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(5) Pasture Maps (Hawke's Bay). —Maps illustrating the pasture surveys recently carried out by the Scientific and Industrial Research Department in Hawke's Bay are at present being prepared by Head Office. The symbols illustrating the various pasture types are to be shown by lines in various colours. Aerial Survey Mapping (Mr. R. J. Crawford). —For the purpose of systematically locating topographical surveys, each island, by arrangement with the Defence Department, has been divided into rectangular sheets, each measuring 30,000 yds. by 45,000 yds. The area in Hawke's Bay on which the work of aerial survey has been proceeding is comprised in the North Island sheets 134, 141, and 146. Mapping operations have been confined to sheet 134, for which the detail plotting (including contouring) has been completed ; this has entailed the plotting of 14 detail sheets (20 chains to an inch) on kodatrace. On these sheets the more important roads, fixed by survey, were first plotted, and served as a groundwork to tie in the strips of aerial photographs. On completion, these sheets are reduced half size by photography, and from these reductions the final drawings for publication are being made. These drawings will be reduced by photography, and published on the scale of one mile to an inch. The work has been retarded by shortage of staff, Mr. W. F. Cree having been engaged on other work for a large proportion of the year, and Mr. .J. A. Henderson being included in the expedition to Sunday Island in July last. Recently, however, the branch was fortunate in the acquisition of the services of Messrs. G. T. Railton and A. J. Reid, the latter being engaged on the finished drawings. The arrival of a new and improved stereoscope, followed by the removal of the staff into the more convenient office in Aitken Street, and the above-mentioned increase in staff, has speeded up the work considerably. An index map of the North Island, showing the division into sheets, and the location of the Hawke's Bay area, is published and attached hereto. Electoral Maps. —Consequent on the Electoral Boundary Commission held in 1937, the Head Office draughting stafi have prepared sets of maps of each of the electorates in the Dominion. Foru members of the staff have engaged continually in this work, mounting and colouring, for a period of six months. It is hoped to complete all the orders for these maps early in the coming year. Draughtsmen and Computers' Examination. —At the annual examinations held in October, 1937, thirty-nine candidates presented themselves for examination. The results were as follows : — First-grade Draughtsmen— A. Y. Brown (Christchurch). J. Leather (Auckland). W. S. Taylor (Christchurch). Second-grade Draughtsmen — S. Gibson (State Forest Service). J. M. Gilbert (Invercargill). L. A. Graham (Auckland). Second-grade Computers — A. W. Eden (Dunedin). E. M. Flanagan (Wellington). B. K. Ledger (Auckland). Standard of Length.—The following is the number of chains tested at the standard of length station in the Parliament Buildings cellar : Number of bands, 34 ; number of chains, 179. Stores. —During the year it has been possible to considerably augment the depleted stock of instruments and technical equipment. A recent large order placed with manufacturing firms in Great Britain should reach New Zealand within the next few months. With this addition to stocks, the annual equipment expenditure will be reduced in the future to a minimum. A complete overhaul of all equipment held by the technical officers of the Department is contemplated. This will entail a considerable writing-off of worn-out equipment and the repair of equipment that is suitable for recommission. Scheme Plans. —The following table (Id) sets out in summary the number of plans dealt with under section 16 of the Land Act, 1924, by Head Office.

TABLE 1D. —Summary of Town Scheme Subdivisions dealt with under Section 16 of the Land Act, 1924, for the Year ended 31st March, 1938.


Reserves District. New Roads. Reserves. of 6 gaIeablef Saleable Lots. Total Area. Lots). A. B. P. A. E. P. A. E. P. A. E. P. Auckland and North 117 22 3 38-5 29 0 25-5 8 334 3 9-2 386 3 33-2 Auckland Gisborne .. .. 4 0 0 24-6 .. .. 5 2 26-6 5 3 11-2 Hawke'sBay .. .. 7 2 0 36-0 0 2 27-0 4 17 3 12-4 20 2 35-4 Taranaki .. .. 2 0 1 23-0 .. .. 11 1 7-0 11 2 30-0 Wellington .. .. 22 8 1 33-2 6 2 20-2 10 64 0 0-4 79 0 13-8 Marlborough .. .. 6 0 1 20-0 1 1 6-3 5 24 2 14-0 26 1 0-3 Nelson .. .. 9 7 1 27-9 19 2 10-4 46 42 3 10-8 69 3 9-1 Westland .. .. 8 1 0 38-7 4 1 3-3 17 25 0 37-6 30 2 39-6 Canterbury .. .. 41 3 2 27-5 5 1 28-6 3 148 1 39-9 157 2 16,-0 Otago .. .. .. 23 1 0 16-1 0 1 0-0 1 34 1 36-9 35 3 13-0 Southland .. .. 3 .. .. .. 22 32-0 22 32-0 Totals 242 48 0 5-5 67 1 1-3 9 71! 3 26-8 827 0 33-6