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Summary of Series.

Total owners' interest, £1,221,699 ; total lessees' interest, £257,925. N.B.—There are many blocks comprising the above totals on which no survey charges are owing.

SURVEY LIENS ON NATIVE LANDS. Report of Subcommittee dealing with Lands in the Taibawhiti District. (Subcommittee comprising Messrs. Shaw and Primrose (Lands Department), and Judge Carr, Messrs. Harvey, S. E. Swift (Native Department). 1. (a) Moliaka-Waipapa.—This scheme affects poor-quality land, where the drop in values and the proved necessity of developing the lands and the settlement of the owners at a favourable figure will offer a fair opportunity of making good. It is recommended that all interest and at least twothirds of the principal be remitted. (Note.—This land is already subject to an order of the Court reducing the liability to £510.) (b) Mohaka-Putere-Tutaekuri, <&c. (balance, Mohaka Scheme).—This comprises a number of useless and uneconomic partitions—small areas, bad shape, want of access in some cases. A remission of all interest and two-thirds principal will afford necessary assistance towards the desire of the owners to develop and work the land. 2. Northern Waiapu.—To a large extent the land comprised in this scheme has failed to attract European or Maori settlers, otherwise liens would have been paid on alienation or on the land being farmed. The proposed remission of five-eights of the total of principal and interest is in the best interests of the settlement of the land at a fair value. 3. Waiapu.—All old liens and interest to be written off. The new liens amounting to 3s. per acre plus interest remain on the area. The old liens cover the balance remaining of a much greater sum, and represent surveys which are no longer of any use. 4. Tuparoa.—There is 2s. 6d. per acre to remain on the land. This is considered the maximum amount the land can be fairly asked to pay. 5. Tuparoa (blocks not yet consolidated).—This area is comprised of blocks not yet dealt with under consolidation, being held in reserve for adjustment purposes in connection with the main consolidation scheme. The remission represent the interest due on the old liens. 6. Waipiro.—The remission in the case of the lands in this scheme represents a third of the interest and principal, and comprises small areas such as papakaingas, reserves, and other blocks incapable of bearing the burden of the charges. W. E. Shaw. Jno. Harvey. H. L. Primrose. S. E. Swift. H. Carr.

3—G. 7.


I ' I ! , T , Valuation. Survey Charges. _ . Number Rates due under Series. of Area. ~ Compromise 0mel "' "va/ue' Unimproved Value. Principal. Interest. a. b. p. £ £ £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Waitomo .. 15,409 270,422 0 16-35 754,639 3 13'408 m'658 } 8 ' 828 10 0 7 ' 980 16 3 3,829 17 3 Otorohanga .. 6,871 91,600 0 14-6 469,746 {Lrasee '085 62'157 j" 1 - 984 7 6 2 > 487 2 4 1,195 7 5 Kawhia .. 3,314 33,313 0 19-1 98,624 "'111 j 1 ' 897 0 0 1 > 781 14 0 170 4 6 Hauaroa .. 986 11,789 1 8-56 156,615 j" 1 ' 525 0 0 604 17 11 243 18 7 Totals .. 26,580 407,124 2 18-61 1,479,624 7 3l'553 226'372 } 14 > 234 17 6 12,854 10 6 6,439 7 9