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Sites.—New sites were acquired at Longford, Maruia, and Woodstock. Additions were made to the existing areas at Motupipi and Bainham. Conveyance and Board.—As shown by the nnmber of applications, pupils in the backblocks continue to appreciate and take advantage of the allowances towards cost of conveyance and board in order to attend schools. Conveyance-allowance was paid during the year oil behalf of 195 children in attendance at twenty-nine schools and boarding-allowance to fifty-nine children attending twentyseven schools. The total expenditure for the year was £1,542 4s. Id. Voluntary Contributions and Subsidies.—School Committees continue to render excellent service in raising funds to enable improvements to be carried out and for the equipment of school libraries. Several Committees have also been successful in obtaining funds for the purpose of installing gramophones and pianos in their schools. During the year sixty-five Committees claimed subsidies on cash contributions amounting to £1,113 18s. 9d. The Board paid £25 ss. 9d. from its General Fund by way of supplementary grants towards school libraries. Health of Children. —To the School Medical Officer and his assistants the thanks of the Board are due for their efforts in the direction of improving the health of the children. Excellent work has also been done throughout the district by the dental officers. Dental clinics are now established in Murchison, Motueka, Nelson, and Westport, and the dental officers work the outlying districts from these centres. Appreciation is expressed to the Committees who have raised funds towards establishing buildings and facilities for the dental officers to carry out their work. We are hoping to obtain the services of at least two additional nurses next year. This will enable the service to be extended to the Reefton, Karamea, Takaka, and Collingwood areas, which at present do not receive these benefits. Physical Instruction.—We are still awaiting the promised appointment of a physical instructor for our district, but so far the Department has been unable to accede to our request. The work, however, is kept up by periodical visits from the Wellington District instructors and our own organizing teachers. Manual Instruction. —Manual training classes were conducted at Denniston, Millerton, Westport, Reefton, Wakefield, Nelson, Motueka, and Takaka. During the year a change-over from metalwork to woodwork instruction was made at the Westport centre, and up-to-date woodwork equipment was installed. Instruction in handwork was given in every school. The material was supplied by the Department in time for early distribution to the schools. The Board is pleased to record that the material was of good quality, although in some lines the quantities allowed were still too small. Special instructors in needlework were employed at thirty-three schools in charge of male teachers. Science equipment was installed at Takaka and Karamea District High Schools. Technical Instruction. —The majority of technical classes in the district are controlled by the Boards of Managers at Nelson and Westport, but the Board continues to conduct technical classes in cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork at Motueka and Takaka. Teachers' Classes.—Saturday classes of instruction in agricultural science, drawing, hygiene, and home science were held at Nelson and Westport. The classes were attended by uncertificated teachers and probationers. All probationers were successful at the teachers' examinations and one gained a pass with distinction. Finance.—After taking cash assets and liabilities into account the net credit balance at the end of the year was £4,604 19s. 3d. The actual bank balance on the 31st December was £5,339 10s. Id., of which £2,500 was on fixed deposit. General.—School Committees throughout the district rendered splendid service in improving the interiors of school buildings and the beautification of grounds, and in general promoted the children's welfare in no small degree. To the teachers, Inspectors, the Secretary, the Architect, and their staffs, and the manual instructors the thanks of the Board are due for the loyal and efficient manner in which they carried out their duties. I wish also, on behalf of the Board, to convey to the Minister, Director, and officers of the Department appreciation of the courteous attention extended during the year. I have, &c., P. W. 0. Smith, Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

CANTERBURY. Sir, — I have the honour to present the report of the Board for the year ending 31st December, 1926 :— The Board. —During the year the respective wards were represented by the members named : Christchurch Urban Area —Messrs. E. H. Andrews, \V. Johnson, C. S. Thompson, and \V. H. Winsor ; Timaru Urban Area —Messrs. J. G. Gow and J. Maze ; Middle Ward—Messrs. W. A. Banks and W. F. Spencer ; South Ward —Messrs. G. W. Armitage and T. Hughes ; North-west Ward —Messrs. H. J. Bignell and R. Wild. Schools. —During the year schools were opened or reopened at Cashmere (Children's Fresh Air Home), Evan's Creek, Gough's Bay, Kakapotahi, Mount Parker, Nukiwai, and Watt-Lowry-Temuka (taken over) ; while those at Huntingdon, Kaituna, South Spit, and Westbrook were closed. Buildings.—New school buildings were erected at Cattle Creek, Kairakau (Chathams), Papanui, Pareora West, Southbridge, Harihari, and the Cashmere Sanatorium ; whilst the south wing of the Training College was also completed. Additions were made at Ashburton (infants), Beckenham,