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Summary showing Results of working the Waimea-Kumara Water-races during the Year ended 31st March, 1920.

Mount Ida Watbr-raob, Central Otago (Mr, J. C. Buchanan, Manager). The Mount Ida water-race is about seventy miles in length, the lower forty miles of which has a carrying-capacity of 22 to 32 sluice-heads and is in good order. The capacity of tin's race gradually increases, and it is from the Eweburn reservoir for a distance of twelve miles that it is capable of delivering (lie full .'52 sluice-heads. The upper part of this race, some thirty miles in length, had formerly a carrying-capacity of 10 to 15 sluice-heads, but this portion is not in good order as no steps have been taken to repair the damage done by the Hood of May, 1 111 7. The branch races leading from Coalpit dam, four miles in length and having a capacity of 22 sluice-heads, are in good order, as well as those, about two miles in length, leading to Upper and Lower Spec Gully. The Blackstone Hill race, which commences at Johnstone's Creek, and after a course of eight, miles terminates at the lower saddle between Ida and Upper Manuherikia Valleys, has a carrying-capacity of 15 sluice-heads. This race has not been used for a number of years, and requires repairing.

Summary showing Results of working the Mount Ida Water-race during the Year ended 31st March, 1920.

ANNEXURE (J. Summary of the Report by run Inspector ok Stone-quarries for the North Island (Mr. James Newton). The greater portion of the period has been spent in visiting the various districts for the purpose of actual inspection, whilst the remainder has been occupied at clerical work in the Auckland office. A large percentage of the quarries, mostly in outlying districts, have been operated intermittently, and I have inspected such places when passing through ihe several districts, whether work was being carried on at the time of my visit or not. 1 have found generally that reasonable care with regard to the safe working of quarry-faces has been exercised by those persons in charge of operations. Most of the quarries are now being worked from the top downwards by benching, or else put on a satisfactory batter and worked from the bottom upwards in shallow faces, allowing the material to rill safely and easily to the foot of the face. This safe condition of the quarry-faces, in my opinion, has been brought about by careful inspection in the past by the Department's officials. Much improvement has also been effected in the matter of care in the storage of explosives. I desire again to express the opinion that the minimum height of a quarry-face—namely, 20 ft. required to bring a quarry within the scope of the Stone-quarries Act is too great. I have made a point of visiting a number of such places, and in some cases have found conditions which in my opinion should not exist, both with regard to the working of the quarry-face and the handling and care of explosives. T regret to have to report that the industry lias not been free from accidents during the period under review, one fatal and two serious accidents having occurred. Details of the former accident are supplied in the tabulated remarks of the Inspecting Engineer for Metalliferous Mines,

Name of Water-race. Expenditure. £ s. d. 1,037 16 1 410 (i 5 228 3 5 358 19 0 351 17 9 I Cash Sales o( Outstanding ''"'•"i"" 1 - Wato - 'supped" OB 81/8/20. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. ' £ s. d. 494 3 8 508 9 1 .. 114 I 0 20 15 0 j 19 15 0 .. ' 394 8 II 27 3 0 | 15 1 3 .. 32 16 0 44 16 8 ; 39 12 3 .. 128 7 9 72 13 I : 72 13 1 23 6 10 Coll Number oi Men employed. 10-75 0-66 4-66 5-66 lateral Advantages. bold Value of Oold obtained. obtained, Waimea Kumara Callaghan's Trans-Taramakau Krin-go-Braph Oz. £ s. d. 685 2,688 12 6 38 149 3 (I 201 788 18 (i 310 1,334 10 0 Totals for 1920 Totals for 1019 Decrease 2,387 2 8 1,946 13 9 | *440 8 11 059 II. 5 655 10 8 j 180 8 11 I 693 0 6 875 15 S S2I 19 8 23 0 II 66!) 7 I) 216 4 3 166 9 0 *157 8 0 *23 12 9 1 [ * Increase. 21-73 23-07 1-34 1.264 4.961 4 (I 1,380 5,416 10 0 116 155 li 0

Collateral Advantages. Fx-iipiiditare ' Ca8u Sales of Water Outstanding Expenditure. lw , eiv „„ Water . FreeWate, on 81/8/20 . Number Gm Valuo rf Gol(1 employed. ° U *™ <L °" tal " l> ' 1 - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. el. £ s. d. I s. d. Oz. ; £ s. d. 1,669 6 10 738 10 5 738 10 5 61 2 7 .. 15-5 836 3,218 12 0 1.403 II 9 1 706 14 9 706 1+9 63 1 I I .. 12-16 796 3.064 12 0 265 15 1 31 15 8 31 15 8 *l 19 4 .. 231 40 154 0 0 * Decrease. Totals for 1920 Totals for 1919 Increase