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Declaration concerning the Resolution on Radio-stations in China of the 7th December, 1921 [i.e., the, above Resolution]. The Powers other than China declare that nothing in paragraph 3 or 4 of the Resolution of the 7th December, 1921, is to be deemed to be an expression of opinion by the Conference as to whether the stations referred to therein are or are not authorized by China. They further give notice, that the result of any discussion arising under paragraph A must, if it is not to be subject to objection by them, conform with the principles of the " open door," or equality of opportunity, approved by the Conference. Chinese Declaration concerning Resolution of thi<: 7th December regarding Radiostations in China. The Chinese Delegation takes this occasion formally to declare that the Chinese Government does not recognize or concede the right of any foreign Power, or of the nationals thereof, to install or operate, without its express consent, radio-stations in legation grounds, settlements, concessions, leased territories, railway areas, or other similar areas. VIII. Resolution relating to the Unification of Railways in China, with a Supplementary Declaration by China. Adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session, Conference on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, Isl February, 1922. The Powers represented in this Conference record their hope that, to the utmost degree consistent with legitimate existing rights, the future development of railways in China shall be so conducted as to enable the Chinese Government to effect the unification of railways into a railway-system under Chinese control, with such foreign financial and technical assistance as may prove necessary in the interests of that system. Statement regarding Chinese Railways made on the 19th January, 1922, by the Chinese Delegation. Th(> Chinese Delegation notes with sympathetic appreciation the expression of the hope of the Powers that the existing and future railways of China may be unified under the control and operation of the Chinese, Government, with such foreign financial and technical assistance as may be needed. It is our intention as speedily as possible to bring about this result. It is our purpose to develop existing and future railways in accordance with a general programme that will meet the economic, industrial, and commercial requirements of China. It will be our policy to obtain such foreign financial and technical assistance as may be needed from the Powers in accordance, with the, principles of the. ■' open door " or equal opportunity ; and the friendly support of these Powers will be asked for the effort of the Chinese Government to bring all the railways of China, now existing or to be, built, under its effective and unified control and operation. IX. Resolution relating to the Reduction of Chinese Military Forces and Expenditures. Adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session, Conference on the Limitation of Armament, Washington, Ist, February, 1922. Whereas the Powers attending this Conference have, been deeply impressed with, the severe drain on the public revenue of China through the maintenance, in various parts of the country, of military forces excessive in number, and controlled by the military chiefs of the provinces without co-ordination : And whereas the continued maintenance of these forces appears to be mainly responsible for China's present unsettled political conditions : And whereas it is felt that large and prompt reductions of these forces will not only advance the cause of China's political unity and economic development, but will hasten her financial rehabilitation : Therefore, without any intention to interfere in the internal problems of China, but animated by the sincere desire to see China develop and maintain for herself an effective and stable government alike in her own interest and in the general interest of trade, and being inspired by the spirit of this Conference, whose aim is to reduce, through the limitation of armament, the enormous disbursements which manifestly constitute the greater part of the encumbrance upon enterprise and national prosperity, it is resolved That this Conference express to China the earnest hope that immediate and effective steps may lie taken by the Chinese Government to reduce the aforesaid military forces and expenditures.