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B.—l [FT. 11.


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1928, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1927—continued.


I I I I 1926-1927. RECEIPTS 1927-1928. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | 1,236,310 0 0 Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,654,673 6 5 146,933 4 5 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of previous Years .. .. .. 40,026 1 1 j Lake Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account,— 1,620 9 9 i Receipts under Land Act, 1924, Section 383 (2) .. .. .. .. .. 1,615 3 8 ' New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 194-6— Finance Act, 1925, Section 2 (Public Works)- — Stock issued in respect of £4,000,000 authorized (part of £6,000,000 5-per-cent. 4,000,000 0 0 Stock Loan, 1926).. 25 11 8 Interest on overdue instalments Stock issued in respect of Amount required to cover Charges and Expenses of raising £4,000,000 authorized (part of £6,000,000 5-per-eent. Stock, 151,450 10 2 1926) 1,514 10 2 Premium .. Finance Act, 1926, Section 2 (Public Works) — Stock issued in respect of £3,500,000 authorized (part of £6,000,000 5-per-cent. Stock Loan, 1927) .. .. .. .. .. 3,500,000 0 0 Interest on overdue instalments .. .. .. .. .. 28 7 9 Stock issued in respect of Amount required to cover Charges and Expenses of raising £3,500,000 authorized (part of £6,000,000 5-per-cent. Stock Loan,1927) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97,270 9 10 Premium.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,702 4 8 I— 3,599,001 2 3 ! j 4,152,990 12 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, Section 5(1) (6), — Finance Act, 1925, Section 2 (Public Works) — Temporary Advance received from Bank of England on Memorandum of 400,000 0 0 Security .. .. .. .. ... .. Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1913, Section 34, — 200,000 0 (I Proceeds of Treasury Bills issued in anticipation of Loan Transfer from Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account), in terms of Section 12 of the Appropriation Act, 1927.. .. .. .. .. ..I .. | 250,000 0 0 £6,137,854 6 2 Totals .. .. .. .. .. j .. £6,545,315 13 5 Note. —In these accounts the credits-in-aid (section 51, Public Revenues Act, 1926) and other credits in reduction of expenditure are shown as receipts, and are not deducted from the expenditure as prior to 1924-25. For the purposes of comparison a summary showing the net expenditure will be found on page 74.