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B.- 7a

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

CLASS XXII.—ROADS, ETC.— continued.


Item. 1916-17. MINISTER OF PUBLIC WOBKS— continued. £ £ .** VOTE No. 109— continued. Roads, etc — continued. Dunedin Road District, —continued. 1701 Kaitangata to Centre Road (Inch- Bruce Clutha), (£1 for £1) 1702 Kaitangata protective works (on ac- ,, count of £700), (£1 for £1) 1703 Lakeside to Stirling (£1 for £1) 1704 Lovells Flat to Kaitangata ... ,, 1705 Lower Crookburn to Clair's ... Tuapeka 1706 Lucas Road (£1 for £1) ... ... Clutha 1707 Manuka to Mount Stuart (£1 for £1) Bruce 1708 Milburn to Circle Hill (£1 for £1) ... L709 Mill Hill Road (£1 for £1) ... Tuapeka 1710 Milton to Akatore Coast (Grange Hill) Bruce 1711 Morgan Bridge (£1 for £1) 1712 Mount Stuart Road (£1 for £1) ... Tuapeka 1713! Murray Road (£1 for £1) ... Bruce 1714! Prentice Road 1715 Pukeawa to Shands ... ... ,, 1716 Riverbank Road (£1 for £1) 1717 Rongahere to Tuapeka Mouth (£1 for £1) Clutha 1718 Saddleback Road ... ... Bruce 1719 Sally Gully Road 1720 Shagree Creek Bridge ... 1721 Stirling to Main Road ... 1722 Stirling to Telegraph Road 172:' Taieri Mouth to Akatore Creek (Morgan ,, Road), (£1 for £1) 1724 Toko Bridge (£1 for £1) ... 1725 Tokomairiro River Bridge (Mount ,, Stuart), (£1 for £1) 1726 Tuaneka Mouth Bridge to Punt (£1 Tuapeka for £1) ] 727 Tuapeka Mouth to Clydevale Road (£1 Clutha for £1) 1728 Tuapeka West (£1 and £1) ... Tuapeka 1729 Waihola to Ouseburn Valley (£1 for £1) Bruce 1730 Waitahuna to Greenfield, via river (£1 for £1) Tuapeka 1731 Wangaloa to Coombe Hay ... Bruce 1732 Waronui to Coombe Hay (£1 for £1)... 1733 Balclutha protective works (£1 for £1) Clutha L734 Balclutha to Port Molyneux (on account of £872), (£1 for £1) 1735 Barry Road ... ... ,, 1736 Bryant Road 1737 Campbell's to Purakauiti Dairy Factory ,, 1738 Catherwood Road ... ... ,, 1739 Catlins S.D. (access to Section 16, Block II) 1740 Catlins S.D., Block VII, access to Sections 7 and 17 (tramway) 1741 Catlins Valley extension' ..-. ,, 1742 Catlins Valley to Table Hill 1743 Clinton to Wyndham (£1 for £1) ... 1744 Dan's Peak Road 1745 Dutton Bridge to Tahora Railway-station ,, 1746 Glenomaru Survey District (access to ,, Sections65, 67, 68,and 69, Block VIII) 1747 Hanniug Road ... ... ,, 1748 Hay Road (£1 for £1) ... 1749 Horan Road 1750 Hunt Road (£1 for £1) ... 1751 Joe Saddle Road (£1 for £1) 1752 Kahuika to Houipapa Railway-station ,, 75 100 100 50 75 50 50 50 100 100 150 50 75 75 50 75 50 50 LOO 300 LOO 50 100 600 300 50 200 100 100 100 250 100 600 375 50 50 200 75 100 200 425 100 175 50 75 100 75 50 125 200 50 150