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,: Payments for storage included in above amounted to £5,388,903 6s. 5d., = 0.59 d. per pound of the meat purchased. The total cost of administration chargeable to this section of the Department's activities has amounted to 0 - 019 per-cent, or 4|-d. per £100. The work of inspection- of meat- and grading, together with the certification of statements regularly furnished by the freezing companies relating to quantities of meat on hand, killings, &c., has been carried out by the Live-stock Division of the Department of Agriculture without cost to the Imperial Government. The schedules of prices paid for meat during the term of the Imperial Government purchase are shown in the appendix for reference purposes. CHEESE. The purchase of the 1919-20 season's output continued until the termination of the contract at the Ist July, 1920. The following table shows the number of crates and value of all cheese purchased and shipped from the inception of the Imperial Government purchase up to the 31st March, 1921, and the prices paid.during each season : —

* One-third of output. The total cost of administration chargeable to the cheese section of the Department has amounted to 0-036 per cent., or Bfd. per £100. BUTTER. The purchase of the 1919-20 season's exportable surplus of butter was continued at the prices mentioned in my last report until the termination of the contract at the 31st July, 1920. A new contract was entered into with butter-factories on behalf of the Imperial Government for the exportable surplus of ,1920-21 season's butter delivered into New Zealand grading-stores on or before the 31st March, 1921, at prices f.o.b. ocean steamer shown in the table below. As under previous contracts, arrangements were made for the payment of advances representing 90 per cent, of the purchase price free of interest. The Imperial Government also accepted liability for storage thereon for an average period in excess of six weeks, based over all consignments throughout the season.

Season. Cheese. Price per pound f.o.b. Number of Crates. Total Value. 1915-16* 1916-17 First-grade factory First-grade factory Second-grade factory First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy Second-grade dairy First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy Second-grade dairy First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy | Second-grade dairy d. 71 94 9J 10 Q3 8| 8 10f io§ 10 9i 82 io| io| 10 n 8| 189,502 £ 918,104 1917-18 518,323 3,271,982 756,142 5,024,020 1918-19 5,667,522 >■ 789,550 I 1919-20 y 884,248 6,308,040 Totals 3,137,765 21,189,668