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RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1919.


Amount. Total. Material on band at 31st Marcli, 19IK Expenditure oharged to Vote 85 by Treasury £ s. (I. 13,244 1 2 ill ,903 8 5 £ s. d. Less material on hand at 31st March, 1919 105,147 9 7 19,439 0 I 85,708 9 0 Kxpenditure on works, &c. — Way and Works Branch .. .. Locomotive Branch 29,270 17 11 56,437 11 7 85,708 9 8 Way amd Works Branch : Pabtioulabs ov Works, ETC. Railway. Work, e&c. Amount. Total. ■ Whangarei .. .. Footbridge, Kiorcroa Bridge- .. Gisborne .. .. i Additions to workshops and engine-depot North Island .Main Lines i Sidings, stockyards, crossings, &e. and Branches Additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, and other faoilil ies Purchase of land Additional works, water-services, &c, for Looomotivo Branch Additions to workshops Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities £ s. d. 2,586 9 10 8,712 7 7 £ s. d. 16 19 5 879 10 10 2,525 5 8 1,832 4 6 121 0 3 3,203 13 2 702 15 10 South Island Main Lines Sidings and Brunches Additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, and other facilities Purchase of land Additions to workshops New locomotive depot 112 0 I I 4,863 8 5 19,743 16 10 969 4 0 121 12 II 1,881 10 2 281 4 7 48 14 0 101 6 0 7,947 10 5 Westland .. .. Extension of station-yards.. Additions to workshops Additions to bridges 431 4 7 251. 9 10 Picton .. .. New locomotive depot £29,270 17 II