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Appropriations for Public Works Services.

CLASS XXII.—ROADS, ETC.—continued.

Item. 1916-17. MINISTER OF PUBLIC WOBKS— continued, £ £ p VOTE No. 109— continued. Roads, etc. — continued. Dunedin Road District —continued. 1753 Kaler Saddle Road (£1 for £1) ... Clutha 100 L754 Koi to Gore Main Road ... ... ,, 50 1755 Lakeside ... ... ,, 200 1756 Long Point Road ... ... ,, 50' 1757 Maclennan River Footbridge ... ,, 50 1758 Maclennan Railway-station to School ,, 125 1759 Martin Road ... ... ,, 50 1760 Main South Road (£1 for £1) ... ,, LOO 1761 McKenzie Road ... ... „ 175 1762 McLennan River Bridge ... ,, 1,500 1763 Morris Saddle ... ... „ 175 1764 Newcastle ... ... „ 150 1765 Nugget Burn ... ... ,, 100 1766 Olleranshaw ... ... ,, 50 1767 Owaka Main Road to Cannibal Bay (£1 for £1) ,, 50 1768 Owaka to Purekireki (£1 for £1) ,, 575 1769 Papatowai to Long Beach Creek ... ,, 275 1770 Pomahaka River Bridge (Burk's Ford), „ LOO on account of £900), (£1 for £1) 177 L Pomahaka River Bridge (Pomahaka Tuapeka 100 Siding), (on account of £600), (£1 for £1) 1772 Pomahaka River Bridge (Tweedie's Clutha and 200 Ford), (£2 for £3) Tuapeka L773 Pullar ... ... Clutha 50 1774 Puaho ... ... „ 550 L775 Puerua Valley ... ... „ 100 1776 Rankleburn (£1 for £1) ... ... Tuapeka 50 1777 Regan Road ... ... Clutha 225 1778 Rimu S.D., Block XIV (access) ... ,, 1,000 1779 Riverside ... ... ,, 50 L780 Robertson Road (Waiwera) ... ,, 50 L781 Sandford Road ... ... ,, LOO 1782 Stuart Road (£1 for £1) ... ... „ LOO 1783 Tahakopa to Papatowai ... ... ,, 100 1784 Tahakopa River Bridge (on account ,, 500 of £3,900) 1785 Tapanui to Dalvey Bush ... Tuapeka 1 100 1786 Tautuku River Bridge ... ... Clutha 500 1787 Tautuku to Waikawa ... ... ,, 200 1788 Waikoata ... ... ,, LOO L789 Waikoikoi Cemetery .... „ LOO 1790 Waipahi Station (£1 for £1) ... ,, 50 1791 Waipahi to Pomahaka Downs (£1 for £1) ,, 50 1792 Waipahi to Pukerau (on account of ,, 675 £681), (£1 for 10s.) 1793 Waipahi to Tapanui (£1 for £1) ... ,, 200 1794 Warepa Survev District (access to ,, 50 Section 28, Block IX) 1795 Woodland Survey District (access to ,, 50 Sections 21 and 22, Block X) 1796 Woodrow Road (£1 for £1) ... ,, 50 1797 Wright Road ... ... „. 100 1798 Wyber Road ... ... ,, LOO 1799 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of ... 100 roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, horse-paddocks, kc. 1800 Supervision ... ... ... LOO 1801 Miscellaneous works and services, in- ... 100 eluding assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, (fee. I — Total—Dunedin ... ... 35,115