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No. 1. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 812. My Lord, — Downing Street, sth November, 1919. With reference to my despatch, Dominions No. 55, of the 24th January, 1919, relative to the conditions governing the award of the 1914-15 Star, I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that it is proposed to issue shortly an amendment to Appendix A of Army Order 20 of 1919 (the definitions of all the African theatres of war), a copy of which is enclosed herewith. 2. In connection with the reference to the boundary running along the shores of Lake Nyassa, it should be explained that the intention is to include service afloat on the lake only, and not service in the towns on or near the shores of the lake. I have, &c, Governor-General His Excellency the Eight Hon. MTLNER. Earl of Liverpool, P. 0., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. Award op 1914-15 Star. African Theatre. —To include all operations set forth below, but excluding local military operations against Native tribes or rebels : — (a.) In British. East Africa, German East Africa, Ehodesia, Nyasaland, and Uganda, from the 20th August, 1914, within an area bounded as follows : On the north by the Uganda Railway from the sea to Port Florence and Kisumu (including the whole of all towns actually on the railway) ; thence along the north shore of Lake Victoria to the mouth of the Katonga River ; thence along the line of that river to Lake George : on the west by the western shores of Lake George, Lake Edward, Lake Kivu, and Lake Tanganyika to Moliro ; thence by the Northern Rhodesian - Congo border to Lake Mweru, and along the Luapula River to the 12th parallel : on the south by the 12th parallel to Lake Nyassa ; thence along the western, southern, and eastern shore of Lake Nyassa to the boundary between Portuguese and German East Africa ; thence along that boundary to the sea. (b.) In German South-west Africa and the 12th and 13th Military Districts of the Union of South Africa : Provided that service was performed on the establishment of a unit in any one of the following forces between 20th August, 1914, and the 9th July, 1915 : Northern Foree —commanded by General the Right Hon. Louis Botha ; "A " Force —commanded by Brigadier-General H. T. Lukin, C.M.G., D.5.0.; "B" Force, Southern Force and Southern Army—commanded on different dates by Major-General the Hon. J. C. Smuts and Brigadier-General J. L. van Deventer; Central Force— commanded by Brigadier-General Sir D. McKenzie, K.C.M.G., C.8., V.D. ; Eastern Foree —commanded by Colonel S. A. L. Berrange, C.M.G. (c.) In Kamerun and that part of Nigeria east of a line from the southern extremity of Lake Chad through Maiduguri, Yola, Bakundi, Takum, and Ikom (these five places inclusive), from. Ikom eastwards along the Cross River to the Nigeria-Oameroons frontier, from the 24th August, 1914. (d.) Within the boundaries of Togoland, from the 7th August, 1914, to 26th August, 1914.

No. 2. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 830. My Lord, — Downing Street, 21st November, 1919. With reference to my despatch, Dominions, No. 800, of the 27th October, I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that the rules governing the refund of passage-money to officers and men of the Royal Air Force who made their own arrangements to return to the dominions on demobilization are identical, except as regards the channel of submission, with those laid down for officers and men of the Army. 2. Applications for refund should be submitted, in a form similar to that prescribed for the Army, through the Officer in Charge, Royal Air Force, Repatriation Records, Winchester, to the Air Ministry (Q. 2). I have, &c, Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. MTLNER. Earl of Liverpool, P. 0., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.0., &c.