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ENCLOSURE No. 8. Expenditure from Loan Funds for Years 1925 to 1927.

ENCLOSURE No. 9. List of Wobks for which Provision is made in tub Schedule of Works proposed to be undertaken when the New Loan is raised. £ £ Permanent extensions and improvements .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 Dispensary, with bath and septic tank .. • ... .. .. .. 250 Three-roomed house for Solomon-Islanders .. . . .. .. 800 Hospital for clean labour .. .. .. .. . * .. 250 Oil-mill and refrigerating machinery .. .. .. .. .. 1,700 £3,000 List of Works for which it is desirable that Provision should be made in the Unallocated Portion of the Loan. £ Additional bathroom at Yaroi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Three-roomed house with septic tank .. .. .. .. .. .. 970 Road, Nasau to Dalice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,500 New wharf, Dalice .. .. .. .. .. .. • • •• 1,200 £9,755 APPENDIX No. 2. Estimated Cost per Unit on Proposed Basis. Expenditure on working-expenses, Makogai, 1927, less transport of lepers £ (Fiji), £500, and revenue obtained from copra, £561 .. .. 10,878 Public-works expenditure —Maintenance, &c., 1927 .. .. .. 2,367 Interest at 5 per cent, on purchase price of island (£10,000) .. .. 500 Interest at 5 per cent, on value of buildings, works, plant, &c. (£4l, 824) .. 2,091 Sinking fund at 3 per cent, on value of buildings, works, plant, &c. (£41,824) 1,254 Insurance on buildings —ss. per cent, on £36,710 .. . . .. 92 Administration and supervision .. .. .. .. .. 500 Leave, pensions, &c., to staff .. .. . . .. . . 600 £18,282 Daify average of units, 1927, 387-15. Cost per unit, = £47 4s. sd. Distribution of Cost. £ s. d. New Zealand—l 7 units at £47 4s. sd. .. .. .. .. 802 15 1 Under existing rates cost would be .. .. .. .. 770 0 0 Cook Islands —57 units at £47 4s. sd. .. .. .. .. 2,691 11 9 Less interest at 5 per cent, on £2,110 .. .. .. 105 10 0 2,586 1 9 Under existing rates cost would be .. .. .. .. 2,280 0 0 Samoa —32f units at £47 4s. sd. .. .. .. 1,534 13 6 Less interest at 5 per cent, on £1,448 .. .. .. 72 8 0 1,462 5 6 Under existing rates cost would be .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Tonga —14 units at £47 4s. sd. .. .. .. .. .. 661 1 10 Less interest at 5 per cent, on £591 .. .. .. .. 29 11 0 631 10 10 Under existing rates cost would be .. .. .. .. 560 0 0

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (495 copies), £15 17a. 6d.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92B.

Price 6d.]


Item. Estimates :J 1925. 1926. 1927. | Total. £ £ £ £ £ on , n . f 2,042 1,000 399 .. 1.999* Small new permanent buildings and permanent additions to ! gg3 4g 93 \ buildings \ 1,200 j 1! 807 355 | 1,162 New cutter .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 .. 676 213 889 Oil plant . . .. .. .. .. .. 750 .. .. 526 Incomplete. Bakery .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 700 .. 729 .. 729 Permanent extensions and improvements .. .. .. 4,371 .. .. 2,947 Incomplete. 11,263 1,600 3,494 4,089 | * Of this sum, £400 was paid by Samoa, and £591 0s. 8d. by Tonga.