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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Sir,-- Native Department, Wellington, 30th June, 1921. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the work of the Native Land Courts, Maori Land Boards, and the Native Land Purchase Board for the year ended 31st March., 1921. The Hon. the Native Minister. C. B. Jordan, Under-Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT. Native Land Court. One hundred and nine sittings of the Native Land Court were held during the year. The total number of cases notified for hearing was 27,032, and the number dealt with 13,016. Partition orders to the number of 813, affecting 317,842 acres, were made, and 6,642 succession orders and 2,027 other orders affecting Native land were made. The Native Appellate Court held nine sittings during the year. The number of cases scheduled was seventy-eight, and sixty-nine cases were dealt with. The Court fees received amounted to £6,279 17s. lid., as against £5,994 9s. for the previous year. Details will be found in tables attached hereto. Maori Land Boards. Vested Lands. During the year 2,906 acres were alienated by way of lease, 2,396 acres were sold, and 1,052 acres were revested in the Native owners. The following figures show the position of lands vested in and administered by the various Maori Land Boards at 31st March, 1921 : — Acres. Acres. Acres-. Area vested in Boards- up to Ist April, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 942,632 Area sold prior to Ist April, 1920 .. .. .. .. 137,899 Area sold by Boards during year .. .. .. .. 2,396 140,295 Area revested in Native owners during year .. .. .. .. 1,052 141,347 Total area remaining vested in and administered by Boards at 31st March, 1921 - .. .. 801,285 Native Freehold Lands. No. Acres. Acres. Leases confirmed 403 39,979 Transfers confirmed .. .. .. .. .. ..1,345 91,597 — 131,576 Mortgages confirmed .. .. .. ■. .. .. 73 .. .17,332 Funds of Boards. The total receipts of Boards for year were £496,810 14s. Bd., and the total disbursements £490,944 17s. lOd.; the total amount at credit of Boards on 31st March, 1921, being £656,527 16s. Id. Of the amount at credit of the various Boards £544,441 15s. lid. is deposited with the Native Trustee, £26 900 invested in War Fund bonds, and £85,186 Is. Id. held at credit of current account of the Boards. The. revenue received by the Boards amounted to £9,998 2s. lid. —£4,547 12s. 6d. by fees and £5,450 10s. sd. for commission. Native-land Purchase. During the year 56,595 acres were purchased, and 117 blocks, comprising 82,909 acres, were proclaimed Crown lands. The total area of Native-land purchased by the Crown since 1909 is 1,133,165 acres, and the total amount of purchase-money paid £2,768,529. Urewera Reserves. —9,404 acres were purchased during the year, making a total area purchased to date of 329,982. In order to enable the land already purchased to be opened up for settlement as early as possible, it has been arranged to hold a meeting between the Crown and the Native owners to consider a scheme of consolidation of the interests of the non-sellers and of the Crown respectively.

I—G. 9.



Land held by Native Owners in North Island. The following figures show the estimated area of Native land in the North Island still held by Natives at 31st March, 1921 :— Acros. Estimated area owned at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 4,787,686 Disposed of during year : — Acres. Purchased by the Crown .. .. . . . . . . . . 56,595 Alienated by sale through Maori Land Boards .. .. .. 91,518 _ 148,113 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,639,573 Of the land owned by Maoris the following areas are. estimated to be profitably occupied : — Acres. Leased through Maori Land Boards .. .. .. .. 2,853,012 Leased and farmed by East Coast Trust Commissioner .. .. 158,432 Leased by Public Trustee .. .. .. .. .. 139,728 Leased under special enactments .. . . .. . . .. 9,538 Occupied by Maori owners (estimated) .. .. ~ .. 380,000 3,540,710 Area of land unoccupied at 31st March, 1.921 .. .. ... 1,098,863 The unoccupied lands are estimated to comprise : — Papatupu lands.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,014 Vested in Maori Land Boards and undisposed of .. .. .. 204,294 Vested in East Coast Commissioner .. .. .. .. 100,117 Urewera District (unpurchased) .. .. .. .. .. 306,996 Other lands 472,442 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,098,863 Departmental. The total expenditure, of the Department for the year was £38,269, including £2,356 on account of the Native Land Settlement vote, as against £33,096 for last year. The revenue received from all sources was £16,407 2s. lOd. During the year twenty-two applicants for Native Interpreters' licenses sat for examination ; thirteen were successful in obtaining first-grade licenses, while one applicant, secuied a second-grade license. Native Trust Office. In pursuance of the decision to set up a Native Trust Office to take over the administration of the Native reserves hitherto administered by the Public Trustee, an Act was passed during last session, and Judge W. E. Rawson was appointed to the position of Native Trustee. The Act came into force on the Ist April.

TABLE A.—NATIVK LAND COURTS. Return of Business and Fees for the Year ended 31st March, 1921. Native Land Com I. Number of sittings .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 Number of cases notified .. .. .. . . .. 27,032 Number of cases for which orders were made .. .. .. 8,672 Number of cases dismissed .. .. .. .. .. 4,344 Number of cases adjourned sine die .. .. .. .. 14,016 Number of partitions made .. .. .. .. .. 813 Area affected (acres) .. .. .. .. .. 317,842 Number of investigations of title .. .. .. .. 11 Area affected (acres) .. .. . . .. .. 325 Number of succession orders made .. . . .. .. 6,642 Number of other orders made .. .. .. .. .. 2,027 Court Fees. £ s . d. Fees received.. .. .. .. ..' .. .. 6,238 111 Fees outstanding for period .. .. .. .. .. 125 8 6 Native Appellate Court. Number of sittings .. . . . . . . .. .. 9 Number of cases notified . . . . . . .. .. 78 Native Land Court decisions varied .. . . .. .. 8 Native Land Court decisions affirmed .. .. .. .. 10 Native Land Court decisions referred back to Native Land Court .. (1 Native? Land Court decisions annulled .. .. .. .. 3 Appeals dismissed or withdrawn .. . . .. .. 32 Appea's adjourned sine die .. .. . . .. .. 9 Applications under section 208 ordered .. . . .. .. 5 Applications under section 208 dismissed. . . : .. .. 5 Applications under section 208 adjourned sine die . ... .. 8 Court Fees. £ s . d. Fees received.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 16 0 Fees outstanding for period .. .. .., ~ .. 2 0 0

G.— 9.

TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS. Areas of Native Land vested in and administered by Maori Land Boards


Board. Vested during * AS U l 1 920. MarO)l ' i Vostod durin S «*»• rear. mh As at 31st March. 1921. Lands subject to Part XIV of the Native Land Act, 1 . i> r> A I, 'art XIV of the Native Land Act, 1909. 1909. I 1- A I? 1, A. B. P. A. a. Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 16,304 0 12 Aotea .. .. .. .. 14,345 0 28 Tairawhiti .. .. .. 2,824 3 36 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 18,710 1 04 Waikato-Maniapoto .. .. 197,637 3 03 Tokerau .. .. .. .. 51,775 2 14 *875 2 301,597 3 17 *875 2 A. It. P. A. S. I'. 16,304 0 12 14,345 0 28 2,824 3 36 18,710 1 04 197,637 3 03 51,775 2 14 *875 2 30 ;. I'. A. it. i'. 16,304 0 12 14,345 0 28 2,824 3 36 18,710 1 4 197,637 3 3 I 30 50,899 3 24 30 300,722 0 27 16,304 0 12 14,345 0 28 2,824 3 36 18,710 1 4 197,637 3 3 50,899 3 24 301,597 3 17 *875 2 30 300,722 0 27 Lands subject lo Part XV of the Native Land Act, 19 909. Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 1,742 1 34 Aotea .. .. .. .. 193,653 0 38 * 175 3 Tairawhiti .. .. .. 54,337 0 17 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 14,551 2 28 Waikato-Maniapoto .. . . 538 0 0 Tokerau 84,150 1 8 '348,972 3 5 *175 3 'art XV of the Native Land Act, 1909. 1,742 1 34 193,653 0 38 * 175 3 32 54,337 0 17 14,551 2 28 538 0 0 84,150 18 1,742 1 34 32 193,477 1 6 54,337 0 17 1.4,551 2 28 538 0 0 84,150 1 8 32 348,796 3 13 1,742 1 34 193,477 1 6 54,337 0 17 1.4,551 2 28 538 0 0 84,150 1 8 '348,972 3 5 *I75 3 32 '348,972 3 5 *175 3 32 348,796 3 13 Lands subject lo Part XVI of the Native Land Act, 1. [909. >e Land Act, 1909. Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 7,835 2 0 Aotca .. .. .. .. 347 1 4 Tairawhiti .. .. .. 118,977 1 39 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 86,604 1 33 Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .. .. .. 288 0 35 7,835 347 118,977 86,604 7,835 2 0 347 1 4 118,977 1 39 86,604 1 33 288 0 35 2 0 1 4 1 39 1 33 288 0 35 214,052 3 31 214,052 214,052 3 31 3 31 Lands subject under Special Enactment. ject under Special lactment. Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 817 3 22 Aotea .. .. .. .. 1,461 3 4 Tairawhiti .. .. .. 1,138 3 22 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 7,374 0 3 Waikato-Maniapoto *. .. 1,653 2 2 Tokerau .. .. .. .. 57,313 10 817 3 22 1,461 3 4 1,138 3 22 7,374 0 3 1,653 2 2 57,313 1 0 817 1,461 1,138 7,374 1,653 57,313 817 3 22 1,461 3 4 1,138 3 22 7,374 0 3 1,653 2 2 57,313 1 0 3 22 3 4 3 22 0 3 2 2 1 0 69,759 1 13 69,759 1 13 * Revested in Native owners during the year. Vested Lands : How disposed of. ., , Num- As at 31st Maroh, Num- ... . v . Board. ber | im ber During Year. Num- | As at 31st March, ber. j 1921. Subject to Part XIV. — By ivay of Lease. A. B. P. A. B. P. Ikaroa .. .. 13 2,079 2 32 .. Aotea .. .. 4' 2,577 3 0.. Tairawhiti .. 1 455 0 29 .. Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto 79. 37,056 2 7 1 1,067 2 15 Tokerau .. .. 4| 2,315 139 1 1,000 0 0 A. B. P. 13 2,079 2 32 4 2,577 3 0 1 455 0 29 80 38,124 0 22 5 3,315 1 39 101 J 44,484 2 27 2,067 2 0 j 103 46,552 J 2

a.— 9


TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Vested Lands: How disposed of — continued.

