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tions during the war, should as far as possible be rendered available for study, to the public advantage as well as to that of the Government Intelligence Services. The Council has therefore formulated the accompanying resolution, and ventures strongly to express the hope that the accumulation, collation, and dissemination of the data referred to may be committed to some central authority : a measure which they believe, having regard to the existing resources of Government and of science, would not call for any very elaborate organization or large expenditure, while its advantages to science and the allied interests of administration and commerce could hardly be overestimated. We have, &c, H. H. TUBNER, ) r. , „ , • J. L.Myres, j General Secretaries. Per 0. J. R. Howarth, Assistant Secretary. The Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Resolution. That the Council of the British Association urges upon His Majesty's Governments at Home and in overseas dominions the desirability of collating and rendering available for scientific study the geographical, anthropological, and other scientific data which have been found to have been collected by the German authorities in their former colonies, and would be glad to be informed as to any measures which they have taken with this object.

No. 23. New Zealand, No. 80. My Lord,— Downing Street, 26th April, 1920. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's despatch, No. 21, of the 28th January, 1920, and to state, for the information of your Ministers, that the .volume entitled " The New-Zealanders in Gallipoli," enclosed in your despatch under reference, has been laid before the King, and that it was His Majesty's pleasure to accept it very graciously. I have, &c, Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. MILNER. Earl of Liverpool, P. 0., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.0., &c.

No. 24. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 189. My Lord,— Downing Street, sth May, 1920. With reference to paragraph 7 of my despatch, Dominions, No. 44, of the 28th January, regarding the issue of war medals to the mercantile marine, I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that the Board of Trade has had under consideration the question of the issue of these medals to the crews of certain foreign vessels which were at the entire disposal of the Admiralty and/or Ministry of Shipping during the war, and that is has now been decided that British subjects who served in one or the other of the vessels on the attached list shall be allowed to count their time of service on board such vessel or vessels as qualifying service for the award of these medals. I. have, &c, MILNER. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P.C, G.C.M.G, G.B.E, M.V.O, &c.

Enclosure. Belgian. Vessel. Period. Jan Breydel .. .. From 28th August, 1915, to 27th April, 1919. Leopold II .. .. .. From 12th July, 1917 (still on service). rieter de Comnik .. .. From 16th March, 1917, to 31st January, 1919. Princesse Clementine .. From 18th November, 1915 (still on service). Princesse Henriette .. .. From 25th November, 1915. Princesse Elisabeth .. .. From Bth November, 1916, to 31st December, 1918. Rapide .. .. .. From sth January, 1918, to 2nd February, 1918. Stad Antwerpen .. .. From 28th August ,1915, to 31st December, 1919. Ville de Leise .. .. From 13th June, 1917, to 30th December, 1918. French. Bordeaux .. .. .. From Ist December, 1914, to 11th April, 1916. Anjou .. .. .. From 30th November, 1914, to sth May, 1916. Maine .. .. .. From 30th November, 1911, to 21st November, 1917.