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These returns show a still further increase on last year's returns —namely, 25 per cent, increase in the number of plans received and 21 per cent, increase in the area of saleable lots dealt with. The relative high percentage of area set aside for reserves in the Nelson District is due to the subdivision of an area of Crown land of which approximately 19 acres was reserved. The area of new roads represents a length of approximately 6 miles of new roading for subdivisional purposes. General. —(1) Inspecting Draughtsman : The Department was fortunate in having the services of one of its own officers to inspect the draughting staff in connection with the recent regrading proposals. This duty was very capably and efficiently handled by Mr. R. C. Airey, who is now attached to Head Office, and the results of his work are borne out by the recent increases in the draughting grades of the Department. The office of Inspecting Draughtsman supplies a want felt by the Department for many years, and it is hoped that his inspections will greatly assist in obtaining a uniformity of practice in the routine work of the Department. As an outcome of the recent regrading, the office of senior draughtsman was added to each district. It is hoped that this appointment will tend to raise the standard and efficiency of the draughtsman of the Department. (2) Draughting Staff : The draughting staff of the Department is to be commended for its keenness and hard work during the past busy year. Considerable increase in staff has been made, which is not yet sufficient to cope with the work of the Department. As trained draughtsmen are no longer available it has been necessary to appoint draughting cadets. These cadets, during the coming year, will, with the additional training and experience, be of greater service and assistance to the Department. The work carried out for other Departments during the year has made it necessary to almost completely cease work on the preparation and revision of record and cadastral maps. It will be necessary, as soon as opportunity offers, to bring this work up to date for the longer the delay the greater the confusion and inconvenience in future years. It has been the aim of the Department to deal as promptly as possible with the work required by other Departments and the general public, and the lack of delays in this respect is a tribute to the very fine spirit of co-operation and assistance given by both controlling officers and staff.

REPORT OF THE HONORARY GEOGRAPHIC BOARD FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1938. The thirteenth annual meeting of the Honorary Geographic Board was held in the Surveyor General 's office on 26th May, 1937. The following members were present: Right Rev. Bishop Williams of Waiapu (Chairman), Messrs. H. E. Walshe (Surveyor-General), Johannes C. Anderson, M. Crompton-Smith, A. P. Harper, and R. G. Dick (Hon. Secretary). The meeting stood for a momemt in silence as a tribute to the memory of the late Sir Frederick R. Chapman, a foundation member of the Board. Mr. A. P. Harper was welcomed as a new member of the Board. The following is a list of the names dealt with and confirmed by the Board at the meeting : —

2—C. IA.


Name. Survey District. Description. Origin of Name. Wellington District. Cathedral Rooks .. Ruapehu .. 8,600 ft. —prominent rocks 011 Survey Department maps. Ruapehu Mountain Mangatoetoenui Ruapehu .. To be substituted for " Waikato As shown in Mr. R. Cowan's Glacier Glacier " on Ruapehu Mountain writings. Ringatoto .. Ruapehu .. 8,400 ft. —a peak on Ruapehu Survey Department maps. Mountain Rua Taranaki . . Ruapehu . . Topographical feature on Ruapehu Wakefield. Taranaki Stream .. Ruapehu . . Stream on northern slopes of By E. Phillips-Turner. Ruapehu Te Heuheu .. Ruapehu .. 8,850 ft. —a peak on Ruapehu .. Survey Department maps. Waipuna Stream . . Ruapehu .. Stream on northern slopes of By Rev. J. E. Ward. Ruapehu Wairere Stream .. Ruapehu . . Stream on northern slopes of By Rev. J. E. Ward. Ruapehu Canterbury District. Bryndwr.. .. Christchurch.. A suburb of Christchurch .. Request for correct spelling. Mt. Graham .. Cook . . A peak between Mounts Silber- By Messrs. G. L. Clark and horn and Teichelman S. D. Thompson after famous Graham Guides.