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show, the district over, a record of 182 members, present and past, who have served over ten years on School Committees. The following have served over thirty years, and their service is so remarkable as to justify inclusion in this report: — Service. Chairman. Years. Years. Kaitara—H. Morrison .. .. .. .. 36 36 J. Thompson .. .. .. .. 33 Stokes Valley —T. Delaney .. .. .. 37 — Wallaceville —J. Downing .. .. .. 42 Upper Hutt —W. Greig . . .. . . .. 38 5 Spring Creek—T. C. Priehard . . . . . . 31 11 Havelock Suburban —J. A. Moore .. .. .. 31 31 Kaituna—A. Weaver .. .. .. .. 31 10 Greytown District High School—H. Walden.. .. ..34 1 Wharanui —T. Cripps . . .. .. .. .. 30 — Hamua —J. T. Cavanagh .. .. .. .. 30 7 Masterton Central —R. Brown (deceased) .. .. 30 18 To these and all other faithful Committeemen the Board tenders its grateful thanks. To the officers of your administrative staff it is much indebted for courteous attention to and assistance in meeting the difficulties of the year. It thanks the Inspectors for much assistance in the solution of educational problems. In conclusion, the Board desires to tender its heartiest congratulations on your appointment to the important office of Minister of Education. It trusts and believes that notwithstanding recognized difficulties, especially of finance, you will be enabled by sound administration and the co-operation of all concerned to secure satisfying educational advance. You may be assured that this country will strongly support a sufficiently wise expenditure on education. I have, &c., The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Thos Forsyth, Chairman.

NELSON. Sir, — I have the honour to present the following report relative to the activities of the Education Board of the District of Nelson for the year ended 31st December, 1926 : — Board. —The personnel of the Board at the end of the year was as follows : Nelson Urban Area— Messrs. F. W. 0. Smith and J. W. Treacher ; North Ward —Messrs. W. C. Baigent and C. B. Morris ; East Ward —Messrs. E. J. Scantlebury and J. G. Wilkens ; West Ward —Mr. J. H. Harkness and the Hon. W. H. Mclntyre. Mr. E. W. 0. Smith returned from a visit to England and the Continent, and resumed his position of Chairman on the 31st May. During his absence the Hon. W. H. Mclntyre occupied the chair. Schools.—The schools at Baton and Six Mile were reopened, and those at Umere, Awanui, Kairuru, Matakitaki, and Whangarae were closed. A new school was opened at Maruia, which replaced the half-time schools held at Upper and Lower Maruia. Arrangements were made for the conveyance of the children from Umere to Karamea. This scheme has been in operation during the whole of the year, and has proved entirely satisfactory. A similar scheme is being introduced whereby the Hillside School will shortly be closed and the pupils conveyed to the central school at Clifton Terrace. Attendance. —The attendance at several schools in the district was aflected by minor epidemics, particularly during the June and September quarters. Apart from this the attendance was well maintained, and except in one or two instances, prosecutions for non-attendance were unnecessary. District High Schools.—-Secondary departments were in operation at Granity, Karamea, Motueka, Reefton, and Takaka. The largest secondary department was that at Motueka, with a roll number of ninety-one at the end of the year. Scholarships. —An outstanding feature in connection with the Junior National Scholarship Examination was the excellent result obtained at the Mahana School. From a roll number of nineteen, four candidates were presented, and all were successful, two of them being placed first and second for the Dominion. This is surely a record that will stand for many years. Buildings. —A large building programme was carried out during the year. The new two-storey brick school at Auckland Point (Nelson) was practically completed, and will be in readiness for occupation on the reopening of schools. New schools were erected at Corbyvale (Grade 0), Karamea (Grade IIIa), Longford (Grade I), Maruia (Grade I), Woodstock (Grade 1), a new residence at Motueka, and a dental clinic at Stoke. Additional rooms were erected at Burnett's Face School and Reefton residence. Remodelling was carried out at Churchill and Denniston residences. The Pikomanu School was removed and re-erected at the Gowan Bridge, and a new septic-tank system installed at Brooklyn. All of this work was carried out by contract. The Board's painting staff was continuously employed throughout the year, and to facilitate travelling and carriage of painters gear and material a motor-truck was purchased. This has proved a great convenience, and has enabled the painters to shift from school to school without loss of time. During the year fourteen schools and four residences were painted.