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Item 8 : Question of prohibiting, under the provisions of the Covenant, the supply of arms and war material to belligerents. Item 9 : Amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the Pact of Paris : Examination of the Treaty of Non-Aggression and Conciliation concluded at Rio de Janeiro on 10th October, 1933. Item 26 : Application of the principles of the Covenant of the League of Nations. Election of Three Non-permanent Members of the Council. , ' J 1 ® Resident announced in this connection that as the Assembly agenda also contained an , sen~5 en ~ ' , e P 0 . ™*e Special Committee on the Composition of the Council, he proposed to consult the General Committee on the steps to be taken for the election at the present session of three nonpermanent Members of the Council. Such consultation would in no way affect any arrangements made by the Secretary-General to communicate to delegations a list of candidates and such applications tor re-eligibility as might be received. On the afternoon of the 22nd September the Committees met to elect their Chairman The following were elected : — Birst Committee .. .. .. .. M. Limburg (Netherlands). Second Committee M. van Langenhove (Belgium). Fourth Committee Dr. Guani (Uruguay). Fifth Committee M. Schmidt (Estonia). Sixth Committee M. Motta (Switzerland). rī} 1 ® Ag ® nda Commi ttee met later and elected as its Chairman M. Beck (Poland). Subsequently the Ihird Committee elected as its Chairman Dr. Lange (Norway), one of the League's veterans Dr. Lange took part m the Assembly of 1920. On the 24th September the Assembly, in accordance with its Rules of Procedure, elected its six Vice-Presidents, and its choice fell on the first delegates of France, the United Kingdom, Yugoslavia Canada, the Union of , Soviet Socialist Republics, and Italy. As already stated, however, Italy had not appointed a delegation and consequently she took no part m the work of the Assembly. J ... T] 1 ® Genera l Committee of the Assembly was then constituted. It consisted of the President the Vice-Presidents the Chairman of Committees (including the Chairman of the Agenda Committee, Mr. Beck, Poland, and the Credentials Committee, M. Tudela of Peru. Its primary role is to assist the -President m the general direction of the work of the Assembly. Election of Three Non-permanent Members of the Council. On Monday, the 28th September the Assembly proceeded to the election of three Member States to 11 non-permanent Council seats due to be vacated by Argentina, Australia, and Denmark The result of the ballot, which was secret, showed that Bolivia was elected by 49 votes and New Zealand and Sweden by 48 votes each New Zealand therefore succeeded to a seat which has been occupied m turn by Canada, the Irish Iree State, and Australia. I should mention that our delegation had not only received many assurances of warm support, but some delegations expressed after the election particular satisfaction that New Zealand had been elected to fill one of the vacant seats In entering upon his task the New Zealand representative on the Council will be called upon to visit Geneva at least four tunes annually m order to take part in the regular sessions of the Council. Indeed if the experience of recent years is to be repeated, his attendance there will be still more frequent The Council meetings vary in length of time according to the urgency and nature of the matters to be discussed but each meeting involves an absence from headquarters of seldom less than eight days under normal conditions. In addition, account must be taken of the annual session of the Assemblv in beptember, lasting usually abour seventeen to twenty-one days. In the section of this report, which is devoted to the First Committee, I have dealt with the question of the composition of the Council. The report of the First Committee on this question was m due course laid before the Assembly, which approved of the Committee's conclusions, including tie creation of two additional non-permanent seats (Documents. A. 48 and A. 52). The Assemblv " e P rocee ded on the Bth October to elect Member States to fill the new seats, with the result that China and Latvia were elected. In consequence the Council of the League now consists of four permanent and eleven non-permanent Members, namely :— Bolivia ■ •• •• .. (Non-permanent). United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . . (Permanent). China i." (Non-permanent). Ecuador .. '• France .. .. " Ta . ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • • ■ (Permanent). Latvia ..... /at , x New Zealand .. .. Non-permanent . Poland.. .. " " •' '• Roumania .. .. Non-permanent. Spain .. .. '■ (Non-permanent). Sweden .. . Non-permanent. Turkey .. .. " " Union of Soviet Socialist Republics .. .. (Permanent) 1611