Board. Num- As at 31st March, ber. 1920. Number. * „ . r T Num- As at 31st Maroh, During Year. , )er _ 1921 • Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Wa kato-Maniapoto Tokerau 4 7 9 3 88 8 Subject to Part . A. B. P. 13,725 2 12 6,680 3 39 1,127 3 7 2,586 0 0 65,278 3 32 15,787 2 22 IV.—. !y way of Sale. A. E. p. A. b. p 4 13,725 2 12 7 6,680 3 39 9 1,127 3 7 557 1 13 4 3,143 1 13 1,838 1 8 91 67,117 1 0 8 15,787 2 22 4 7 9 4 91 8 i 3 119 105,186 3 32 2,395 2 21 123 107,582 2 13 Subject to Part } V.—B, way of Lease. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhit Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 10 207 106 3 1 128 1,472 2 34 168,080 3 37 35,248 2 9 350 0 0 538 0 0 63,345 1 30 2 200 2 32 10 207 108 3 1 128 1,472 168,080 35,449 350 538 63,345 2 34 3 37 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 30 455 269,035 2 30 200 2 32 457 269,236 1 22 Subject to Part V.— \y way of Sale. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 6 18,035 2 32 6 18,035 2 32 1 4 3 5 1 4 3 5 18,040 1 37 18,040 1 37 Subject lo Part 1 VI.—. way of Lease. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. 16 6,219 0 25 1 108 0 19 17 6,327 1 4 85 19,774 0 2 5 529 3 20 90 20,303 3 22 530 522 1 32 530 522 1 32 631 26,515 2 19 6 637 3 39 637 27,153 2 18 & i bject to Special Em 260 0 34 50 0 0 tment, , — By way of Lease, Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 4 1 1 4 1 260 50 0 34 0 0 94 7,374 0 3 94 7,374 0 3 7 57,306 0 0 "7 57,306 0 0 106 64,990 0 37 106 64,990 0 37 Si 'hject to Special E: 109 0 30 109 3 6 3 0 0 Mctmem '. — By way of Sale. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 27 25 1 1 0 1 4 28 25 1 109 109 3 1 34 3 6 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 54 223 2 36 I 0 1 4 55 224 0 0


TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Native Freehold Lands: How disposed of.


Board. Num- As at 31st March, Num- ■■-,„,.)„„ v „„, ber. 1920. ber. During Year. Num- As at 31st March, ber. 1921. Leased by Owners and approved by Board. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau A. B. r. A. b. p. . 1,225 252,036 17 1 91 5,106 2 2 . 1,222 386,473 0 6 93 6,938 2 37 759 195,239 1 0 66 4,299 2 9 467 213,066 2 7 15 1,373 0 3 2,246 774,327 1 39 62 7,104 3 7 403 I 128,205 3 8 ! 17 729 3 31 I „ „,„ „,„ ~~~ 7771 „_ Z 7 A. B. P. ! 1,316 ! 257,142 3 9 ' 1,315 ! 393,411 3 3 I 825 j 199,538 3 9 I 482 ! 214,439 2 10 ' 2,308 781,432 1 6 420 128,935 2 39 6,322 I 1,949,348 1 27 , 344 ; 25,552 2 9 6,322 1,949,348 1 27 314 25,552 2 9 » 6,666 1,974,900 3 36 6,666 1,974,900 3 36 Sold by Owners a. <d confi'i ■med by Board. Ikaroa 1,751 1,125 1,006 989 3,653 2,034 101,022 0 17 126,025 3 28 55,223 1 6 53,532 3 17 377,853 2 11 191,615 0 15 165 131 144 161 314 207 5,547 2 6 8,859 0 36 5,529 3 24 8,244 0 25 27,212 0 7 8,026 2 15 1,916 1,256 1,150 1,150 3,967 2,241 106,569 2 33. 134,885 0 24 60,753 0 30 61,777 0 2 405,065 2 18 199,641 2 30 Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 10,558 905,272 3 14 ,1,122 63,419 1 33 11,680 968,692 1 17 karoa lotea Cairawhiti iVaiariki iVaikato-Maniapoto Cokerau 79 141 50 14 30 27 'ortgaged by Owners 16,960 1 29 j 24,947 1 13 | 39,675 1 14 727 2 0 11,281 2 29 6,955 2 21 and confirmed by Board. 8 1,783 3 24 46 5,638- 3 21 10 5,158 1 20 4 4,527 2 8 2 82 1 9 | 87 187 60 18 30 29 18,744 30,586 44,833 5,255 11,281 7,037 1 13 0 34 2 34 0 8 2 29 3 30 341 100,547 3 26 70 17,191 0 'J 411 117,738 3 28 Dealt with under Part VIII.—Sold to the Grow Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 15 94,307 0 0 14 107,724 3 35 5 20,071 0 0 35 98,406 2 31 11 18,394 3 18 11 j 8,492 1 19 4 9,688 0 0 1 14 1 0 15 18 94,307 117,412 20,085 98,406 18,394 8,492 0 0 3 35 1 0 2 31 3 18 1 19 6 35 11 11 91 347,396 3 23 5 9,702 1 0 96 357,099 0 23 Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau kalt wit 71 79 72 269 297 290 ',h under Part XVI 19,245 0 2 42,690 0 15 15,867 0 27 83,852 3 11 166,585 3 25 134,277 0 24 I.—Sd< 3 9 3 57 32 19 Id to Private Indiv, 134 0 29 1,110 3 6 25 1 25 9,843 0 28 9,572 0 35 5,011 2 34 luals. 74 88 75 326 329 309 19,379 43,800 15,892 93,695 176,158 139,288 0 31 3 21 2 12 3 39 0 20 3 18 1,078 462,518 0 24 123 25,697 1 37 |l,201 488,215 2 21 Dealt with under Part J VIII. — Leased. .karoa lotea Cairawhiti iVaiariki .. iVaikato-Maniapoto Cokerau 39 48 174 273 146 72 9,763 0 15 I .. 32,720 3 11 ! .. 69,194 2 12 | 21 198,884 0 12 14 85,585 2 0 I 3 58,593 1 13 6 4,645 0 6 3,218 1 18 2,866 1 2 2,363 2 20 39 48 195 287 149 78 9,763 32,720 73,839 202,102 88,451 60,956 0 15 3 11 2 18 1 30 3 2 3 33 752 454,741 1 23 M 13,093 1 6 796 467,834 2 29 ■""




Native Freehold Lands : How disposed of — continued. t, , Num- As at 31st March, Num- w ■„ w : Num- As at 31st Maroh, Woard - ber. 1.920. ber. \ Uu ™S *ear. , ber ]921 _ J '_ Dealt with under Part XVIII. — Vested in Board under Part XIV. A. E. P. A. 11. P. A. E. p. Ikaroa .. .. 2 1,128 0 0.. .. ,2 1,128 0 0 Aotea .. .. 6 7,119 0 0.. .. 6 7,119 0 0 Tairawhiti .. 1 200.. .. 1 200 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .... .. 1 292 0 15 1 292 0 15 9 8,429 0 0 1 292 0 15 10 ■ 8,541 0 15 Dealt with under Part XVIII. — Vested in Board under Part XVI. Ikaroa .. .. 1 1,300 0 0.. .. 1 1,300 0 0 Aotea .. .... .. .. ... Tairawhiti .. 20 10,101 2 34 .. 20 10,101 2 34 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .... 21 11,401 2 34 .. 21 I 11,401 2 34 Vested Lands under the Native Townships Act. T) , Num- i As at 31st March, Num- ., . ,, I Num- As at 31st March, Board - ber. j 1.920. ber. Do*nig-Y«r. bw , mi Sold. A. E. P. A. B. V. A. B. P. Ikaroa .. .. 2 2 2 37 .. 2 2 2 37 Aotea 17 108 1 5 .. 17 108 1 5 Tairawhiti .. 1 350 3 13 .. 1 350 3 13 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto 78 87 2 19 6 5 1 19 84 92 3 38 Tokerau .. .... 98 549 1 34 6 5 1 19 104 554 3 13 bid. A. B. V. 2 17 1 6 5 1 19 84 98 549 1 34 6 5 1 19 104 554 3 13 Leased. Ikaroa .. 42 37 2 36 .. 42 37 2 36 Aotea .. ..152 376 3 9 .. 152 376 3 9 Tairawhiti 60 584 1 26 .. 60 584 1 26 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto 530 522 1 32 86 22 1 3 616 544 2 35 Tokerau .. .... 42 152 60 37 376 584 2 36 3 9 1 26 '.ased. 42 152 60 37 376 584 2 36 3 9 1 26 530 522 1 32 86 22 1 3 616 544 2 35 784 1,521 1 23 86 22 1 3 870 j 1,543 2 26 Surveys requisitioned by Maori Land Boah NED BY Maori Land Boards un: rds under Section 396, Nativj ier Section 396, "ative Land Act, 1909. ..-, , Num- As at 31st March, i>oard - , ber. 1920. Num- , ber. As at 31st March, Num1920. ber. Num- ... ■ ..x Number. mm « Yea ''' ber. During Year. Num- As at 31st Maroh, ber. 1921. !__ J A B. P. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti .. ,8 7,536 2 15 Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto 330 161,859 0 38 Tokerau .. .. 177 68,588 1 4 A E. P. A. B. P. 8 330 177 A. E. p. A. B. 1'. ,8 7,536 2 15 8 7,536 2 15 330 177 161,859 0 38 68,588 14 330 161,859 0 38 177 68,588 1 4 515 237,984 0_17_ .. 1 .. 515 237,984 0 1.7 South Islan sfD Alienations. ... ,. Num- As at 31st March, Alienation. ber _ , 920 _ A. B. P. Leased .. .. 161 17,857 0 38 Sold .. .. 210 20,640 0 17 Mortgaged .. 14 1,047 1 7 Num- ,, . ~ NumDunng Year. ber. ° ber. A. E. P. 30 1,630 3 24 191 100 2,480 1 16 310 3 1 141 0 29 17 As at 31st Maroh, 1921. A. E. P. 19,488 0 22 23,120 1 33 1,188 1 36



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Summary. Twelve Months' Operations—1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

