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Presented to the, House of Representatives, and, ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 14th Day of July, 1022. Ordered, "That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of twelve members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to labour ; with power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Brown, Mr. J. S. Dickson, Mr. Edie, Mr. J. R. Hamilton, Mi , . Howard, Mr. Jones, Sir. J. P. Luke, Mr. McLeod, Mr. Potter, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Veitoh, and the mover." — (Hon. Mr. Anderson.) Tuesday, the 25th Day or July, 1922. Ordered, " That the Workers' Compensation Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Anderson.) Thursday, the 27th Day ot July, 1922. Ordered, " That the Workers' Compensation Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."— (Mr. Howard.) Ordered, "That the Unemployed Workers Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."—(Mr. Fraser.) Ordered, " That the Hotel and Restaurant and Private-hotel and Boardinghouse Employees Six Days a Week Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee." —(Mr. Fraser.) Wkdnesday, the 9th Day of Auoust, 1922. Ordered, "That the Daylight Baking Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."—(Mr. McCoMBS.) Thurdsay, the 7th Day of September, 1922. Ordered, " That the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Anderson.) Wednesday, the sth Day of October. 1922. Ordered, " That the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Andeuson.) Monday, the 9tb Day of October, 1922. Ordered, "That the Scaffolding and Excavation Bill be referred to the Labour Bills Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Anderson.)


No. . • Petitions, &c. Page. I 108 Cooch, Flora, and 32 others .. .. 2 Daylight Baking Bill.. .. .. 2 Final report .. .. .. 3 Hotel and Restaurant and Private-hotel 2 and Boardinghouse Employees Six Days a Week Bill Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 3 Amendment Bill 357 Murray, J. L., (Limited), and GO others.. 2

No. j Petitions, Ac. Page. J 274 Porter, S., and 578 others .. .. | 2 Scaffolding and Excavation Bill .. I 3 Shipping and Seamen Amendment Bill.. 2 Special report (re Chairman) .. .. j 3 363 Tait, George, and 61 others . .. I 2 ! .. Unemployed Workers Bill .. .. 2 Workers' Compensation Bill .. .. 2 Workers' Compensation Amendment Bill 2