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B.—l [Pt. IV].

LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1936. Liabilities.


General. Cheviot. Hutt Valley * Totah Loan capital— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 per cent. .. 429,800 0 0 3J per cent. .. 4,863,133 5 11 160,918 0 0 3J per cent. .. 364,150 0 0 4 per cent, .. 5,444,779 3 11 4£ per cent. .. 37,739 12 3 5 per cent. .. 118,520 0 0 5-J- per cent. .. 1,500 0 0 5J per cent. .. 19,580 0 0 Funded debt, £4 33,446 6 11 19s. 5-88d. Debentures not con- 200 0 0 verted — —-— 11,312,848 9 0 Crown lands included in estates .. 211,940 0 0 Sales of Crown land .. . • 2,528,886 3 5 14,053,674 12 5 Less amount expended in opening up 425,473 1 10 Crown lands — 13,628,201 10 7 160,918 0 0 .. .. 13,789,119 10 7 Accumulated funds— Cheviot Estate 463,353 15 4 .. .. 463,353 15 4 National Endowment Trust .. .. •• 121,830 17 10 .. 121,830 17 10 Deposits by lessees under section 208, 9,738 5 7 .. ■ • •• 9,738 5 7 Land Act, 1924 Sundry creditors — Interest on capital from proceeds of 78,745 1 2 sales of Crown lands Interest on loans due and unpaid .. 52 0 4 Turakina Domain .. .. .. 317 3 1 Departmental .. .. •• 3,185 18 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 9,470 3 11 91,770 7 3 .. .. •• 91,770 7 3 Interest on loans accrued but not due .. 106,276 5 4 1,373 6 3 .. .. 107,649 11 7 Hutt Valley estates — Purchases .. .. .. •• 164,760 11 9 Roading and incidental expenses .. .. •• 228,173 4 4 Interest .. .. .. •• •• •• 76,080 5 8 469,014 1 9 Less deductions section 11 (2a), .. •• 325,574 14 5 Finance Act, 1932 143,439 7 4 143,439 7 4 Railway Improvements Authorization Act, .. •• 1,014 14 1 1,014 14 1 1914 : Interest on capital Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 — Land subject to section 8— Crown Lands Account .. .. 35,592 7 1 National Endowment Account .. 8 ,711 10 2 Primary Education Endowment Ac- 177 19 1 coun t 44,481 16 4 .. .. .. 44,481 16 4 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Merged interests under section 20, Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1923 — Principal .. .. •• 4,051 19 9 Instalments .. .. • • 98 0 6 4,150 0 3 .. .. .. 4,150 0 3 Payments in advance — Rents, &c., on estates .. .. 3,580 6 0 543 12 8 .. 37 0 2 Principal instalments —Sales of Crown 3,343 17 8 .. 2 4 4 land Interest on advances under Deterio- 17 17 4 rated Lands Act, 1925 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 .. 69 2 10 7,011 3 10 543 12 8 2 4 4 37 0 2 7,594 1 0 Rents charged in advance .. .. 129,027 9 0 5,158 19 7 .. 3 10 0 134,189 18 7 Suspense Account: Deteriorated Lands 733 10 2 .. .. ■ • 733 10 2 Act, 1925 Suspense Account: Buildings .. .. 333 3 1 .. . • • ■ >«3 3 1 Writings-olf in Suspensê .. .. 13,381 18 .. 382 6 6 13,763 8 - Reserve for capitalized interest on land- 29,024 4 5 .. .. 29,024 4 5 development schemes Reserve Account, including unexpended 739,363 10 8 8,284 4 0 .. .. 747,647 14 8 loading for roads, &c. Unemployment Fund capital .. .. 10,747 18 11 .. •• •• 10,747 18 11 Profit and loss Appropriation Account .. •• 123,706 9 1 123,706 9 1 Cheviot Estate Account (as per contra) .. 280,614 5 8 .. .. 280,614 5 8 National Endowment Trust Account (as 75,313 7 1 .. 75,313 7 1 per contra) £15,170,167 19 10 £639,631 17 10 £121,833 2 2 £268,583 7 2 £16,200,216 7 0 ... ..... . . — ; ■ aa ; e=a=a=as=aai » \ J mas ■ i ■ - i - ■ . " i ■ m M» wiiii'.irnniw ■ .i ■ f>;i minnawi n