land have been received from private owners and have been carefully considered as to whether purchase could be proceeded with. In a number of cases the properties offered were clearly unsuitable for subdivision ; any others offering prospects of subdivision have been investigated as to price, access roading, and cost of further development, but for various reasons it has not been possible to complete purchase of any properties for closer settlement during the year. Four parcels of land totalling 1,121 acres 3 roods 25 perches have been purchased, these areas being acquired as additions to land already leased, and in one case as an addition to land under development by the Department. The areas of freehold purchased during the previous year to consolidate the Crown's position with the Molesworth and Tarndale Runs have been spelled and- intensively rabbited, following the policy adopted on the run areas. The work is having good results all round, and a general improvement in the natural vegetation and grazing-capacity of these blocks is becoming apparent. On the Galatea Estate development has reached a stage where consolidation is the main objective, and operations are covered under the heading of " Land-development " in the general Lands report (parliamentary paper C.-l). On the six share farms (excluding the station areas and leased land) 479 dairy cows were milked and satisfactory results were again achieved, although the prolonged dry spell caused an early fall in production. The Te Wera Estate has continued to be worked as a station area, and is carrying 9,846 sheep and 2,000 cattle. Returns have appreciably benefited as a result of extensive use of cobaltized salt licks on this property, and the analysis into average weight of wool per sheep and percentage of stock losses indicates the desirability of continuing this treatment over an extended period. Tables are attached giving particulars of the properties considered and land acquired during the year, together with Statement of Receipts and Payments, Revenue Account, and Balance-sheet. I have, &c., R. G. Macmorran, Land Purchase Controller. The Hon. Frank Langstone, Minister of Lands.