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Tairawhiti District Consolidation Schemes.

SUBVEY LIENS ON LANDS WITHIN THE BAY OF PLENTY CONSOLIDATION SCHEME. Report of Subcommittee with regard to Proposals for effecting Discharge of Survey Liens. Subcommittee comprising Messrs. J. H. O'Donnell and R. J. Knight (Lands Department), and Messrs. H. Tai Mitchell, Rangi Royal, Tiweka Anaru (Native Department). 1. Each series within the consolidation scheme shall be treated separately, consideration being given to the value of the land and its ability to pay. 2. In order to arrive at an equitable basis for consideration of the question of the payment of survey charges and liens on Native lands within the district comprised in the Bay of Plenty Consolidation Schemes we have endeavoured to investigate the position from the standpoint of the value of the various blocks of land and their capacity to bear the burdens imposed on them, and in arriving at our recommendation we have taken as a basis that the amounts which the various blocks might be asked to carry shall not exceed a sum representing 5 per cent, of the unimproved value of the land with a maximum amount of 2s. 6d. per acre and a minimum amount of Is. per acre : Provided that no charge shall be increased beyond the amount actually due thereon, and that all charges or amounts of £1 and under found to be due on the land after the application thereto of the above basis of settlement shall be wholly remitted ; and further provided that the survey charges shall be wholly remitted where the value of the land on which the survey costs are charged does not exceed 15s. per acre, and also papakaingas ; but blocks under lease to pay the survey charges in full. We are of opinion that where any block of land shall be handed over or transferred to the Crown in satisfaction pro tanto of survey charges within a consolidation scheme, the Crown will discharge the survey lien due on the block so handed over and give credit on account of other survey liens to the full capital value of the block so handed over. We have not had the opportunity in the time at our disposal of ascertaining definitely the proportion of the whole amount due for survey charges and liens on the blocks included in the Bay of Plenty Consolidation which would be remitted under the basis recommended by us, but in those cases actually worked out in detail by us, it would appear that on the average the remission recommended amounts in the aggregate to approximately one-third of the sum due for principal. We therefore beg to make a general recommendation that two-thirds of the sum due for principal be remitted, leaving one-third to be paid for by the owners of the lands affected in such manner as may hereafter be arranged between the various lands within the Consolidation Scheme. The amount due for principal is £10,307, the suggested remission amounts to £6,872, being two-thirds of that sum, together with the whole of the interest. 3. The amounts found payable to the Crown to be liquidated in cash or land, or partly by one method and partly by the other. 4. The Government value of the land to be taken as the basis of assessment for the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3. 5. That some policy shall be formulated whereby provision should be made for payment in advance of the cost of future surveys both for the purposes of partition of Native lands and for definition of areas vested in Natives on consolidation. 6. Upon the survey charges being satisfied in the manner recommended by us, or upon any other basis which may eventually be adopted by the Government, the liens to be extinguished. J. H. O'Donnell, "1 T , R. J. Knight, / Lands De P artment ' H. Tai Mitchell,"! T. Anaru, Department. Rangi Royal, J With reference to paragraph 3 we consider that the situation of the land should be approved by the Minister of Lands or the Chief Surveyor of the district in which the land is situated. J. H. O'Donnell, "i T i t-K R. J. Knight, / Lands Department.


Survey Liens. Scheme. — remitted. Balance ' Principal. Interest. Total. 1. Mohaka Consolidation Scheme — £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. (a) Mohaka-Waipapa Blocks .. 1,946 9 3 1,058 15 3 3,005 4 6 2,495 4 6 510 0 0 (b) Mohaka-Waihua-Putere .. 810 13 9 i 520 10 8 1,331 4 5 887 4 5 444 0 0 2. Northern Waiapu Consolidation 4,122 9 9 1,600 8 10 5,722 18 7 3,577 18 7 2,145 0 0 Scheme 3. Waiapu Consolidation Scheme— Old lien .. .. .. 595 11 8 .. \ New lien .. .. .. 2,345 16 2 490 12 7 / 3,432 0 5 Less paid .. . . .. .. .. 391 11 4 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 3,040 9 1 1,040 9 1 2,000 0 0 4. Tuparoa Consolidation Scheme — Old lien .. .. .. 1,291 2 1 .. \ New lien .. .. ... 3,803 5 3 790 16 2 f 5,885 3 6 Less paid .. .. .. .. .. 2,178 8 0 Balance .. .. . . .. .. 3,706 15 6 1,308 15 6 2,398 0 0 5. Tuparoa (not yet consolidated) . 462 4 5 221 7 8 683 12 1 233 12 1 450 0 0 6. Waipiro .. ' .. .. .. 538 17 7 131 14 8 670 12 3 223 12 3 447 0 0 Totals .. .. 15,916 9 11 4,814 5 10 20,730 15 9 9,766 16 5 8,394 0 0 2,569 19 4 18,160 16 5