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X. Resolution to provide for Full Publicity with respect to the Political and other International Obligations of China and of the several Powers in relation to China. Adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session, Conference, on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, Ist, February, 1922. The Powers represented in this Conference, considering it desirable that there, should hereafter be, full publicity with respect to all matters affecting tin- political and other international obligations of China and of the several Powers in relation to China, are agreed as follows :- I. The several Powers other than China will at their earliest convenience file with the SecretariatGeneral of the Conference, for transmission to the participating Powers, a, list, of all treaties, conventions, exchange of notes, or other international agreements which they may have with China, or with any other Power or Powers in relation to China, which they deem to be still in force and upon which they may desire to rely. In each case citations will be given to any official or other publication in which an authoritative text of the. documents may be found. In any case in which the document may not have been published, a copy oi the text (in its original language or languages) will be filed with the Secretariat-General of the Conference. Every treaty or other international agreement of the character described which may be, concluded hereafter shall be notified by the Governments concerned within sixty days of its conclusion to the Powers who are signatories of or adherents to this agreement. 11. The. several Powers other than China will file with the, Secretariat-General of the, Conference at their earliest convenience, for transmission to the participating Powers, a list, as nearly complete as may be possible, of all those, contracts between their nationals, of the one part, and the Chinese Government or any of its administrative subdivisions or local authorities, of the other part, which involve any concession, franchise, option, or preference with respect to railway-construction, mining, forestry, navigation, river conservancy, harbour-works, reclamation, electrical communications, or other public works or public services, or for the sale of arms or ammunition, or which involve a lien upon any of the, public revenues or properties of the Chinese Government or of any ol its administrative subdivisions. There shall be, in the case ol each document so listed, either a citation to a published text, or a copy of the, text itself. Every contract of the public character described which may be concluded hereafter shall be notified by the Governments concerned within sixty days after the receipt of information of its conclusion to the. Powers who are signatories ol or adherents to this agreement. 111. The Chinese, Government agrees to notify in the conditions laid down in this agreement every treaty agreement or contract of the character indicated herein which has been or may Hereafter be concluded by that Government or by any local authority in China with any foreign Power or the nationals of any foreign Power, whether party to this agreement or not, so far as the information is in its possession. TV. The Governments of Powers having treaty relations with China which are not represented at the present Conference shall be invited to adhere to this agreement. The United States Government, as convener of the Conference, undertakes to communicate this agreement to the Governments of the said Powers, with a view to obtaining their adherence thereto as soon as possible. XI. Resolution relating to the Preservation of the Chinese Eastern Railway. Adopted at the. Sixth Plenary Session, Conference, on the, Limitation of Armament, Washington, 4th February, 1922. Resolved, That the preservation of the Chinese Eastern Railway for those in interest requires that better protection be given to the railway and the persons engaged in its operation and use, a more careful selection of personnel to secure efficiency of service, and a more economical use of funds to prevent waste of the property. That the subject should immediately be dealt with through the proper diplomatic channels. XII. Resolution relating to the Responsibility of China towards the Foreign Stockholders, Bondholders, and Creditors of the Chinese Eastern Railway Company. Adopted al the Sixth Plenary Session, Conference on the, Limitation of Armament, Washington, 4th February, 1922. The Powers other than China, in agreeing to the Resolution regarding the Chinese Eastern Railway, reserve the right to insist hereafter upon the responsibility of China for performance or non-performance of the obligations towards the foreign stockholders, bondholders, and creditors of the Chinese Eastern Railway Company which the Powers deem to result from the contracts under which the railroad was built, and the action of China thereunder, and the obligations which they deem to be in. the nature of a trust resulting from the exercise of power by the Chinese Government over the, possession and administration of the railroad.

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