Board. Part of Act. Leased. Sold. Mortgaged. Ikaroa .. Part XVI .. Special enactment .. By owners .. • Part XVIII (private) A. E. P. A. B. P. A. E. I'. A. e. p. 108 0 19 108 0 19 0 1 14 5,106 2 2 5,547 2 0 1,783 3 24 3) .. 134 0 29 5,106 2 2 Totals 5,214 2 21 5,682 0 9 1,783 3 24 5,214 2 21 A.otea By owners Part XVIII (Crown) ,, (private) 6.938 2 37 8,859 0 36 5,638 3 21 i) .. 9,688 0 0 o) .. 1,110 3 6 6.938 2 37 Totals 6,938 2 37 19,658 0 2 5,638 3 21 6,938 2 37 Tairawhiti Part XV .. Part XVI .. By owners Part XVIII (Crown) ,, (private) 200 2 32 529 3 20 4,299 2 9 5,529 3 24 5,158 1 20 i) .. 14 1 0 e) 4,645 0 6 25 1 25 200 2 32 529 3 20 4,299 2 9 4,645 0 6 Totals 9,675 0 27 5,569 2 9 5,158 120 9,675 0 27 Waiariki PartXIV .. By owners Part XVIII (private) 557 1 13 '.'. 1,373' 0 3 8,244 0 25 i 4,527 2 8 ;e) 3,218 1 18 9,843 0 28 1,373 0 3 3,218 1 18 Totals 4,591 121 18,644 2 26 4,527 2 8 1 I . 1 4,591 1 21 i Waikato-Maniapoto PartXIV .. By owners Part XVIII (private) Native Townships Act i 1,067 2 15 1,838 18 7,1.04 3 7 27,212 0 2 o) 2,866 1 2 9,572 0 35 Vet .. 6 1 19 .. 11,038 2 24 38,628 3 24 1 ono 0 0 1,067 2 15 7,104 3 7 2,866 1 2 Totals 11,038 2 24 Tokerau PartXIV .. By owners Part XVIII (private) .1 ., uou u u 729 3 31 8,026 2 15 82 1 9 ;e) 2,363 2 20 5,011 2 34 1,000 0 0 729 3 31 2,363 2 20 Totals 4,093 2 11 13,038 19 82 1 9 1,630 3 24 1,995 3 34 141 0 29 ,e) .. 484 1 22 4,093 2 11 South Island By owners Part XVIII (private) 1,630 3 24 1,630 3 24 2,480 1 16 | 141 0 29 ' i ■ [ J Summary op ' op Totals. Board. j Leased. Sold. Mortgaged. - - Ikaroa, Aotca Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto .. Tokerau South Island t c 4 11 4 1 A. E. P. A. E. P. A. E. P. 5,214 2 21 5,682 0 9 1,783 3 24 6,938 2 37 19,658 0 2 5,638 3 21 9,675 0 27 5,569 2 9 5,158 1 20 4,591 1 21 18,644 2 26 4,527 2 8 .11,038 2 24 38,628 3 24 4,093 2 11 13,038 19 82 1 9 1,630 3 24 2,480 1 16 141 0 29 Totals .. ¥c 43,183 0 5 103,701 3 15 17,332 0 31 17,332 0 31 North Island South Island 41 1 41,552 0 21 101,221 1 39 17,191 0 2 1,630 3 24 2,480 1 16 141 0 29 101,221 1 39 2,480 1 16 17,191 0 2 141 0 29 Totals .. 4J 43,183 0 5 103,701 3 15 17,332 0 31 103,701 3 15 17,332 0 31



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE. Blocks fully acquired and declared Crown Land.

Block. Area. Gazetted. Block. Aroa. Gazetted. Blocks previously acquired and proclaimed. Crown lands, to 31/3/20 Hamua, Grant 3953, 1892 Aot leases, Sale No. 1 Hauhungaroa No. 11 .. Hereheretau No. 2n Hoani, 1892 Aot leases, Grant 3892, Sale No. 2 Hoehoe, 1892 Aot leases, Sale No. 1 Hoetainui North 6b 2.t, See. 1 .. Hurakia No. In Hurakia No. 2b 1 Hurakia No. 4b 1 Hurakia No. 5b Ihaia Block, Sec. 84, Block I, Opunake S.D., Grant 3825 Ihupuku, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Kakepuku No. If No. 2 Te Karae No. 2b Sec. 2 Te Kawa Block (part) Kawau Block, 1892 Act leases, Grant 5300, Sale No. 1 Komeno, 1892 Act leases, Grant 3887, Sale No. 1 Komene, 1892 Act leases, Grant 3887, Sale No. 2 Komene No. 14, Sec. 27, Block V, Cape S.D. Kopua la 2b 2b 2a Mangaorapa 2b 2 and 2c Mangatotara 3 b 1 Te Maipi No. 7c 4 (pt.) Mata South B Matakahavvai, 1892 Act leases, Grant 3922, Sale No. 1 Matamata North In, Sec. 1 Matamata North 2l (part) Mokoia Block, Grant 3778, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Ngatihaupoto No. 27a Ngatihaupoto No. 37 . . Ngatihaupoto No. 38 .. Ngatihaupoto No. 39a Ngatihaupoto No. 51 .. Ngatihaupoto No. 82a Ngatihawo, 1892 Act leases, Grant 3954, Sale No. 1 Ngatikahumate, Grant 3937, 1892 Aet leases, Sale No. 2 Ngatimanuhiakai No. 20 Ngatimanuhiakai No. 21, Grant 5479, Sale No. 2 Ngatirahiri 1 and 10, Grant. 5251, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 2. Ngatirahiri 2 and 11, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Ngatirahiri 3 and 9, 1892 Act leases, Grant 5249, Sale No. 1 Ngatirahiri No. 8, 1892 Aot leases, Grant 5298, Sale No. 2 Ngatirahiri 4 and 12, 1892 Actleases, Grant 5248, Sale No. I Ngatirahiri (i and 14, 1892 Act leases, Grant 5247, Sale No. 1 Ngatirahiri 7 and 13, 1.892 Aet leases, Grant 5420, Sale No. I Ngatitamahuroa Block, Grant 3803, Sale No. 1 Ngatitamarongo No. 20 Ngatitupaeai, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Omaunu In 3a Orakei No. 1, Reserve C, No. 1 Orimupiko No. 18, Sec. 6, Block X, Opunake S.D., Grant 3924 Otautu, Hukatere, and Oteha, Grants 3791, 3790, 5176, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Otorohanga 4n 2B 3 .. Pakiri No. 1 (part) a. e. p. 055,870 I 9 Parihaka E, Sec. 105, Block XII, Cape S.D. Parihaka 45 and 46, Block XIV, Cape S.D.« Parihaka, Grant 3945, 1892 Aet leases, Lot 2a Parimoto, Sec. 88, Block I, Opunake S.D. Patuha, Sec. 108, Block VII, Cape S.D., Grant 3875, Sale No. 1 Porikapa, 1.892 Act leases, Grant 3890, Sale No. 2 Pukekohatu No. 8, Sec. 9, Block XII, Opunake S.D. Pukepoto No. 2 Pukepoto No. 3 Pukepoto No. 4 Puketotara N.R. 3, Sec. 36, Bloek V, Grey District, Paritutu S.D. Puketotara N.R. 3, Sec. 41, Block V, Grey District, Paritutu S.D. Puketotara N.R. 3, Sec. 42, Bloek V, Grey District, Paritutu S.D. Puketotara, N.R. 3, Sec. 48, Block V, Grey District, Paritutu S.D. Pukiekie N.R., 1892 Act leases, Grant 4072, Sale No. I Rangitoto A 10n Rangitoto-Tuhua 33o, Sec. 2 Rangitoto-Tuhua 6lJ, Sec. 3a .. Te Reinga No. 1 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 3a 2b Rotomahana-Parekarangi 3a 3a 3b 2 (part) Ruakere, 1892 Aot leases, Grant 3891, Sale No. 3 Ruatangata 2c> I a 1a 1 Ruatangata 2q I a 1a 2 Tahora 2b 2'b No. 2 .. Taihaere, Grant 3889, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 2 Tapatu and Waitangirua No. 1.. Tariki N.R., Grant 4017, Sec. 12, Block VI, Huiroa S.D. Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 4 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 5 Taurewa No. 4 East A No. 2 .. Taurewa No. 4 East B No. 2 .. Taurewa No. 4 East B No. 3 .. Taurewa No. 4 East B 5B 1 .. Taurewa No. 4 West E No. 2a Tikorangi, Sec. 38,' Block VI, Waitara S.D., Grant 4020 Wahine-Rukuwai 2a .. Waikopiro 3b 2a, Sec. 1 Waikopiro 3b 2a 2a .. Waikopiro 3b 2a 2b 1 .. Waikopiro 3b 2a 2b 2 .. Waikopiro 3fl 2o, Sec. 1 Waikopiro 3b 20 2b 1 .. Waikopiro 3b 2c 2b 2 .. Waimana Parish, Lot 70b Waimarama 3a 6b 6c .. Waimarama 3a 6b 0g 2 Waimarino 5a 4 Waiotama 9 is, Grant 3944, 1892 Act leases, Sale No. 1 Waipa, Lot 72is No. I Waipa, Lot 74a Waipa, Lot 74b No. Ib Waipakura 9 and 10 and part 8 Waipiro 4.G 1 > .. Waipiro 4J 1 Waipoua 3b 3a, Sec. 2 Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 1 Whakaihuwaka C 13i No. 1a Whakaihuwaka C 13i No. 1b .. Whakaihuwaka C 13i No. lc .. Whakaihuwaka C 13l No. Ik .. Whangamata 4n 4n 1 . . Wharepuhunga No. 17a A. e. p. 35 0 0 13/1/21 110 0 0 7/10/20 342 1 29 31/3/21 110 0 5 30/9/20 300 0 0 6,144 3 4-5 315 0 0 22/12/20 17/2/21 13/1/21 43 0 0 10/2/21 1,648 0 0 13/1/21 19 0 24 475 2 23 52 2 16 200 3 31 70 2 2 4 3 17 32 0 0 7/10/20 13/1/21 10/9/20 24/3/21 24/3/21. 7/10/20 4/6/20 230 0 0 110 0 0 13/1/21 24/6/20 1,301 0 0 1.022 0 0 096 0 0 7 1 36 11/11/20 22/7/20 18/6/20 17/2/21 340 3 2 16/9/20 162 1 17 0,074 1 15 0 2 0 373 0 0 24/3/21 13/1/21 10/2/21 13/1/21 13 0 33 17/2/21 14 0 30 24/3/21 10 0 30 17/2/21 955 2 29 5/5/20 179 2 0 13/1/21 353 2 12 7/10/20 237 0 0 44 I 0 79 3 235 1,030 2 24 2,558 0 32 293 0 30 2/9/20 10/3/21 31/3/21 2/12/20 13/1/21 4/6/21 1 12 2 0 22/7/20 131 2 22 I,873 0 0 500 0 0 20 I 0 5 2 0 549 1 30 19/8/20 10/9/20 16/9/20 10/3/21 2/9/20 13/1/21 272 0 36 13/1/21 25 3 20 14 1 34 031 0 0 16/9/20 20/1/21 8/7/20 14 0 0 33 2 10 1,614 2 0 70 0 0 10/2/21 10/2/21 22/7/20 13/1/21 . 1 3 IS 10 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 22 10 0 0 80 1 0 317 2 0 22/12/20 13/1/2] 18/11/20 22/12/20 11/11/20 16/12/20 7/10/20 6,160 3 33 190 0 28 26/8/20 29/7/20 921 1 37 1,739 1 5 867 2 0 429 1 0 199 1 26 4,747 3 15 4,249 2 0 51 0 0 26/8/20 22/7/20 20/1/21 26/8/20 24/2/21 26/8/20 20/8/20 13/1/21 1.182 1 II 30/9/20 109 0 19 139 1 32 13/1/21 13/1/21 170 0 0 291 I 6 125 2 18 13/1/21 20/5/20 13/1/21 1 3 10 7 I 35 164 I 11 29 3 20 134 1 31 23 1 8 93 0 35 419 2 0 106 2 2 916 0 0 705 0 10 425 2 0 200 0 0 22/12/20 13/1/21 20/8/20 20/8/20 10/2/21 13/1/21 26/8/20 30/9/20 3/3/21 20/1/21 24/3/21 16/9/20 13/1/21 95 3 35 30/9/20 362 0 38 7/10/20 604 1 32-9 13/1/21 101 1 1 13/1/21 30 1 0 40 3 II 53 2 36 5 0 0 676 2 7 180 I 10 1,157 0 0 4,089 1. 8 500 0 0 554 2 33 100 2 0 3,038 1 37 1,106 2 0 9,580 2 10 1.5/4/20 22/7/20 22/7/20 24/6/20 12/8/20 20/1/21 28/10/20 26/8/20 13/1/21 13/1/21 13/1/21 5/8/20 10/9/20 2'9/20 210 0 0 13/1/21 10 2 0 403 2 26-5 3/2/21 22/7/20 88 0 12 5 0 1! 73 0 0 12/8/20 10/0/20 4/6/20 375 I 20 24/2/21 13 3 0 1,500 0 0 12/8/20 10/2/21 Total 725,551 2 4



2—G. 9.


