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Waimea- Kumara Water-races. The following is a summary of the revenue and expenditure of these races for the year : Sales of water, £1,197 ; expenditure, £2,054 ; approximate value of gold obtained, £9,388 ; average number of miners employed, 46. The sales of water show a, decrease of £146. In addition to the above, free water to the value of £1 13 was supplied to parties opening out new claims. Mount Ida Water-race, Central Otago (Mr. J. (.'. Buchanan, Manager). The total sales of water from the Mount Ida Water-race during the year amounted to £1,200, a decrease on last year of £126. The expenditure on maintenance and repairs for the same period amounted to £1,167, a decrease on last year of £455. Free water for washing up was supplied to the value of £96. The approximate quantity of gold obtained by parties using water from the race was 1,477 oz., valued at £5,686, an increase on last year of £854. The average number of men employed was 17-33. From the Ist April until the 26th May the season continued very dry, with a shortage of water. On the 26th May (after about six months' drought) an exceptionally heavy rain set in, and, continuing on the 27th, caused one of the heaviest Hoods known in this district for many years. The lower sections of the race suffered little damage, but on the upper section the flood caused four breaks. brought in several slips, filled in creek-crossings, anil in places completely filled the race with debris, the worst of these places being near Trinity Creek, where it is filled for a distance, of 5 chains. The chief cause of this damage was that after 10 in. of snow had fallen a heavy warm rain set in, which quickly melled the snow and caused every small hollow to become a raging torrent. Owing to the shortage of labour 1 have so far been unable to carry out the necessary repairs to this section of the race.