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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. 1916-17. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S BRANCH— continued. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 VOTE No. 62— continued, (c.) Territorial Force— continued. Cost and upkeep of targets, training requisites, miniature rifle ranges, cost of towing targets for practice, &c , and other expenses in connection with annual course of musketry Hire of buildings and grounds for parades, &C. Maintenance and repairs to drill-halls and rifle ranges (including caretaking, rent, &c.) Travelling allowances and expenses Travelling allowances and expenses of non-commis-sioned officers attending examinations for promotion Rail fares and freights Fuel, light, and water, also cleaning offices, washing, labour receiving and delivering cargo ... Guards of honour and escorts Maintenance grant (including advances thereon) for Territorials, Senior Cadets, and General Training Section Miscellaneous stores, rent of offices (including office requisites) Purchase and upkeep of horses and mules (including medicines, clipping, &c), also cost of upkeep of bicycles Telephones 700 5,000 4,000 15,000 200 20,000 27 28 2,400 10 18,000 29 3,200 30 31 1,500 800 32 (d.) Stores and Magazines— Spare parts for small-arms, maintenance of arms, mineral jelly, rifle oil, Morris tubes, &c... 5,000 33 34 Accoutrements, dc. — Bandolier equipment; haversacks and material for same, swords, &c. Army Service transport wagons, harness, pack-saddlery, water-carts, saddlery, bicycles, etc. Camp equipment, &c. 1,000 35 350 2,000 36 Medical Equipment and Veterinary Service Supplies — Medical stores, medicine chests, surgical haversacks, veterinary chests and ambulance stretchers, and all equipment for field hospitals, tables, refilling medical and veterinary chests, farriers' tools, &c... 500 37 88 39 Ordnance — Ordnance and field gun ammunition Small-arms ammunition and cordite Ordnance stores and spares ... 6,000 50,000 1,500 10 41 Clothing — Supply of uniforms, &c, for Territorial Force Supply of uniforms, &c, for Senior Cadets 10,000 8,000 42 43 14 45 Other Charges for and incidental to — Audit fees for inspection of accounts Com mission of inquiry re Defence stores Components for wireless apparatus Expenses in connection with the purchase of warlike stores in England, including salary of clerk to Inspector of Warlike Stores Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 Funeral expenses Insurance on buildings Labour, repairs, and additions to magazines, store buildings, and grounds, fuel, light, and water 100 10 50 125 150 50 30 16 47 48 19 2,000