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Appendix 8.l

SOUTHLAND. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ended 31st December, 1922.


Balaxce-sheet, 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts owing, special accounts .. .. 884 15 5 Cash at bank on current account 2,233 17 5 Credit balances, special accounts .. .. 9,716 16 2 Less unpresented cheques .. 779 18 11 Credit balance. General Account .. .. 1,643 10 10 1,453 18 6 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 11 12 8 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 7,250 0 0 Amounts due, special accounts .. .. 3,421 0 2 Amounts due. Genera] Account .. .. 108 11 1 £12,245 2 5 £12,245 2 5


■ i As at 31st December, 1922. As at 31st December, 1922. Name of Account. Credit Balance. 31st December, 1921. Income. Expenditure. Balance. Amounts due to Board. Due from Department. Due from other Sources.! I I [ Amounts due to Board. mts owing by Board. Special Accounts. Teacheis' salaries House allowances School libraries Conveyance, &c. Grants to School Committees Teachers' classes Scholarships —National Manual instruction Technical instruction Rebuilding Buildings —Maintenance New buildings Workshop Account Contractors' deposits Subsidies —Ordinary Organizing teachers Boarded -out children Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools £ b. d. 592 2 4 110 0 11 287 19 9 462 17 4 0 19 4 3.579 9 5 2,493 15 7 £ s. d. 94.979 4 7 1,90] 2 9* I 165 7 9 I 2.168 13 4 6.271 11 3 116 0 0 591 13 1 3.671 11 7 8,631 13 9 454 7 7 8,374 3 2 4.220 5 7f 3,814 14 8 179 1 6 1.571 12 11 1.338 14 5 7 14 11 306 5 7 £ s. d. 94.979 4 7 1,901 2 9 195 6 2 2.168 13 4 6,258 7 6 135 16 7 591 13 1 3.543 11 5 8,631 13 9 8 18 7 6.721 9 7 4,220 5 7 3,814 14 8 179 1 6 1,571 12 11 1.338 14 5 7 14 11 306 5 7 £ l. ... 562 3 11 123 4 8 268 3 2 590 17 6 0 19 4 4.024 IS 5 4,146 9 2 £ s. d. 15 16 1 110 14 3 163 19 1 5 12 2 1,451 (I 4 1,475 11 0 108 18 6 73 10 0 7 9 10 £ s. d. S 1 8 0 7 3 £ s. d. 52 11 1 170 0 0 662 2 4 0 2 0 Total of special accounts General Account 7,527 4 8 791 18 2 7,527 4 8 791 18 2 138,763 18 5 4.115 19 lit 138,7(53 IS 5 4.115 19 10 136,574 7 0 3,264 7 1% 136.574 7 0 3,264 7 1% 9,716 16 2 1,643 10 10 9,716 16 2 1,643 10 10 3,412 11 3 3,412 11 3 8 S 11 108 11 1 8 8 11 108 11 1 884 15 5 884 15 5 Grand total '8,319 2 10 '8,319 2 10 142,879 18 3 142,879 18 3 139,838 14 2 139,838 14 2 11,360 11,360 6 11 6 11 I 3,412 11 3 3,412 11 3 I 117 0 0 884 15 5 117 0 0 884 15 5 * Includes a transfer of £24 from the General Account. t Includes a transfer of £242 5s. 7d. from the General Account. X Includes transfers of £266 5s. 7d. to other accounts.