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No. 21. New Zealand, No. 175. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 25th July, 1928. With reference to my despatch, No. 16, of the 28th January last, and to my telegram, No. 71, of the 24th July, relative to the commercial relations between New Zealand and Japan, I have the honour to transmit to you, at the instance of my Ministers, the accompanying certified copies of the notes* as exchanged on the 24th July between His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Consul-General, Sydney, who is visiting the Dominion, and His Majesty's Government in New Zealand. 2. If there is no objection, it is desired that this and any other similar arrangement made by His Majesty's Government in New Zealand with foreign Governments should be registered by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain with the League of Nations in accordance with Article 18 of the Covenant of the League. I have, &c., CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. The Right Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, M.P. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. * Not printed.

No. 22. New Zealand, No. 178. Sir, —• Government House, Wellington, 27th July, 1928. With reference to Lord Milner's despatch, No. 267, of the 10th December, 1920, intimating that it was His Majesty's pleasure that an appointment as additional Aide-de-Camp to the King be allotted to the New Zealand Military Forces, and that the officers appointed thereto from time to time should vacate the appointment on retirement or on promotion to the rank of Major-General, I have the honour to inform you, at the instance of my Prime Minister, that Lieut.-Colonel C. G. Powles, C.M.G., D.5.0., to whose appointment in the capacity named His Majesty graciously signified his assent in the year 1921 (vide Mr. Churchill's despatch, No. 212, of the Ist November, 1921), has been placed on the Reserve of Officers, having reached the age of retirement from the Active List. 2. Ministers accordingly respectfully recommend that Colonel Powles should now vacate the appointment of Aide-de-Camp to the King, and that the name of Lieut.-Colonel (temporary Brigadier) W. L. H. Sinclair-Burgess, C.8., C.M.G., D.5.0., New Zealand Staff Corps, Chief of the General Staff, may be submitted to His Majesty for the honour, in place of Colonel Powles. 3. Brigadier Sinclair-Burgess had a distinguished record in the late war, rising from the command of a Field Artillery battery to C.R.A., 4th Australian Division. I have, &c., CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. The Right Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, M.P., Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs.

No. 23. New Zealand, No. 182. Sir,- - Government House, Wellington, Ist August, 1928. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch, Dominions No. 293, of the 30th May, relative to the new arrangements for the collection of the national health and pensions contributions payable in respect of the crews of foreign-going ships to which the National Health and Pensions Insurance Acts apply.