Blocks acquired, but not proclaimed. Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. ltomal'ks. Te Aroha, 1 lock IX, Sec. 17d No. 1 (balance) I'itzroy N.R. 17a (Pukeweka) Hauhungaroa No. 5 Hautu No. 1b 4a Hautu No. 2b 5 Heruatureia Kaimanawa l E 1 Matarau No. 5o Oamaru 2b No. 4 Otamauri Blocks (part) .. A. B. P. 32 1 18 Pariharahi A 3b No. 3 .. Pariharahi A 3b No. 4 .. Puna (Te), Lot 154d A. B. P. 18 3 20 25 1 0 263 0 0 26 0 0 1,100 0 0 See sec. 8, Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1914. 41 0 9 3,553 1 20 7,127 0 0 14 1 15 664 1 5 594 3 0 Purakau, 1892 Act Leases Tauranga Taupo SB 2 Taurewa 4 West E No. 2c 11 0 39 1,410 0 0 170 0 0 See sec. 30, Reserves, &c., Disposal Act, 1915. 15,051 2 6 Total Blocks 'ART; ,Y ACQUIRED .nd under Negotiation Block. Area acquired Area outstanding. Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. Araheke N.R. " M " Araukuku, 1892 Act Leases Ahikawariki No. 4 Fitzroy Nativo Reserve No. 17b (Pukoweka) Hapotiki 2a Hauhungaroa No. 4 Hauhungaroa No. 9 Hauhungaroa No. 10 Hautu 1b l Hautu 2b 1 Hautu 3e No. 7 . . Hautu 4 b Hautu 5b Hauturu West No. 1, Soc. 2i> Hauturu West No. 1,'Soe. 2p Hereheretau 2a No. 1 Hereheretau 2c Hereheretau B No. 2 Hoard, 1892 Act Leasos (second residue) Hoeotiiinui North 6a 2a Hoeotainui North 6b 2,j 2 Kahuwora B 2 b 6.. Kahuwora B No. 2b 7c Kahuwera B 2n 7r> Kairau, 1892 Act Leasos Kairoa, 1.892 Act Leasos Karae(Te)2E, Soe. 1 Katcre, 1892 Act Leasos Kaupoka-a-Haumia No. 1 .. Kaupoka-a-Haumia No. 2 .. Kaupokonui, Sec. 33, Block I, Opunake S.D., Grant 3799 2 Konepuru 2a B 1 .. Komeno, 1892 Act Leases (second residue) Manaia Ib and 2b, See. E 2a M'angaharei 2b M'angaroa 2 Mangatoro No. 1A 3n Mangatotara 3b 2.. Mangatuna lc 1 Mangatuna I H I .. Mangonaha 2 Maiiutalii 2b 2 Matahiia No. 1 . . Matakaoa (balance) Matamata North No. IB 5 Matamata North In 2 Matarau 5b Matarikoriko No. 3 Matarikoriko No. 4 Matarikoriko No. 7, 1892 Act Leases Matataiore, part Sees. 1 and 50 Mohaka No. 2 Mohaka No. 10 .. Mohaka No. 11 Mohaka No. 12 .. A. B. P. 252 0 20 44 0 0 0 2 3 51 3 0 A. B. P. 217 0 0 75 0 0 0 2 3 10 0 0 Mohaka No. 13a Mohaka No. 16 Mohaka Nos. 32 and 33 Mohaka No. 36 .. Mohaka No. 38 .. Mohaka No. 39 Mohaka No. 40 .. Mohaka No. 45 .. Mohaka No. 54 Mohaka No. 55a Mohaka No. 55n Mohaka No. 55e Mokoia, 1892 Act Loasos (first, residue) Motukauri No. 2 .. Ngamoo 1 a 2 Ngamoo 1 o 2 Ngamoe Id 2 Ngamoe 1e 2 Ngamoo 3b 3b Ngamoe 3b 7b Ngamoe 3b 8b Ngamoe 4b 2 Ngarautika, 1892 Act Leases Ngatihaua, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Ngatihaupoto No. 7a Ngatihaupoto No. 49 Ngatihaupoto No. 95a Ngatihawe, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Ngatirahiri No. It. Ngatirahiri Nos. 2 and 11,1892 Act Leases (first residue) Ngatirahiri Nos. 3 and 9 (first residue) Ngatirahiri Nos. 7 and 13 (first residue) Ngatirihiri No. 10a Ngatitamarongo No. 24 Ngatitara, 1892 Act Leases.. Ngatitu No. 25, Grant 3779.. Ngatitu No. 27, Grant 3779 Ngatitupaea, 1892 Act Loasos (first residue) Ngawhakatut u No. 2 Ngawhakatutu No. 3 Nuhaka 2p 2 a 2 Oamaru 2n 2 Oamaru 2b 5 Oamaru 2b 0 Oeo S.B., Soe. 66, Block I .. Ohuanga North Ohuanga South Okahukura 3 Okahukura 4b Okahukura 6 Okahukura No. 8m 2b Okahukura 8m 2o.. Okato, Sees. 101 and 105, Block X, Capo S,D. A. E. P. 205 0 30 414 3 13 76 2 32 7 3 8 6 2 0 58 3 12 426 2 20 18 0 32 143 1 15 149 3 4 132 2 37 16 3 29 173 0 4 a. a. P. 980 3 10 90 0 27 434 1 8 22 0 32 42 0 0 370 0 28 795 1 20 522 3 8 586 2 25 47 3 17 135 3 25 50 3 8 3,084 0 0 39 3 32 534 0 0 133 1 16 150 0 0 01 I 0 350 2 0 17 2 0 4,258 3 31 642 3 0 122 2 8 33 2 20 9 I 12 42 I 13 361 2 16 84 2 20 0 2 8 066 0 (I 216 2 27 150 0 0 7,783 3 0 8,475 2 0 391 2 30 14,089 0 9 7,000 1 (I 37 2 34 22 3 24 05 1 14 2,383 2 17 2,348 2 38 119 0 0 0 3 27 222 1 32 134 1 20 48 3 10 140 3 7 12 3 25 11 0 33 22 1 21 46 1 21 57 0 0 244 1 15 0 3 27 813 0 22 379 2 3 1,341 3 2 834 1 22 47 3 27 72 2 18 54 1 0 281 3 I 239 0 0 269 0 0 196 0 27 71 0 30 32 0 5 63 3 29 95 2 11 16 1 14 146 2 39 503 3 21 54 1 26 191 1 9 73 I 18 483 3 0 87 2 31 407 0 27 32 0 5 127 1 23 15 3 29 61 0 0 253 0 0 281 1 8 233 0 0 522 2 31 157 0 0 0 0 24 28 3 35 8 0 0 138 0 0 180 3 17 31 0 0 2 0 0 152 0 0 1,072 0 0 02 1 36 228 0 23 14 0 4 285 0 0 1 2 19 607 3 31 10 0 29 1,375 0 0 40 0 11 477 0 0 101 1 21 467 0 0 120 3 16 30 1 25 11 2 23 248 2 26 166 2 26 2 3 13 2 2 33 5 I 9 47 2 9 445 0 8 305 1 31 129 0 10 6 1 35 10 0 13 37 0 0 0 I 24 28 0 0 539 1 5 412 2 28 217 i 2 124 1 14 166 2 27 31 0 27 12 0 2 20 0 0 362 2 21 702 3 32 2,091 2 9 17 0 4 79 3 9 175 1 33 122 0 0 46 2 16 111) 0 0 10 0 0 51 0 0 401 0 8 15 0 0 101 0 0 580 2 24 526 0 25 422 0 0 2 2 0 474 1 35 142 1 15 189 3 22 109 0 0 346 0 0 900 0 0 323 1 5 384 3 23 1,314 1 15 162 0 0 920 0 31 91 0 0 91 0 0 51 0 0 3,457 0 0 73 0 0 01 0 0 828 0 0 3,209 0 15 1,168 0 0 0 0 13 189 3 10 545 2 6 147 2 32 9 0 0 2,784 0 0 4,544 0 0 149 2 35 267 0 17 687 2 25 4,698 0 0 7,141 3 9 13 0 0 105 0 0 109 0 0 389 3 23 8 3 31 132 3 30 214 3 8 28 0 17 91 0 19 1,361 0 10 907 0 32


TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks partly acquired and under Negotiation— continued.


Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. Omaunu 1B 3 Omuturangi, 1892 Act Loasos Orakei No! 1a, Soc. 2 Orakei No. 1, Resorve C No. 2 Oreore. Grant 0762, Sec. 43, Block VII, Wairoa S.D. Orimupiko No. 24 Orimupiko, 1892 Act Leases Oropuriri, 1892 Act Leasos .. Otaraoa, 1892 Act Leases .. Otawhao A No. lo Otawhao A No. 1e Otawhao A No. 4 No. 3 Otawhao A No. 8 . . Otawhao A No. 10n Paeroa East 4b 2c (part) Paora Aneti, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Paraeroa No. 1 .. Paraeroa No. 2a . . Parareoa No. 2b .. Parahirahi A 3a No. I Parahirahi A 3a No. 2 Parihaka No. 48 .. Parihaka No. 54 .. Parihaka No. 55 .. Parihaka, 1892 Act Leases, Lot 2 b Patea, Grant 3727, 1892 Act Leases (second residue) Pokotakina A Poroporo No. 2 .. Poroporo No. 4 .. Poroporo No. 5 . . Poroporo No. 6 Pouwhakarua In .. Pukekohatu 12b . . Pukekohatu 23b Pukekura East No. 3 Pukekura East No. 4u Pukekura East No. 0b Pukekura West B.. Pukepoto No. 1 .. Pukepoto 4a Pukepoto 4b Pukopoto 4c Pukepoto 5a Pukepoto 5b Puketi Pukiekie N.R,, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Rahui C No. 3 Rangatira-Kapiti No. 4, Sec. 4 Rangitoto-Tuhua 9b Rangitoto-Tuhua 66b 2 Rangitoto-Tuhua 76b 6 Rawhitiroa B No. 2 RekerekoN.R. "L" Rimuroa No. 1 .. Rimuroa No. 3 .. Rimuroa No. 4 .. Rimuroa No. 5 .. Rimutauteka A, 1892 Act Leases (first rosidue) Te Rori Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 3 Tahora 2a 3 Taihaere No. 10 Taihaere, 1892 Aet Leases (second rosidue) Tangihanga Tatara-o-te-Rauhina Tauhara North No. 1 Taumaha, 1892 Aot Leases .. Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 1 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 6 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 7 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 8 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 13 Tauparaha No, 2 .. A. B. P. 98 1 18 153 2 38 5 0 0 17 0 20 26 2 0 13 3 36 704 2 26 14 0 35 200 1 17 85 3 28 278 3 34 138 3 35 19 2 2 94 0 27 139 0 12 182 0 0 A. li. P. 36 0 34 305 0 0 4 0 0 14 0 33 3 0 0 34 0 0 4,765 0 0 9 0 0 1,589 0 0 14 0 1 1 3 6 138 3 36 0 1 33 94 0 27 147 3 17 834 0 0 Tauranga-Taupo 1b Tauranga-Taupo 2b Taurewa 4 East B I Taurewa 4 East B 4 Taurewa 4 East B 5b 2 - Taurewa 4 West B Tokaanu B 1 Tokaanu B 2 Tokaroa In Tokaroa 2b Tokaroa 3b Tokaroa 4b 2 Tutaekuri lA Tutaekuri 1b Tutaekuri lc 4a . . Tutaekuri lc 4b Tutaekuri lc 4o .. Tutaekuri lc 6 Tutaekuri lc 13 . . Tutaekuri lc 15 .. Tutaekuri lc 16 .. Tutaekuri lc 17 .. Tutaekuri lc 18a Tutaekuri lc 18b Tutaekuri lc 19 .. Tutira Waihoa 2a Waihoa 2b Waihora 2o 2 Waikokopu Native Reserve No. 3 Waikopiro 3b 2b . . Waikopiro 3b 2c 2a Waimarino No. 5b 7 Waimate S.D., Sections 2 and 21, Block VII Waiokura te Kauao, 1892 Act Leasos Waiotama No. 5 .. Waiorua Kapiti 5, Sec. 1b 2a Waipa No. 73c 1a Waipa No. 73c 1b Waipa No. 74b 2b Waipaoa 5a Waipaoa 5c Waipiro 1a Waipiro 1b Waipiro In Waipiro 2k Waipiro 2l Waipiro 2m Waipiro 2t Waipiro 2y Waipiro 3a 2 and 4.1 2 Waipiro 3a 3 Waipiro 3c Waipiro 3n Waipiro 4a Waipiro 4b Waipiro 4c Waipiro 4n Waipiro 4e . . Waipiro 4n 2 Waipiro 4h . . Waipiro 4j 3 Waipiro 5a Waipiro 5b Waipiro 5c Waipoua No. 2b 2b 3 Waipoua No. 2b 3a Waipoua No. 2b 3c Waipoua 2b 3d 2 .. Waitangi 2a 2 Waitangi 2b 2 Waitekaha 4b, Waitekaha 5b Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 2 Waiuku West, Lot 143 Whakaihuwaka 0 1B 2 Whakaihuwaka C 2b Whakaihuwaka O 6 A. B. P. 293 1 0 494 2 16 003 2 29 1,286 2 32 152 0 0 250 2 0 13 2 28. 100 2 16 50 0 32 20 3 9 6 3 3 4 3 35 1,270 2 25 501 3 31 41 0 7 789 0 22 330 3 27 30 0 36 1,010 3 9 46 1 9 13 3 0 1 0 11 6 2 0 26 1 24 2 0 0 14,694 0 0 1 2 8 0 1 24 535 3 11 264 3 18 A. E. p. 4,985 3 0 8,828 1 24 101 1 11 230 0 0 810 0 0 06 2 0 1,202 1 12 1,999 1 24 155 1 39 103 3 7 51 0 6 23 1 1 271 0 15 10 3 24 28 3 33 85 3 4 25 2 27 335 3 4 26 0 31 322 1 31 84 2 30 9 1 4 27 2 30 40 3 23 4 0 0 5,596 0 0 105 0 39 03 2 35 33 3 29 211 3 22 182 3 12 480 3 17 212 3 9 32 3 30 31 3 25 02 0 16 112 3 32 138 3 34 270 0 2 39 3 6 23 3 19 3 0 16 30 3 30 31 3 25 113 0 0 89 0 0 58 0 0 270 0 0 36 1 17 172 0 0 24 0 0 1,479 0 13 590 1 0 249 0 0 1 ,674 2 2 56 2 26 225 0 0 80 1 0 149 1 13 25 3 10 74 2 32 233 1 20 1,410 2 0 40 2 0 106 3 0 70 0 0 93 3 0 45 0 0 64 1 20 1 2 0 187 0 0 2,370 3 27 259 3 0 591 0 0 2,032 I 38 169 3 14 75 0 0 102 0 0 93 1 14 II 1 30 37 1 15 173 2 29 220 2 0 82 2 0 115 1 0 95 3 0 49 1 0 79 0 0 81 2 20 185 0 0 409 0 27 395 3 36 0 3 0 17 0 0 56 1 0 22 0 0 40 0 0 68 2 5 8 2 15 234 0 27 1,277 0 0 33 2 0 210 0 27 1,170 0 37 1,060 0 30 132 3 16 8 0 23 176 0 9 4 0 1 7 2 28 121 1 6 29 2 35 187 2 6 166 1 3 09 1 20 103 3 2 14 1 11 02 1, 24 122 2 20 607 2 2 44 3 32 65 0 35 17 1 0 36 2 27 1,357 0 0 674 1 33 1,014 0 27 581 2 14 098 2 2 1 0 10 152 2 10 3 3 30 114 1 12 605 2 32 152 3 12 680 0 0 92 2 0 1,035 1 15 70 3 13 116 2 24 331 1 0 9 0 0 1,137 0 0 77 0 0 195 1 31 8 2 12 11 0 13 23 1 26 1,343 0 0 47 2 0 189 3 13 2,179 3 3 2,979 3 13 130 2 24 48 3 17 1,139 3 11 36 1 10 91 1 4 641 2 24 63 3 5 212 0 34 909 0 22 356 3 20 1,022 2 38 362 3 29 1,105 2 16 1,194 3 4 1,369 3 31 1,030 0 8 135 3 5 128 3 0 77 1 13 1,409 0 0 730 2 7 202 3 13 635 1 26 198 3 18 34 2 39 113 0 24 33 3 22 645 0 16 2,887 0 0 138 1 6 430 0 0 298 3 0 88 2 23 6 0 0 353 2 0 55 2 9 58 1 24 373 0 12 3 0 15 07 0 10 25 3 22 0 2 28 11 0 18 5 3 8 472 3 16 4 0 0 16 2 30 147 2 11 98 2 6 216 2 20 2 0 13 109 0 0 109 3 29 79 0 0 25 0 9 40 1 2 765 0 0 172 0 0 8 0 0 129 0 0 5 0 0 5,646 0 24 82 0 0 101 0 0 2,478 3 10 265 0 0 259 0 0 4,250 1 28 5,000 1 21 1,058 0 12 850 1 17 1,349 0 23 85 3 27 1,190 2 0 1,057 2 0 316 2 0 09 3 30 1,165 0 14 759 2 11 341 3 28 885 0 0 32 0 23 92 2 0 375 2 0 521 1 37 105 2 1 3 0 10




