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The following Russian vessels were engaged from 1916 onwards in carrying munitions to North Russia, and were therefore run by the Ministry of Shipping. Those marked * were subsequently transferred to the British flag and wholly British crews put on board : — Adventure Canada Kildin *Sibir *Altal *Dwinsk *Koursk Sigrid *Albatross *Ekaterinoslav *Kursk Slavonic Australia *Ethelaida Kosma Mmm *Soroka *Bessarabia *EUind Knias Pojarsky Souma Betty Export *Krasnoyarsk *Sineus *Biruta Front Loire *Tambov Bellaventure Graf Schuwalow *Marie Rose *Umba Beothic General Suworow *Mogilev Vologda Bruce *Graf Strogano.ff Nadejda *Voronej Bonaventure Hansley Nonni Woron Burevestnik Irina *Novgorod *Yaroslavl *Claudius Auglagnon Irtysh Novorossia *Zimorodoke. Cesarevitch Alexei *Ibis *Odessa *Czar *Kamenetz Podolsk Olga *Czarietza *Katie Omsk

No. 25. New Zealand, No. 97. My Lord,— Downing Street, 28th May, 1920. With reference to Your Excellency's telegram of the 24th February, 1920, regarding the request of the Bureau dcs Longitudes de France that your Government should co-operate in a scheme for the standardization of longitudes, I have the honour to state, for the information of your Ministers, that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are of opinion that the scheme for the standardization of longitudes proposed by the Bureau des 5 Longitudes is of an exclusively scientific character, while its execution, which is quite practicable, could not fail to be of material benefit to the British Empire. Their Lordships consider that the determination by wireless telegraph of the longitude of some point in New Zealand is much to be desired, and will ultimately, when this method of determining longitude comes into more general use, be imperatively necessary. Their Lordships hope, therefore, that the Government of New Zealand, even if declining to participate in the general scheme put forward by the Bureau dcs Longitudes, will consent to equip the Wellington Observatory, or some other welldefined position in New Zealand, with the means of observing long-distance wirelesstelegraph time signals, to allow of its longitude being determined from Greenwich. I have, &c, Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. MILNER. Earl of Liverpool, P.C, G.C.M.G, G.B.E, M.V.O, &c.

No. 26. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 227. My Lord, — Downing Street, 3rd June, 1920. I have the honour to request Your Excellency to invite the attention of your Ministers to the question addressed to Mr. Harmsworth by Mr. Gilbert, M.P, in the House of Commons on the sth May, relative to a French order regulating the export of money from France. Copies of the question and answer, of the French regulations, and of a notice which appeared in the Board of Trade Journal for March are enclosed herewith. Ignorance of these regulations no doubt causes great inconvenience to travellers, and the Passport Department of the Foreign Office are accordingly printing them in their memorandum respecting foreign requirements which is given out with every passport. It is suggested that your Ministers may think it desirable to take some similar action with a view to bringing the requirements of the.French Order to the knowledge of travellers. I have, &c, MILNER. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P.C, G.C.M.G, G.B.E, M.V.O, &c.

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