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Enclosure. Sib,— War Office, London S.W., 11th November, 1919. I am commanded by the Army Council to inform you that War Office letter number 0137/4925 (M.S. 3), of the 7th September, 1918 (which for the period of the war authorized a limited number of awards of the Meritorious-service Medals without annuity for valuable and meritorious services not in a theatre of war), is hereby cancelled, and no-further recommendations can be accepted. 2. A notification will in due course appear in the London Gazette in respect of recommendations which have been received and which may in due course be approved. 3. (a.) I am to point out in this connection that this distinction will still be available as a reward for devotion to duty or gallant conduct not in action, in theatres of war in which hostilities continue. (6.) In respect, however, of services elsewhere than in the field recommendation for award will only be permissible in terms of Article 1227, Pay Warrant (see Army Order 45 of 1917), and of King's Regulations, 1747, as amended by Army Order 47 of 1917, for " gallant conduct in the performance of military duty or in saving or attempting to save the life of an officer or soldier." 4. The instructions in this letter apply solely to the Meritorious-service Medal without annuity, and have no reference to procedure governing the award of the medal with annuity, for which special provision is made in the third subparagraph of 1747, King's Regulations. I have, &c, R. L. Meade.

No. 8. New Zealand, No. 207. My Lord,-— Downing Street, 10th December, 1919. With reference to my telegram of the 29th May and subsequent correspondence, relating to the agricultural training in the dominions of ex-officers and men of similar standing, I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that His Majesty's Government have decided to award fifty grants, under the scheme of higher education and training for ex-officers and rneri of suitable educational promise, to selected applicants who desire to enter upon or to continue a full-time course in agriculture overseas. 2. The grants are of a value not exceeding £125 per annum for a period up to two years, and additional allowances of £25 per annum may be paid in respect of the wife of a married candidate, and of £24 per annum in respect of each child under sixteen years of age, up to a maximum of £96 per annum. No fees of any kind are payable by His Majesty's Government in addition. 3. The .conditions attaching to these grants are that the course of agricultural training must be taken at either (a) an approved university or agricultural college or kindred institution, or (b) a farm attached to or under the immediate supervision of an approved agricultural college or institution, or the Department of Agriculture of the State concerned. I have, &c, L. S. AMERY, For the Secretary of State. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P. 0., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.O, &c.

No. 9. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 888. My Lord,— Downing Street, 29th December, 1919. With reference to Lord Milner's despatches, Dominions, No. 649, of the 13th August, and Dominions No. 756, of the 22nd September, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, copies of Admiralty Fleet orders regarding the award of the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. I have, &c, L. S. AMERY, For the Secretary of State. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P.C., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.0., &c.