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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of If is Excellency.


I—A. 2.

No. of Series. Date. Subject. Pago. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II \2 13 II IS Hi 17 IK I!) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 82 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 10 II 1919. Nov. 5 „ 21 „ 27 „ 29 Dec. 3 8 9 „ 10 » 29 1920. ,Tan. 7 7 ,, U „ 20 „ 27 » 31 Feb. 10 Mar. 9 » 30 April 7 „ 13 „ 17 „ 23 „ 26 May 5 „ 28 June 3 ,, 3 „ 23 July 5 Aug. 3 »1 4 „ 17 „ 23 „ 24 „ 26 Sept. 3 „ 10 „ 25 „ 29 Oct. 6 „ 21 1914-15 Star Refund of passage-money of Royal Air Force officers and men Standardization of longitudes Joint Standing Industrial Council Conference of entomologists Penrhyn and Suvarov Islands Meritorious-service Medal Agricultural training for ex-officers British War Medal and Victory Medal Imperial Bureau of Mycology Visual Instruction Committee .. ... Agricultural training overseas British Empire patent Trade Commissioner in Straits Settlement Permanent loan of arms and armour Victory Medal riband Touring exhibition of British goods Saluting-stations .. Standardization-marks British subjects of double nationality Imperial Bureau of Mycology Scientific data collected by Germans .. New-Zcalanders in Gallipoli: Volume presented to His Majesty the King .. War medals for mercantile marine Standardization of longitudes Export of money from France Postal war-taxes, Malta and Nyassaland .. .. .. .. < British wireless messages : Wave-lengths Imperial Bureau of Mycology Radio Research Board British War Medals Postal war-taxes in Jamaica Imperial Institute Money-order service with United States ... Imperial memorials at Ypres Inspection of wireless on merchant vessels Alterations in postal rates Procedure for persons desiring instruction in wireless schools Wireless telegraphy on merchant ships Revision of postal rates Parcel-post agreement with United States 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 8 9 11 II 12 L3 II II II 15 15 Hi Hi 17 17 18 1!) Ill 1!) 20 20 21 23 24 21 25 2. r > 25 26 26