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B.—l FPT. 11.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 927-1 92 8

Year ended 31st March, 1928, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1927—continued.


LOANS ACT 1920 DEPRECIATION FUND ACCOUNT. 1926—1927. 1Q27—1Q28 Gross EXPENDITURE, _ uross - Gross. £ fit (I, £ s d £ s d 9 16 0 Commission, Costs, and Expenses of Purchases of Securities for Cancellation Amortization of Debt, — Redemption and Cancellation of Securities in terms of Section 7 of the Discharged | Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 1,392 7 6 5J-per-cent. Debentures, 1933 (nominal value, £1,000) .. .. .. 993 17 6 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 557 1 6 Inscribed Stock, 1933 (nominal value, £3,400) .. .. 3 390 8 7 1,949 9 0 4 ' 384 6 1 . Balance at end of Year, — 59,316 S 7 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 241 9 10 Investment Account— 296,650 0 0 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 396,875 0 0 417,116 9 10* 355,966 8 7 £357,925 13 7 [ Totals .. £421,500 15 U * For explanatory statement see page 73. ACCOUNT. £s.d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 505,963 11 6 Expenditure under Section 3 of the Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919.. .. .. 380,200 0 10 Expenditure under Section 16 of the Appropriation Act, 1926, — 49,275 15 0 Land and Buildings for Agricultural College .. Charges and Expenses of raising Loans, — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— 12 10 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 (redemptions) . . . . . . 3 18 6 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. j 649 3 9 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 (renewals) .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 — 655 2 3 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 40,— Interest paid on Temporary Transfers from other Accounts .. .. .. 4,313 8 6 Temporary transfers from other Accounts repaid .. .. 160,000 0 0 164,313 8 6 Balance at end of Year, — 33,65S 4 7 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,646 12 4 Imprests outstanding—• 233 12 3 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 16 5 Investment Account — 22,270 0 0 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 57,714 8 9* 56,161 16 10 £611,413 13 4 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £602,883 0 4 * For explanatory statement see page 73. Note.—In these accounts the credits-in-aid (section 51, Public Revenues Act, 1926) and other credits in reduction of expenditure are shown as receipts, and are not deducted from the expenditure as prior to 1924-25. For the purposes of comparison a summary showing the net expenditure will be found on page 74.