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Minerals other than Gold. Scheelite. —Owing to the cancellation of the Imperial Government's purchasing contract on the 30th April the production of scheelite ceased from thai date. The output during the period of four months amounted to 90 ions 16cwt., valued ai £21,025. Producers were compensated by the Imperial authorities for cancellation of contract, and in every case were satisfied with the treatment received. Accidents. I'ATAL. There were no fatal accidents in the Southern Inspection District during 1919. SERIOUS. Bth August: ,1. Christian, Livingstone—Broken collar-bone, caused by a fall of gravel in his own claim. Bth August: J. Meikle. Maerewhenua —Fracture'of leg, caused by a fall of clay in his own claim. Nth November: I). McKenzie, Junction Mine, Glenorohy -Fracture of leg, caused by a stone falling from the face.

ANNEXURE I?. SI'MMAUY OF REPORTS HV GOVERNMENT WATER-RACE MANAGERS. Waimea-Kumara Water-racks, Westland (Mr. James Roohk>rd, .Manager). II aimeii Water-race. The construction of the original Waimea water-race was completed about 1874. Its total length, including extension of Branch II lo Scandinavian Hill and the Waimea Extension additional supply from M acpherson's Creek to the Kawhaka Saddle, is II) miles 44 chains, and the total cost of construction approximately £127.000. The main race has a maximum carryingcapacity of 30 sluice-heads, and both it and the several branches are in good repair., Branch Purr to Ca/laghiin's and Middle Branch Flat. The construction of the Callaghan's water-race from the outlet of the Waimea pipe-line to Callaghan's Flat was completed in L 897 at a cost of approximately £5,050. Its length is I miles 02 chains, and carrying-capacity 25 sluice-heads to the junction with the Middle Branch race. The inverted siphon leading to Callagl 's will lake 15 sluice-heads. Middle Branch race was constructed in 1901. The cost of construction of this race and small storage reservoir was about £1,800, The length of Ibis race from the reservoir lo Middle Branch Flat is about one mile, and carrying-capacity 30 sluice-heads. With the exception of some necessary repairs to several flumings both these races are in good order. I\ unilira Water-race. The original race was constructed in 1878, and some branches now included sonic years later. The total length, including Kapilea Hill race, is three and three-quarter miles, and its construction has cost, including Nos. I and 2 reservoirs and various brandies, about £41,760. The head-race tunnel has a carry ing-capacity of 140 sluice-heads, but from there to the Taramakaii siphon the carrying-capacity is reduced to 00 sluice-heads. The tunnel and open ditching portions of the race arc in fairly good repair, but many of the old 30 in. steel pipes of the inverted siphon between Dillmanstown and Kumara need replacing. Kumara Supply Race. The intake is in the Kawhaka Creek, about one and a quarter miles below the headworks of the Waimea water-race, and it terminates at the headwaters of the Kapilea Creek,"covering a distance of about five miles. This race, which was completed in 1881 at a cost of £5,400, has a carrying-capacity of 35 sluice-heads, and was meant to augment the Kumara water-race supply. There has been little demand for water from the Kumara reservoir of late years, and as Ibis race has not been used for a considerable time repairs costing £600 to £700 will be required lo put il in working-order. A" (/ mora trans-Taramakau 11 u/er-race. This race was constructed in 1012, and comprises two miles of inverted siphon across the Taramakaii Valley and I mile 50 chains of open ditching. The total cost of construction, including reservoir and pipe bridge, was about £21,900. The carrying-capacity of the siphon lo reservoir-level is 15 sluice-heads and to water-race level 30 sluice-heads, while the open ditching from the reservoir lo Quinn's Terrace will carry 60 sluice-heads. This race is in good order except for certain seel ions of steel piping in the inverted siphon. Erin-go-Bragh I Vater-race. This race was purchased in 1913, and takes its intake from the big llobonu and runs to a storage reservoir at Kevell's Terrace, from which a branch race leads to Argus Terrace. The expenditure on this race, including widening, repairs to ditching, and extension, has amounted to about £2,900. The carrying-capacity to the reservoir is about 12 sluice-heads, and from there to Argus Terrace about 28 sluice-heads. The length of the race is about live miles, and the whole of it is in fair order. Wainihinihi Water-race. - This race was constructed in 1901, and comprises 95 chains of ditching and 35 chains of rock tunnel, at a total cost of about £16,000. The carrying-capacity is 35 sluice-heads, and the race is in good order.