Blo iks partly acquired and under Negotiation— continued. Block. Area acquired. Area oatstanduig. Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. Whakaihuwaka C No. 9. Whakaihuwaka C No. 10 .. Whakaihuwaka C No. 13d .. Whakaihuwaka C No. 13p .. Whakaihuwaka C No. 13(3 . . Whakaihuwaka C No. 13h .. Whangamata 4b 1 Whangamata 4b 2b Wharekahika 18.7 .. Whareponga 1b Whareponga 3b Wharepuhunga No. 8 Wharepuhunga No. 10 Wharepuhunga 18b Wharepuhunga 18d Wharepuhunga 18k A. B. p. 487 3 0 996 3 3 6 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 0 10 0 0 142 2 27 199 0 2 94 I 2 5 1 1 110 0 12 069 2 33 1,684 1 5 55 2 0 140 2 0 100 0 0 A. E. P. 6 3 0 48 2 37 12 0 0 12 0 0 22 0 0 22 0 0 71 1 13 45 3 33 1,183 2 38 171 1 8 1,099 0 31 359 I 7 330 2 35 144 2 0 52 2 0 111 0 0 Parekohe Poroporo (Te) Purcnga (Te) Ranga-a-Ruanuku (Te) .. Ruatahuna 1 .. Ruatahuna 2 . . Ruatahuna .'! .. Ruatahuna 4 .. Ruatahuna 5 .. Ruatoki South Taneatua Tarapounamu-Matawhero Tauranga Tauwhare Tauwharemanuka 1 Tauwharemanuka 2 Tauwharemanuka 3 Tauwharemanuka 4 Tauwliaremanuka 5 Tauwharemanuka 6 Tauwharemanuka 7 Tauwharemanuka 8 Tauwharemanuka 9 Tawhiuau Tuahu (Te) Waikarowhenua Waipotiki (Te) Wairiko (To) Whaiti (Te) 1 .. Whaiti (Te) 2 .. A. E. P. 14,398 2 6 1,731 2 26 3,560 1 39 11,602 3 8 915 1 0 269 0 0 2,858 0 0 1,523 2 0 4,633 1 0 2,904 0 30 9,848 1 15 32,561 3 34 38,032 0 5 782 0 31 436 1 27 300 1 25 4,914 3 7 436 3 2 1,262 1 30 1,428 2 38 1,947 3 2 590 1 8 15,590 3 23 3,516 1 20 5,584 2 14 10,737 2 15 6,099 3 4 1,396 0 31 31,907 0 1 23,997 1 36 A. E. P. 6,561 1 44 738 1 13 2,119 2 1 3,397 0 32 3,434 3 0 1,321 0 0 10,282 0 0 7,336 2 0 25,249 3 0 3,115 3 10 7,351 2 25 33,975 0 0 1,287 3 35 517 3 9 753 3 37 989 0 31 938 0 1 39 1 23 185 3 21 575 0 10 433 0 6 276 2 25 5,242 0 38 1,547 2 11 715 1 26 1,762 1 25 2,100 0 36 843 3 9 13,140 3 29 2,294 2 4 Total area 98,870 0 16 180,599 0 28 Urewera Blocks— Hikurangi-Horomanga .. Icronui-Ohaiia Karioi Kohuru-Tukuroa Maraetahia Maungapohatu Ohiorangi Omahuru Otairi Otara .. .. Paraeroa Paraeroa B Paraoanui North Paraoanui South 33,257 I 4 2,108 I 30 1,782 3 31 4,521 3 9 4,447 1 21 17,515 1 21 1,004 1 32 5,858 1 34 6,393 1 24 2,391 2 14 6,311 1 32 142 0 39 3,145 3 8 5,323 3 21 21,916 2 36 2,420 2 4 637 0 9 3,702 0 31 1,064 2 19 10,940 2 20 185 2 8 741 2 6 516 2 16 285 1 26 6,694 2 8 267 3 1 254 0 32 186 0 19 Total area 329,982 1 11 188,340 2 29 Grand total area 128,549 1 17 368,945 2 17 Blocks unde: Negotiation. Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Aorangi B ].a (part) A. R. P. 675 1 8 Alienations prohi bited. Ditto. Kahuwera B No. 2b, Sec. 5 A. B. P. 207 1 4 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. Aorangi B 1b .. Awaiti 1 j 2a No. 2 Awaiti 1.J 2 b No. 1b Soe. 2 Hariru Hauhungaroa No. 1a Hauhungaroa No. Ib Hauhungaroa No. lo Hauhungaroa No. Id Hauhungaroa No. 2 Hauhungaroa No. 0 Hauhungaroa No. 7 Hauhungaroa No. 8 Hautu No. 3a . . Hautu No. 3b Hautu No. 3c No. 1 Hautu No. 3c No. 2 Hautu No. 3n .. Hautu No. 3k No. 1 Hautu No. 3k No. 2 Hautu No. 3k No. 3 Hautu No. 3k No. 4 Hautu No. 3k No. 5 Hautu No. 8* No. 1 Hautu No. 3f No. 2 Hautu No. 8f No. 3 Hautu No. 3k No. 4 Hautu No. 3k No. 5 Hautu No. 3k No. 0 lloootainui North 5b 2 llohotaka Horeke A Horeke B 2 Hurakia 4b 2 .. Kahuwora B No. 2b, Soe. 1 Kahuwera B No. 2b, Sec-. 2 Kahuwora BNo. 2b, Soe. 4 417 2 8 100 0 0 1,257 1 35 43 0 0 280 0 0 300 0 0 9,055 0 0 13,441 0 0 20,977 0 O 4,675 0 0 500 0 0 2,820 0 0 100 0 0 91 0 0 43 2 30 199 0 11 60 I 10 69 3 12 116 2 21 116 2 21 266 1 10 213 3 12 281 3 18 152 3 27 129 3 20 120 I 10 77 3 1 252 2 32 271 I) 0 0,000 0 0 0 3 1 5 3 35 90 3 10 280 0 0 03 3 0 03 3 0 Kahuwera B No. 2b, Sec. 7a Kahuwera B No. 2b, Sec. 7b Kai-Iwi No. 6e Kaimanawa In (balance).. Karawa (To) No. 2 Karewa West (Karewa Isl'd) Kawhia R No. 2l), Sec. 1. . Kawhia, R No. 2b, Sec. 2.. Kenepuru 2a B No. 2 Kenepuru 3a Kenopuru 4a .. Kenepuru 5a 2b 2 Ketemaringi No. 2 Kopironui B 2e 1 Kopironui B 2d 2 Kopua Is 2b 2b 1 Kopua 1« 2b 2b 2b Kotuku-o-Tamawhakaara (Te) Makumaku 5a 2d 2 Makumaku 5a 2d 3 Makumaku 5a 2d 4a Makumaku 5a 2d 4b Makumaku 5a 2d 4i> Makumaku 5a 2d 4e Mangatoro 1A 3c Manukau F No. 7 Manutahi In Maraetaua 7b .. Marangairoa 1a (part), (being wholo block, excluding 40-acre portion leasod to R. H. Tawhirl) Marangairoa lc 1 Marangairoa lo 2 Marangairoa lo 3 781 1 12 164 2 36 530 0 0 7,873 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 3 17 1 2 39 0 38 11 3 38 23 3 30 23 3 36 21 0 0 1,390 0 0 53 0 10 25 2 9 323 0 0 305 2 1 3,340 0 0 », ,» ,» ,, 5 3 0 23 0 27 0 3 30 34 3 4 12 1 19 19 1 17 373 0 0 19 2 0 29 3 20 50 0 0 6,170 0 0 000 0 0 003 0 0 285 0 0 ,» it



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Marangairoa lc 4 A. B. P. I,935 0 0 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. Mohaka No. 480 A. B. P. 6 1 33 Alienations pro hibited. Ditto. Marangairoa lo 5 Marangairoa lc 0 Marangairoa lc 7 Matahina A No. Id .Matahina A No. 2 Matahina A No. 3b Matamata North No. lA . . Matamata North No. 1b 1 Matamata North No. 1b 2 Matamata North No. 1b 3 Matamata North No. lc .. Matamata North No. 2 b Matamata North No. 2c .. Matamata North No. 2d .. Matamata North No. 2e .. Matamata North No. 2 J? .. Matamata' North No. 2u .. Matamata North No. 2n . . Matamata North No. 23 .. Matamata North No. 2k .. Matamata North No. 2n (part) Mataikona No. 1 Mataikona No. 2a Mataikona No. 2b Mataikona No. 3a Mataikona No. 3b Maukoro Reserve B, Section 1a Maukoro Reservo B 1a .. Maukoro Reservo B, Section lc Maungakawakawa No. 1h No. 2 Maungakawakawa No. 1e Maungakawakawa No. 1b No. 1 Maungakawakawa No. 1.B No. 2 Maungakawakawa No. 2a Maungauui No. 2 Mohaka No. 1 .. Mohaka No. 3 .. Mohaka No. 5b Mohaka No. 6 .. Mohaka No. 7 .. Mohaka No. 8 .. Mohaka No. 9b. . Mohaka No. 9c.. Mohaka No. 13c No. 1 .. Mohaka No. 13c No. 2 .. Mohaka No. 13d Mohaka No. 14.. Mohaka No. 15.. Mohaka No. 17.. Mohaka No. 18.. Mohaka No. 19b Mohaka No. 22.. Mohaka No. 23.. Mohaka No. 24.. Mobako No. 25.. Mohaka No. 26 .. Mohaka No. 27 .. Mohaka No. 28 .. Mohaka No. 29 .. Mohaka No. 30 .. Mohaka No. 31b Mohaka No. 34 .. Mohaka No. 35 .. Mohaka No. 41 .. Mohaka No. 42 .. Mohaka No. 43 . . Mohaka No. 44 .. Mohaka No. 46 .. Mohaka No. 47 .. Mohaka. No. 48a Mohaka No. 48b 592 0 0 2,688 0 0 1,300 0 0 30,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 9,578 1 22 91 2 26 77 1 14 68 3 0 91 2 26 206 I 0 158 3 0 70 3 0 45 0 30 45 0 30 45 0 30 56 2 24 56 2 24 10 0 0 47 1 0 36 3 30 Mohaka No. 48d Mohaka. No. 48k Mohaka No. 49 Mohaka No. 50 .. Mohaka No. 51a Mohaka No. 51b Mohaka No. 51c Mohaka No. 52a Mohaka No. 54b Mohaka No. 55b Motumauri Island, being part of Rotoiti No. I Motuohiwa Island, or Ta-heke-Papakainga No. 12 Mototapu Island (near Okore Balls) Ngamoo No. 1b. . Ngamoo No. 3n !■ Ngamoo No. 3b 5 Ngamoo No. 3b 0 Ngamoo No. 4a .. Ngamoo No. 4b 4 Ngamoo No. 4u 7 Ngapuna Ngatitamatera Reserve B No. 2 Ngatitamatera Reserve 1b (otherwise known as To Aroha, Block HI, Sec. 1b) Okahukura No. 1 Okahukura No. 2 Okahukura No. 5 Opawa-Rangitoto Orakei Iff 2 Orakei 4a 2 Orakei 4a 4 Oraukura Orokawa 3a Orokawa 3b Orokawa 30 Otawhao A No. 2c Otawhao A No. 2d Otawhao A No. 4 No. 2 Otawhao A No. 4, Subs. 4 and 5 (balance) Otawhao A No. 6d 1 Otorohanga 4b 2b 3 Otorohanga 4b 2b 6 Pahikohuru Paeroa East 4b 1b 2 Paeroa East 4b 1b 3 Paeroa East 4b 2a 1 Paeroa East 4b 2a 3n Paeroa East 4b 2a 3f 1 Paeroa East 4b 2a 3f 2 .. Paeroa East 4b 2a 3f 3 . . Paeroa East 4b 2b 1 Paeroa East 4b 2b 2a Paeroa East 4b 2b 2b • Paeroa East 4b 2b 2c Paeroa East 4b 2b 2d Paeroa East 4b 2e 1b Paeroa East 4b 2e 2 Paeroa Mast 4b 2e 3a Paeroa East 4b 2e 3n Paeroa East 4b 2e 3o Paeroa East 4n 2e 3d Palukohuru .. .. : Pakiri No. 1 (part) .. . Paora-Aneti 2 .. Paora-Aneti 3 .. Paora-Aneti 4 .. Paora-Aneti 7 .. Paora-Aneti 10 .. Paora-Aneti II.. Paora-Aneti 12 .. 24 3 30 31. I 28 113 0 0 35 0 0 37 0 0 27 3 0 18 2 0 844 0 II 398 0 0 89 2 25 0 2 0 1 0 0 198 I 23 9 0 0 9 0 0 48 3 38 24 0 0 15 3 10 2 0 17 1.510 0 0 377 2 23 8,231 0 0 450 0 0 7,678 0 0 120 0 0 1,564 0 0 20 1 14 400 (I 0 12 2 26 37 0 0 12 1 20 I 2 0 1 1 0 416 II 0 2.180 0 0 1,852 0 0 19,350 0 0 9 I 8 12 2 26 9 3 38 472 0 0 65 3 0 175 3 0 182 I 0 39 3 35 40 0 10 277 3 31 457 1 0 3 3 0 45 3 0 I , 125 1 24 232 0 0 112 0 0 323 0 0 251 0 0 180 0 0 1,000 0 0 104 0 0 162 0 0 1.133 2 0 53 2 0 3 0 0 218 0 0 353 0 0 4 3 35 39 0 0 460 0 0 39 0 0 31 2 0 303 0 0 21 0 0 26 3 30 12 2 29 224 0 0 48 0 0 188 0 35 113 0 0 9 2 2 755 0 0 26 0 0 5 0 0 844 0 0 11 1 3 25 0 0 5 0 0 22 2 20 29 2 16 86 0 38 13 3 0 338 0 12 6.500 0 0 45 0 0 387 (I (I 54 1 10 126 0 0 3 2 17 203 1 3 50 0 27 144 0 3 27 2 31 41 2 6 36 0 1 105 0 38 718 0 17 69 2 1 132 2 0 37 2 31 33 1 0 102 1 11 0,500 0 0 4.111 0 0 50 0 0 22 2 34 Hi 2 35 35 0 18 4 0 0 33 1 5 50 0 0 15 1 10 „ Paora-Aneti .13 . .



