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Summary of Operations as at Ist June, 1925. Applications for Revaluation. Number of applications for revaluation received .. .. .. .. .. 5.347 Number of cases dealt with and determinations issued by Dominion Revaluation Board .. 5,284 Number of cases not dealt with, due to forfeiture or abandonment .. .. .. 63 The above result is very satisfactory as showing so few settlers having to drop out during practically twelve months subsequent to lodging of applications. Appeals against Determinations issued. Number of determinations .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,284 Number of appeals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 562 Percentage of appeals, 10-6 per cent. Number of appeals disallowed .. .. .. .. .. 184 Number of appeals allowed .. .. . . .. . . .. 378 Percentage of appeals allowed, 67-2 per cent. Reduction in Land and Grown Mortgage Values. (Subject to necessary adjustments.) £ Reduction in capital value of leaseholds .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,615,160 Reduction in Crown's mortgage (under section 2) .. .. .. .. .. 683,310 Total (subject to adjustment).. .. .. .. .. £2,298,470 Private Mortgages and Debts. Mortgages and debts of various descriptions owing by soldier settlers to persons other than £ the Crown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 130,309 Reduction obtained in the above by efforts of Dominion Board . . .. .. . . 95,390 Percentage of reduction to original debt, 73-2 per cent. Private Mortgages purchased. Original value of mortgages purchased by Crown .. .. .. .. .. 41,276 Price paid by Crown after negotiation .. . . .. .. .. . . 24,303 Discount obtained and which is credited to the settlers .. .. .. .. 16,973 Percentage of discount, 41-1 per cent. The above gives the position which the work of the Board had reached at the Ist June. Reference, however, to the following summary as at the 31st March gives the then position, and also furnishes particulars of remissions and postponements. An extended schedule gives particulars as at the 31st March for each land district under all headings. Summary of Operations as at 31st March, 1925 (the Close of Financial Year). Total capital invested (comprising capital values of Crown leaseholds, and advances £ s. d. under section 2, Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1917) .. 17,998,668 19 10 Capital dealt with by Dominion Revaluation Board .. .. .. .. 12,528,835 0 0 Reduction in capital by Dominion Revaluation Board .. .. .. 2,054,986 5 6 Note. —All cases had been considered at the Ist June, and the total reduction was then £2,298,470 (subject to necessary adjustments). Remissions of Arrears as at 30th June, 1923, granted by Dominion Revaluation Board. £ s. d. Remissions of instalment interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,344 1 5 Remissions of rent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42,846 7 9 Total remissions .. .. .. .. . . £58,190 9 2