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REPORTS RELATING TO THE INSPECTION OF COAL-MINES. The Inspecting Engineer of Minks to the UNnER-SEORETAKY op Mines. Sir,— Wellington, 12th March, 1918. 1 have the honour to present my annual report, together with statistical information in regard to the coal-mines of the Dominion, for the year ended 31st December, 1917. The report is divided into the following sections : — I. Output. 11. Persons employed. 111. Accidents. IV, General Remarks. Annexures— A. Summary of Annual Reports by Inspectors of Mines. B. Statistics of Workings in Collieries.

SECTION I.—OUTPUT, The output of the several classes of coal mined in each inspection district is summarized as follows :—

6—C 2.

Output of Coal during 1917. Class of Coal. Northern West Coast | Southern Distriot. District. District. Total. Total Output to the End of 1917. I i Tons. Tons. Tons. Bituminous and semi-bitu- 101,320 \ 1,146,669 urinous" Brown... ... ... 369,318 109 259,747 Lignite ... 191,256 Tons. 1,247,989 629,174 191,256 Ton-. 30,048,697 13,774,384 2,335,509 Totals for 1917 ... 470,638 .1,146,778 4S1,003 451,003 2,068,419 2,068,419 46,158,590 . Totals for 191(1 ... 486,114 1,295,635 475,386 475,386 2,257,135 2,257,135 44,090,171 * Including ooa' form'rly classified as " pitch " coa as " pitoh " coal al. I.