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Land held by Native Owners in North Island. The following figures show the estimated area of Native land in the North Island still held by Natives at 31st March, 1921 :— Acros. Estimated area owned at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 4,787,686 Disposed of during year : — Acres. Purchased by the Crown .. .. . . . . . . . . 56,595 Alienated by sale through Maori Land Boards .. .. .. 91,518 _ 148,113 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,639,573 Of the land owned by Maoris the following areas are. estimated to be profitably occupied : — Acres. Leased through Maori Land Boards .. .. .. .. 2,853,012 Leased and farmed by East Coast Trust Commissioner .. .. 158,432 Leased by Public Trustee .. .. .. .. .. 139,728 Leased under special enactments .. . . .. . . .. 9,538 Occupied by Maori owners (estimated) .. .. ~ .. 380,000 3,540,710 Area of land unoccupied at 31st March, 1.921 .. .. ... 1,098,863 The unoccupied lands are estimated to comprise : — Papatupu lands.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,014 Vested in Maori Land Boards and undisposed of .. .. .. 204,294 Vested in East Coast Commissioner .. .. .. .. 100,117 Urewera District (unpurchased) .. .. .. .. .. 306,996 Other lands 472,442 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,098,863 Departmental. The total expenditure, of the Department for the year was £38,269, including £2,356 on account of the Native Land Settlement vote, as against £33,096 for last year. The revenue received from all sources was £16,407 2s. lOd. During the year twenty-two applicants for Native Interpreters' licenses sat for examination ; thirteen were successful in obtaining first-grade licenses, while one applicant, secuied a second-grade license. Native Trust Office. In pursuance of the decision to set up a Native Trust Office to take over the administration of the Native reserves hitherto administered by the Public Trustee, an Act was passed during last session, and Judge W. E. Rawson was appointed to the position of Native Trustee. The Act came into force on the Ist April.

TABLE A.—NATIVK LAND COURTS. Return of Business and Fees for the Year ended 31st March, 1921. Native Land Com I. Number of sittings .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 Number of cases notified .. .. .. . . .. 27,032 Number of cases for which orders were made .. .. .. 8,672 Number of cases dismissed .. .. .. .. .. 4,344 Number of cases adjourned sine die .. .. .. .. 14,016 Number of partitions made .. .. .. .. .. 813 Area affected (acres) .. .. .. .. .. 317,842 Number of investigations of title .. .. .. .. 11 Area affected (acres) .. .. . . .. .. 325 Number of succession orders made .. . . .. .. 6,642 Number of other orders made .. .. .. .. .. 2,027 Court Fees. £ s . d. Fees received.. .. .. .. ..' .. .. 6,238 111 Fees outstanding for period .. .. .. .. .. 125 8 6 Native Appellate Court. Number of sittings .. . . . . . . .. .. 9 Number of cases notified . . . . . . .. .. 78 Native Land Court decisions varied .. . . .. .. 8 Native Land Court decisions affirmed .. .. .. .. 10 Native Land Court decisions referred back to Native Land Court .. (1 Native? Land Court decisions annulled .. .. .. .. 3 Appeals dismissed or withdrawn .. . . .. .. 32 Appea's adjourned sine die .. .. . . .. .. 9 Applications under section 208 ordered .. . . .. .. 5 Applications under section 208 dismissed. . . : .. .. 5 Applications under section 208 adjourned sine die . ... .. 8 Court Fees. £ s . d. Fees received.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 16 0 Fees outstanding for period .. .. .., ~ .. 2 0 0