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Paora-Aneti 14 . . A. E. P. 13 3 20 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. Rotomahana-Parekarangi — lc .. A. E. P. 4,450 0 0 Alienations pre hibited. Ditto. Paora-Aneti 15 * Parahirahi A No. 3n 1 ♦Parahirahi A No. 3b 2 . . Parihaka A Parihaka B Parihaka No. I . . Parihaka No. 6 .. Parihaka No. 7 . . Parihaka No. 15b Parihaka No. 17 Parihaka No. 20 Parihaka No. 21 Parihaka No. 22 Parihaka No. 24a Parihaka No. .26 Parihaka No. 27 Parihaka No. 30a Parihaka No. 30b Parihaka No. 34 Parihaka No. 42 Parihaka No. 49 Parihaka No. 50 Parihaka No. 52 Pateko Island, being part of Paehinahlna No. 2 Poka Pohaua No. 3 .. Poroporo No. 1 .. Poroporo No. 3 .. Pukohina M No. 1 Pukehina M No. 2 Pukohina M No. 3 Pukawa 3d Pukawa 5a Pukawa 5b Puketapu Puketapu South Puketi 2a Puketi 2b Putere 12u Rangatahi Rangikohua 4b No. 3 Rangipo North lc Rangipo North 2c Rangipo North 2d Rangipo North 3o Rangipo North 4o Rangipo North 5c Rangipo North 6c Rangitoto A 7a. . Rangitoto A 7b. . Rangitoto-Tuhua 3a Rangitoto-Tuhua 3b 1 Rangitoto-Tuhua 3b 2 Rangitoto-Tuhua 3c Rangitoto-Tuhua 3d Rangitoto-Tuhua 3f. Rangitoto-Tuhua 35h No. 2b Rangitoto-Tuhua 30b, Soc. 2 Rangitoto-Tuhua 37b Rangitoto-Tuhua 54a 2 .. Rangitoto-Tuhua 54c Rangitoto-Tuhua 54d, Sec. 1 Rangitoto-Tuhua 54n, Sec. 2 Rangitoto-Tuhua 54d, Sec. 3 Rangitoto-Tuhua, 54e Rangitoto-Tuhua 61f 1b .. Reinga (Te) No. 2 Rimuroa No. 2 .. Rimuroa No. 6 .. Rotoiti Island Rotoiti (Te), parts of Nos. 1 to 7 Rotoiti 3k Rotoiti 3m Rotoiti 3s Rotoiti 3t Rotoiti (Te) 3v .. 97 0 20 15 0 24 15 0 24 103 1 5 30 2 35 22 0 0 142 2 21 160 I 10 204 1 0 01 1 28 99 3 0 58 3 14 94 0 10 62 2 18 169 3 10 71 1 24 94 3 29 97 2 0 124 2 17 214 2 0 217 0 0 196 2 16 183 3 13 1 0 0 2,000 0 0 1 1 20 1,050 0 0 300 0 0 684 0 0 602 2 3 300 1 1.8 2,796 0 0 320 0 0 1,672 0 0 31,427 0 0 1,200 0 0 698 0 0 540 0 0 550 0 0 440 0 0 1,191 2 10 956 0 0 4,012 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,703 0 0 2,000 0 0 3,981 0 0 8,731 0 0 426 2. 26 901 1 14 453 2 0 194 2 10 778 1 24 923 0 0 1,214 3 0 1,295 3 0 737 2 8 1.166 0 17 3,184 1 33 914 0 0 41 3 18 159 0 0 217 0 0 184 2 0 207 0 0 425 0 0 1,700 1 10 47 3 37 06 1 29 2 2 0 2,941 0 0 3a 3a 2 3a 3a 3b 2 (balance) .. 3a 3b 4a 3a 3b 4b 1 3a 3b 4b 2 Oa,Soo. 2No.2bNo. 1 .. Oa, See. 2 No. 2b No. 2 . . 6a, Sec. 2 No. 3nNo. I .. 6a, Sec. 2 No. 3 B No. 2 .. (iA,Sec. 2 No. 3b No. 3 .. Oa, See. 2 No. 3u No. 4 .. OA.Sec. 2 No. 3b No. 5 .. Oa, Sec. 2 No. 4b Lb Oa, See. 2 No. 4b 2a 6a, See. 2 No. 4b 2b 0A,Seo. 2 No. 4e2e 6A,Seo. 2No.4b2f Oa, Sec.2No. 4:b2c Ua.iScc. 2No.4b2u 0.4, Sec. 2 No. 4b 1a 2 .. 6a, Sec. 2 No. 5b 3a . 6a, Sec. 2 No. 5b 3b 6a, Sec. 2 No. 5b 3c Oa, Sec. 2 No. 5b 3d Oa Sec. 2 No. 5b3e Ruamata Taheke (Te) No. 2 (part) and Pauhina-Manupirua Taheke-Papakainga (Te) 3, 4, 6 Tahora 2b 2b 1 TahorakuriNo. 2 TahorakuriNo. 5aNo. 1 . . Tahorakuri No. 5a No. 2a Tahorakuri No. 5a 2b Tahorakuri No. 5a No. 3 Tahorakuri No. 5a No. 4 Tahorakuri No. 5c Tahorakuri No. 5d Tahorakuri No. 5k Tahorakuri No. 6a Tahorakuri No. 6b Tahorakuri No. 6c I Tahorakuri No. 6c 2 TahorakuriNo. 6o 3 Tahorakuri No. 6c 4 Tahorakuri No. 6c 5 Tahorakuri No. 6c 6 Tahorakuri No. 7 Tahorakuri No. 8a Tahorakuri No. 8b Tohorakuri No. 8c Tahorakuri No. 8e and 8f Tahorakuri No. 8c and 8n Tahorakuri No. 8n TahorakuriNo. 8j I Tahorakuri No. 8.T 2 Tahorakuri No. 8k Tahorakuri No. 8l and 8m 2 Tahorakuri No. 9a Tahorakuri No. 9b and 9c Tahorakuri No. 9d Tahorakuri No. 9e Tahorakuri No. 9f Tahorakuri No. 9fl Taihaero No. 1, being Sub. 1 of Section 7 Taihaero No. 2, being Sub. 2 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 3, being Sub. 3 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 4, being Sub. 4 of Section 7 ■Taihaere No. 5a, being part Sub. 5 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 5b, being part Sub. 5 of Section 7 Takapuwahia H No. 4 .. 99 2 11 3,620 2 30 99 1 18 395 1 30 1,332 1 16 1,061 1 0 3,297 0 0 I ,350 0 0 790 0 0 400 0 0 595 0 0 I ,000 0 0 2,265 0 0 1,000 0 0 127 0 0 60 0 0 270 0 0 40 0 0 1,983 0 0 2,780 0 0 20 0 0 110 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 0,575 0 0 5,000 0 0 228 0 0 25 0 0 1,614 0 0 600 0 0 98 0 38 21 3 16 62 1 0 243 0 0 2,015 0 0 1,349 0 0 594 0 0 555 0 0 1,058 0 0 1,020 3 29 225 2 24 953 0 24 463 0 10 378 3 24 863 0 8 3,545 2 27 5 0 0 255 0 0 592 1 28 704 3 30 1,123 2 20 1,794 1 21 1,185 2 II 30 0 0 102 0 0 907 2 16 3,282 1 34 172 0 0 186 1 13 86 0 0 105 0 18 121 1 17 189 0 32 85 0 0 175 0 0 .-» 30 0 0 150 0 2 319 1 20 998 1 4 778 0 21 586 I 11 849 0 12 25 0 1 35 0 0 214 0 0 ,, * Since acquired ind proclaimed.

G.— 9

TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.


Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Tangatapu A 2 A. E. P. 141 0 0 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. Waimarama 3a 0b 0b A. B. V. 700 0 0 Alienations pre hibited. Ditto. Tangatapu B 2 Tapatu and Waitangirua No. 2 Tatua East Tauhara South B 1 Tauhara South li 2 Taumatamahoe 2b 2b — No. 15a (balance) No. 19a No. 19b No. 19c No. 19d No. 20 Taurewa 4 West D Tauranga-Taupo SB(bal'noe) Tibiomanono Tihoi 3b No. 1 .. Tihoi 3b No. 2 .. Tihoi 3b No. 3 .. Tihoi 3b No. 4 . . Tihoi 3b No. 5 . . Tihoi 3b No. 0 .. Tihoi 3b No. 7 .. Tihoi 3b No. 8b 2a Tihoi 3b No. 8b 2b Tihoi 3b No. 8b 3 Tihoi 3 b No. 8b 4 Tihoi 3b No. 8b 5 Tihoi 3 b No. 8b 6 Tihoi 3b No. 8b 7 Tihoi 3 b No. 8b 8 Tiritiri 6a 3 Tiritiri 6b No. 2 Tiritiri 6b No. 3 Tiritiri No. 5 .. Tiritiri No. 8a .. Tiritiri No. 8b 1 Tiritiri No. 8b 2 Tiritiri No. 2a, Section In Tiritiri No. 7b .. Tumunui No. 2.. Tutaekuri lc 1 .. Tutaekuri lc 9 .. Tutaekuri lc 10 ♦Tutaekuri lc 12 Tutukau East B No. 1 Tutukau East B No. 2 Tutukau East B No. 3 Tutukau East B No. 4 Tutukau B No. 5 Tutukau East B No. 6 . . Tutukau East B No. 7a .. Tutukau East B No. 7b .. Umukaimata 1a 2b 3b 2 Umukaimata 1a 2b 3c .. Umukaimata No. 3 b, Sec. 1 Waerenga West.. Wahino Rukuwai 2b Waihaha 3d 1 .. Waihaha 3d 2 .. Waihaha 3 k Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 4 Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 5 Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 6a Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 6n Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 7 Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 8a Waihi Kahakaharoa No. 8b Waikouaiti 46a Waikouaiti 65 .. Waimana Lot 70a Waimanu No. 1 Waimanu No. 2 Waimanu No. Ik Waimanu No. lo Waimanu No. 2a Waimanu No. 2b Waimarama 3a 6b Oa 327 0 0 2,239 0 7 12,900 0 0 14,300 0 0 1,800 0 0 922 1 37 40 0 0 30 1 36 149 2 0 67 2 37 100 0 0 948 0 0 474 0 0 2,958 0 0 769 1 0 1,566 0 0 3,000 0 0 300 0 0 157 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 7,235 0 0 5,304 0 0 9,709 0 0 5,030 0 0 10,213 0 0 0,093 0 0 126 0 0 16,129 0 0 1 3 38 3 1 22 5 2 2 I 3 20 0 2 24 1 2 8 2 0 27 20 0 28 14 2 11 3,346 0 0 919 0 0 47 3 9 60 2 15 524 2 0 246 2 19 622 0 31 496 3 16 539 3 27 60 3 15 503 3 28 407 0 0 2,785 I 20 325 1 17 104 2 0 450 0 10 1,240 0 0 12 0 30 3,000 0 0 3,901 0 0 32,104 0 I) 719 0 0 719 II 0 264 0 0 455 0 0 719 0 0 299 0 0 420 0 (I 9 I 33 26 0 0 21 1 38 330 0 0 9,937 0 0 70 3 14 24 3 4 450 0 (I 96 0 0 900 0 0 Waimarama 3a 6b 6u Waimarama 3a 6b 6f Waimarama 3a 6b 6g 1 .. Waione Waiotaka 4b Waiotaka 5 b Waipa, Lot 73b No. 1 .. Waipatukahu 1a Waipal.ukahu 1b Waipoua 2a No. 1b Waipoua 2a. No. lc Waipoua 2a No. Id Waipoua 2u No. 1 Waipoua 2b, See. 2b No. 1 Waipoua 2 b, Sec. 2b No. 2 Waipoua 2n No. 3b 1 Waipoua 2b No. 3b 2 Waipoua 2b No. 3k Waipoua 2o Wairau No. 3a . . Wairau No. 3b .. Waitakaruru lo No. 3a, Sec. 0 Waitakaruru lc No. 3a, Sec. 7 Waitakaruru lc, Sec. 3o No. 2 Waitaruna 1a .. Waitaruna 1b.. Waitaruna 2 .. Waitaruna 3 .. Waitaruna 4a .. Waitaruna. 4b . . Waitaruna 5a .. Waitaruna 5b . . Waitekaha No. 3 Waituhi-Kuratau 1b Waituhi-Kuratau 2a Waituhi-Kuratau 2b Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Waiunu Whakaihuwaka C No. 3 .. Whakaihuwaka C 13lNo. Id Whangaipeke Whangamata lo Wharawhara Wharawhara No. 2 Wharawhara No. 3 Whareponga 2b. . Wharepuhunga No. 18c .. j Wharekawa No. 4b No. 1a Wharekawa No. 4b No. 3 a Wharekawa No. 4n No. 3b Wharekawa No. 4b No. 3o Wharekawa No. 4b No. 3k Wharekawa. No. 3d No. 1b Wharekawa No. 4c No. 2a No. 2 Wharekawa No. 4o No. 2b No. 2 378 0 0 170 0 (I 531 3 30 4,144 0 0 37 2 12 779 I 28 19 2 17 2 3 32 7 3 18 204 1 30 203 1 19 204 1 0 20 0 0 405 3 0 100 0 0 317 0 0 900 0 0 S16 0 0 22 2 0 9 2 30 9 1 20 30 1 23 57 2 27 9 2 13 3 2 13 12 2 4 10 3 38 25 3 30 17 3 25 31 1 5 10 2 38 9 3 15 36 3 29 762 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 100 0 0 631 0 0 88 2 0 88 1 10 5,690 0 0 168 1 8 31 2 20 252 2 7 505 3 5 273 3 15 244 0 0 304 0 0 281 2 0 124 2 0 122 0 0 607 0 29 78 2 8 649 I 3 744 2 3 Ahikawariki Lot 0 (part) Hauturu East E No. 2, Sec. 2 a Araukuku A, Grant 3779 Araukuku B, Grant 3779 Araukuku C, Grant 3779 Araukuku I), Grant 3779 Araukuku, Grant 3779, 1892 Act Leases Eparaima B, Sec. I Hapotiki Block, 1892 Aot Leases, Grant 3952 Hauturu WestNo. 1 A, See.2b Hauturu WestNo. 1, Sec. 2b Hauturu WestNo. 1, Sec. 2e Hauturu West No. 1, See. 2o Hauturu West No. 2, Soc. In 15 3 29 344 1 7 118 0 0 200 0 0 135 0 0 198 0 0 1,278 1 20 590 0 0 3,499 3 4 480 3 32 47 0 22 47 0 22 84 3 15 317 3 12 " * Since acquired and proclaimed.



J'rice 6d.]

TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —!


i, not given ; printing (500 copies), £35.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. I Rom arki l_ i Hcruiwi 4a 2b .. Hoeotainui South No. 1b 4 Huirangi District, N.R. Sees. 1 and 184, Grant 3864 Hurakia 2b 2 Kaipikari (Tutanganui), Grant 5239 Koheroa Parish, Lot 39u Mahoetahi Nos. 4 and 7, Grant 3869 Mangahauini 6c Mangahouhou Mangaroa B 2r> (part) Mangaroa B 2e No. 1 Minarapa No. 3. . Minarapa No. 5.. Minarapa No..7.. *Mokau-Mohakatino IE 2a 2 Ngatihaua Block, Sec. 34, Block.XIII, Kaupokonui S.D., Grant 3802 Ngatihaua Block, Sec. 50, Block I, Waimate S.D., Grant 3802 Ngatihaua Block, See. 48, Bloek I, Waimate S.D., Grant 3802 Ngatihaua Block, Sec. 62, Block I, Waimate S.D., Grant 3802 Ngatihaupoto No. 31 Ngatihaupoto No. 66 Ngatihaupoto No. 72 Ngatihaupoto No. 73 Ngatihaupoto No. 74 Ngatihaupoto No. 75 Ngatihaupoto No. 76 Ngatihaupoto No. 77 Ngatihaupoto No. 88 Ngatihaupoto No. 99 Ngatikoi N.R., Block XVI, Ohinemuri S.D. Ngatimanuhiakai No. 2 .. Ngatimanuhiakai, 1892 Act Leases, Grant 5479 Ngatirahiri, Sec. 1, Block Vllf, Aroha S.D. ♦Ngatitamarongo No. 19.. Ngatitamarongo, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Ngatitara No. 22 Ngatitara No. 25 Ngatitara No. 28 Ngatitu No. 2 .. Ngatitu No. 24 Ngatitu No. 26 Ngatitu, Grant 3799, 1892 Act Leases (first residue) Ngatitupaea B .. Ngatitupaea. O .. Oakura, See. 168, Grant 3873 Oakura District, Part See. 5 Oakura, Town of, Sees. 195, 196, 197 Oakura, Town of, Sees. 198, 202, 204 Oakura, Town of, Sees. 214, 215 Oakura, Town of, Sees. 208, 216,217 Oakura Town Belt, Sees. 12, 13, 14, and 15 Okakewai Omuturangi Block, Grant 3801, Soc. 33, Block XII, Kaupokonui S.D. Omuturangi, Sees. 40, 41, 42, Block I, Waimate S.D. A. E. P. 1,667 0 0 576 2 37 ■ 40 2 0 Opunake S.D., Sees. 41 and 43, Bloek XIV Oropuriro 1 a (Te Hua N.R.) Paeroa South A No. 3 Paeroa South B No. 2b Paeroa South C No. 2b .. Paora-Aneti No. 19 Paora-Aneti No. 20 Papanui, Grant 3731, Sec. 15, Block III, Ngaire S.D. Parihaka 47 Poripori No. 1 .. Poripori No. 2 .. Pouakani A No. In Pukekohatu B ., Pukekohatu C .. Pukekohatu E, Grant 3923 Pukekohatu E .. Pukekohatu 17 . . Pukekohatu 18 .. Pukepapa Block (residue) Rangitoto-Tuhua 35e (part) Rangitoto-Tuhua 68m Subs. (Kopaki Township) Rauhine Rawhitiroa B No I Rawhitiroa C .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi — 6l 2b 1 6l 2b 2 6l 2b 5 Rua-o-te-Moki (To), Grant 3747 Ruatoki No. 1 Sub. Ruatoki No. 2 Sub. Ruatoki No. 3 Sub. Taheke No. 3 .. Taihaire No. 8 .. Taihaere No. 9 . . Tamahere, Sub. 1, Grant 3735 Tamahere, Sub. 2, Grant 3735 Tamahere, Sub. 3, Grant 3735 Tapuirau N.R. Tarawera Tatara-o-Kina Timahanga No. 1 Tuatini Natives Township Waihou A No. 8b Waikino Waiohau lA, Sec. 11 Waiohau 1 A, Sec. 12 Waiohau Ia, Sec. 13 *Waiotaina No. 4 *Waipa Parish, Lot 67 . . Wairoa S.D., See. 7, Block IX Waitangi Waitara S.D., Sees. 71 and 72, Block V, Grant 4019 Waiwakaiho Reserve M.. Whakaihuwaka C No. 13b Whakaihuwaka C No. 13c Whakaihuwaka C No. 13e Whakamarama No. I Whakao (Te) Whangaingatakupu 2o Whangaingatakupu 2b 2.. Wharckahika 6a (balance) Wharekahika 6c (part) .. Wharekahika 18c (part) . . Wharckahika 18d (part) .. Wharekahika 18k (part) .. Wharekahika 18n Wharetoto No. 2 A, B. p. 144 0 0 7 0 22 500 0 0 46 1 31 495 0 0 1,623 0 0 2,208 0 0 128 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 29 3 28 1 0 33 2,250 0 0 425 0 29 102 2 28 114 0 0 112 0 0 182 0 0 606 0 0 383 0 0 175 0 0 3,000 0 0 2,700 0 0 394 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 196 0 0 314 0 0 45 0 0 160 0 0 57 3 0 1,822 0 0 1.10 0 0 122 0 8 178 3 36 661 0 32 2 0 12 3 1 26 70 0 0 89 0 0 7 0 0 184 0 0 492 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 543 2 0 50 0 0 170 3 0 8,735 0 0 5,910 0 0 0,800 0 0 2,919 0 0 2 2 0 25 0 0 20 1. 13 27 0 8 64 1 0 1,355 0 23 77 1 21 147 0 0 50 0 0 87,000 0 0 6,300 0 0 2,577 0 0 147 0 0 779 0 0 763 2 4 I,133 2 0 945 0 27 99 0 0 538 0 0 305 0 0 80 0 0 1,207 3 15 174 0 0 440 0 0 302 0 0 500 0 0 165 0 0 449 0 0 2,472 2 2 200 0 0 200 0 0 1,405 0 0 390 0 0 34 3 25 6 1 0 1 2 0 464 0 0 50 0 0 17 0 0 12 0 0 3,330 0 0 2,500 0 0 155 2 0 70 3 2 9 0 0 9 0 0 159 0 0 20 0 0 45 0 0 50 0 0 7,949 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 I 2 0 21 0 0 1,504 0 0 553 0 0 425 1 25 Total 755,325 2 7 * Since acquin and proclaimed.

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